how can you believe in a hindu god and still have a free mind/? seems like a contradiction to me.
Krishna is not a Hindu God. Hindu is just a word made up by Muslims, as you may already know. India has vast Vedic culture which is timeless, or let us say has last recorded scriptures from 5000 years ago. India was called Bharata Varsa before, not India. Indians were not called Hindu then.
America is called America after Amerigo Vespucci.Ask ordinary civilized people on the streets do they know that?
As i have said i am not a member of any organization, church or sect anymore.
I do have a teacher, or better said spiritual father(or Guru, and Guru is sanskrit word for teacher, not to be equal like slang word Guru for a person which takes your money and teaches you about new age stuff), and certainly not the one which likes expensive watches, takes money from disciples and pretends to be a Guru.
My Teacher is real, not a fake, and i have seen that, and believe me i am no blind follower. I follow path of Bhakti in a way which Iskcon doesn't like, and allow their members to follow. Iskcon simply expells people like myself, and don't like them to talk to others in Iskcon about certain topics.In a subtle and almost cynical way in some cases i have had experienced in the past,person can see those differences ˝˝on your skin˝˝.
I do study in a way you have described, with free and open mind, but of course with certain rules and regulations which are normal, not imposed, false, made up or fabricated.