Hi Greg, David, Joe, Mark, Brent, …
Before I get into my subject matter, I’d like to mention something concerning all the views to this website. I know back in 1998 – 1999 a certain leader charged another leader in front of the leadership and certain door brothers (aka door keepers elsewhere) in the valley to “be diligent to check on the internet frequently”. I didn’t know what was meant by that comment nor the subsequent response of; “I’m checking it once a week.” Now I understand! Leadership must be viewing this site and others like it. So, to those in leadership, I invite your comments on these issues that have been brought up in this forum. No doubt you feel very strongly concerning your convictions. However, your lack of posts to this thread should be worrisome to the “testimony of the assembly.” If you have something to say, then do so. Otherwise your silence means only one thing to me, you aren’t responding because you have no answers. In other words, WE’RE RIGHT!
Concerning what it is like to leave the assembly,...I think I'll have to submit this to [
It's going to be too long for this forum. I'm almost done with it.
BTW, geftakysassembly.com is an excellent website. The reconstruction that is going on is well done.
The Lord bless you all,