Prasadam Das:
It is interesting that suddenly there is an interest expressed by ISKCON devotees concerning this message board.
Please understand that the purpose of this board is not really to help "people learn more about alternative forms of spirituality."
In fact the rules prohibit proselytizing.
The purpose of the board is to discuss controversial groups and movements, some that have been called "cults," such as ISKCON.
You have chosen to post on a section that is specifically about "recovery" from such groups. Though it seems that this is not your issue.
But thank you for acknowledging that many people have left ISKCON and that it can be "very fanatical."
However, assigning blame regarding members leaving ISKCON to "politics and... attachments" sounds a bit like victim bashing or at best cult apology.
Is that your purpose for posting here?
You say that "the positive...outweigh
the negative" at ISKCON, which again sounds like an apology.
ISKCON has a very serious criminal history and one of its most prominent leaders was sent to prison.
Note the following article:
ISKCON had also admitted to gross child abuse. And though it claims to have addressed this issue, the children victimized at ISKCON don't seem to agree with that assessment.
Note the following articles:
Historically, when cult groups have been caught and/or exposed regarding their bad conduct they typically claim to have subsequently changed.
But has ISKCON really changed?
Nori Muster, a former ISKCON devotee and noted author, doesn't think so. Please read her article linked below.
See []
Specifically, what meaningful leadership changes have been made at ISKCON?
Bishops have stepped down amidst the scandals that have recently rocked the Roman Catholic Church.
What officials at ISKOCON have stepped down?
Instead some ISKCON reformers have been removed.
See []
Hindus also have raised serious questions about ISKCON's teachings.
See the following links:
And why does the organization persists in its effort to solicit in airports, despite repeated court rulings?
See []
I continue to receive complaints about ISKCON, as recently as this year, from families and former members.
As you say, "The abuse that takes place in many spiritual groups (including what has taken place in Iskcon) is a bad thing."
Please understand that the complaints I have received about ISKCON are not about its "spirituality," but about the behavior of "mindless cult member" and/or leaders at ISKCON.
As you say, "The proof is in the pudding!"
And given ISKCON's sordid history of destructive behavior I would not recommend it as an "external religious system or path" to anyone under any circumstances.