Hi Pegasus,
I've been trying to go back and look at this new-age stuff with a critical eye. Here are some examples of sites I used to frequent, in case you wanted to see them.
If I were to think for myself, I'm afraid you'll see me as immature, but here goes:
If you look at all these sites, they say, "look at how great the ascended earth is going to be and how awesome life will be! But you have a choice. So we don't want you to do anything out of fear. But if you choose not to ascend, that choice will be respected, and you'll have to learn the lessons of unconditional love in another 3D world." So they're inferring that it'll be like this 3D world, which isn't fun to live in. Here is where my brain comes in.
I look at these and think, "ascension is too much work. I'm not interested." And then they tell you what the ascended world looks like, and I'm like, "the same crap is happening to you and you're just looking at it differently? That's all? That doesn't sound fun. I don't want it." But the other choice, living in limitation/darkness/fear, they don't make it sound great either. Basically, they say, "in the new earth, you'll be challenged, but just joyfully see it as an opportunity for growth. You'll see everything that way. But you'll be off the karmic wheel. You won't suffer anymore."
Call me weird, but I see contradictions in that...
I mean, if somebody finds things "challenging" they usually have to go through some kind of pain, discomfort, or a process that, for lack of a better word, they don't enjoy, or isn't fun. They might have to "suffer" some physical obstacle/illness/whatever to get where they want to go. If they did not, then life would be catigorized as easy.
The "5th demension" as some channelings and teachers would have you believe, is fun and definitely easier than the 3rd demension, if not easy. Of *course* we're gonna wanna ascend to the higher demension, if you make it sound that good. But if you make it sound like tons of work to get there (clearing karma, healing your past, examing negative emotions, all of which, if you ask me, is a never-ending or near-impossible process since we'll never be free and clear of anything), and then say life will be challenging in the new world anyway, if ascension doesn't sound that it's all it's cracked up to be, some of us might not want to ascend after all. Then why do you say, "okay, it's your choice. You have free will. You'll just say in duality/limitation/conciousness, you'll just stay in the world of wars and poverty and lack." Which isn't fun either, because the whole reason why you wanted to ascend was to escape all that. Then just when you think you've done the necessary work to ascend, they say, "ascension isn't about going anywhere. It's about staying right here and creating the new earth, which you all came to this planet to do, you just don't remember." Um, isn't that a bait-and-switch thing? Why didn't you tell us that before?
Why do we have to do all these technique for spiritual development anyway. "work on your spiritual growth" they say. They say, "if you don't want to work on various processes, then spiritual growth is not a priority for you. That's okay." Not the way you just said it, it isn't. On one hand, you say spiritual growth is completely voluntary, but on the other, you maka it sound anybody who has any intention of ascending, getting to the next level, whatever, will do certain spiritual growth work. And if we don't, you don't say it, but we must be... we must be... what's the word... lazy, which seems to be a bad thing, particularly if we want to do things that are fun.
I've come to think that the curse words for spirit are "easy" "fun" "comfortable" "pleasant" all the good stuff. Yet we're not supposed to judge anybody or their decisions in any way. Aren't they saying one thing and implying another?
I mean, it's either "you're totally responsible for every single little thing. There are no victims, only volunteers" which I disagree with, or you're either "get rid of/destroy/reprogram your ego/mind. Or use your analytical or critical thinking skills, but only for certain purposes, for getting through daily life in the 3D world." Isn't that controlling how you're using things? Isn't that controlling your thoughts and feelings? And they say "give up control, control is a bad thing. But in the new earth, you can control whatever you want. Well actually, you have free will, but it's limited." Limited free will?? Which is it? Make up your mind!
In Christianity I questioned why a loving God would be so judgmental, and I actually believed I'd go to hell if I didn't attend church weekly. In Paganism I questioned why we had to parallel nature exactly, and work on balance if it was near impossible for us to achieve it anyway. If you're going to work on something, deities would not give you an assignment and then make it impossible for you to completely succeed at it. Don't give us the Rede, the Charge of the God/goddess, the witch's pyramid, and then get all excited when we have trouble following it perfectly, and then say, "you're not supposed to follow it perfectly. It's impossible to not do harm to anyone. Even when you breathe, you're harming the microbes." Why did you tell us to do something you knew it was impossible for us to do then? Even if the Rede is only a suggestion, don't give it to us unless we can do it properly! I questioned why humans had to strive to be exactly like nature, although I acknowledged we can parellel nature in many ways. But when you worship/honor the earth and how loving it and deities are, then turn around and say how a natural disaster must be respected, even if it causes awful destruction you still love the earth anyway? I don't think so. What if we don't want to reincarnate? You say, "you can have that belief, but it doesn't matter, because this is the reality and you'll want to reincarnate when you die, you just can't remember it now. You don't know what you're saying/thinking."
What is the point of giving us concious free will to make decisions if you say the majority of our decisions are made from spirit, and we can't access spirit anyway? You can't say "this is the only realm where you have complete free will" then turn around and say, "there are limitations to what you can control." That's contradicting yourself.
As much as I disagree with the new-age belief that "we're all one", it's so prevailent that I can't get away from it, and I wonder if they're right after all. I wish I knew where the belief in separation-conciousness and oneness-conciousness came from. Living in oneness and living like Eckhart Tolle does not sound appealing at all to me, but the new-age says that's where we're headed, like it or not, and we're apparently all supposed to want that, though we can't remember it, and we'll love it when it happens.
Then they say "you must learn the difference between your ego and your spirit." There's all these definitions of what ego is, and none as to what spirit is. If you ask someone how you know if something comes from spirit, you get, "you'll just know. Nobody can tell you" which is the vaguest answer I've ever seen. But if you ask what ego is, you get, "oh, that's your concious rational mind. Do away with it and expand your conciousness." So we're supposed to expand our counciousness but not be concious of it? Or not know we're concious? Or what?
The new-age makes it seem as though you have to be a hermit to study all this information, which prevents you from going out and living your life. Yet they say you must do both, which is virtually impossible, and they answer that with "it's challenging/hard but it can be done." Really? Then why has nobody ever managed to do it successfully? I wrote to Karen Bishop's sister once, and asked why, because I couldn't help noticing, why all the self-proclaimed enoightened new-agers all seemed to make a business out of it. They sold books and tapes teaching other people how to be enlightened, published magazines, channeled spirits, traveled the world, and gave talks and seminars. You never see then in what they'd consider to be "mundane" life. Why weren't there any enlightened housewives/ factory workers, people with actual occupations?
She didn't like that at all...
The only spiritual concept I've loved since childhood, and still do, is heaven, the afterlife, near-death experiences. I've always been fascinated by death, ever since I can remember. So I asked Sal Rachele, who channeled a particular spirit, if that spirit could tell me what life was like. What she did all day (or whatever their concept of time is), what were her relationships like, activities, etc. Because I'm just curious. Do you know what the answer I got was?
He wrote back and said that the spirit he channels is very busy with important things, like working with the Galatic Confederation and assisting people with personal and planetary ascension, and was too busy to answer my mundane questions. I guess I'm supposed to be concerned with important things, like spiritual growth and spiritual matters, if I am to be anybody. Even if I think the spiritual life is very boring. And I thought spirits who ascended to the 6th demension were supposed to be warm and friendly. I thought the higher you go, the nicer you are. If you look at Sal Rachele's site, he says he's ascended a certain high percentage, and I guess he has a background in science. I know nothing about these things so naturally I'd believe people who say they're scientists. There's articles on "the accuracy of channeled messages" where they warn people of the dangers of channeling, then imply that "not us, we're a good source, we channel only high-demensional beings." Sometimes I wonder if it's the messages that are screwed up (they're true to a point, and I recognize you shouldn't live your life in total fear of everything, but they don't acknowledge that fear can be a good thing.) or whether these new-agers twist them.
The only thing I've loved since childhood is Sylvia Browne's books. People say, "that's great. Go with that." But it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to believe something when everyone around you doesn't believe it themselves and all you read of an author is controversial. I grew up with authoritarian parents and there was a lot of emotional/mental/psychological/physical abuse, which noone will admit to, and which I got the brunt of because I questioned everything. Even as an adult I'd get, "if you're in the minority, you have to start wondering if there's something wrong with you" from my family. My younger brother and sister were, and still are, like 2 peas in a pod, but I spent life alone because I was made fun of for my beliefs. Or things that were seen as flaws in my personality were changed by state social workers. I'm totally blind so when you have a disability the state likes to barge in and put help on you when you don't want it, and you're supposed to thank them and not resist because they say they know more than you do, and when you stand up to them they don't like it at all. They physically forced me to cross streets because they said I had to know how to do that by the time I was 18, even though I said I didn't want to. My vision teacher wrote in my yearbook "I know I've changed a lot in you, but it's all been for the better."
And I've never fit in anywhere, in social circles or in religions, because I never agree with everything totally. Having unique beliefs can be very lonely, and it helps me when there's people who share them. There's strength and safety in numbers, at least for me. I'm easily influenced by everything. You know how a brick building can stand on its own and is really strong because there's hundreds of little bricks to help it stand with a common purpose? And you know how a little twig will go ever-which-way in a breeze because there's nothing to hold it up? And asking the little twig to stand by itself in a storm is impossible, because a twig cannot do that when it's all alone?
Well, I'm the twig. That's why I came here. Maybe we can all be twigs together and the next time a belief comes along we could ask each other questions and be stronger that way. And eventually, we'll be like a brick building, strong enough to stand up on our own.
I do not mean to support these new-age beliefs. They just come out of my mouth and my brain before I can stop them. I see contradictions, and my logical mind is saying that might be a sign they're not for me, but the other side is going, "maybe spirit does not have to do with the logical mind at all. How would you know? You don't know everything. You don't want to be the only one who feels a certain way about things, do you? What if we're right and you're wrong?" I struggle with that a lot.
I hate myself for getting involved in this. I just want my life back...