Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: FireWalker ()
Date: June 01, 2019 10:34PM

Reepicheep Wrote:

> Welcome back, FireWalker. Yes, that is correct.
> Because of current statutes of limitations for
> reporting child sexual abuse, civil suits are the
> option that is available. So diabolical that
> people were told not to report and that "it would
> be handled internally"...whatever the hell THAT
> means.

Thanks Reepicheep.

Must be scary to file a civil suit. Props to the women who went so public.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 02, 2019 03:36AM

Reepicheep Wrote:
> I saw the word "charges" and thought cops finally
> got smart. Sounds like no police involvement but
> instead people being brave enough to sue on their
> own. Right?
> Welcome back, FireWalker. Yes, that is correct.
> Because of current statutes of limitations for
> reporting child sexual abuse, civil suits are the
> option that is available. So diabolical that
> people were told not to report and that "it would
> be handled internally"...whatever the hell THAT
> means.

It continues to means they do not want any one to unearth anymore secrets that go deep as hell, I think. Intimidation in a sneaky way.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 02, 2019 03:44AM

Ohman? Wrote:
> Anybody remember the bus driver. I think from
> Anaheim to living word school. Ken?
> I got a whooping from him while preaching the
> word. Every word a spank. Not sure what I did.
> Maybe deserved it but anyway He was known for his
> whooping. My sis got whoop to.

Thanks for sharing that information Ohman.
I'm not telling you what to do - but- that kind of information you or anyone has- even tho long ago- it would be helpful, I believe, to pass it on to Zalkin Law Firm who is handling the first case of sexual abuse allegations that were filed this week. There number is Phone: (858) 259-3011 They are in Sand Diego They are aware of the fact that we got moved around lot.

No pressure- I think you all feel at times a cringe when someone even suggests.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 02, 2019 04:36AM

For newbies trying to make sense of the mess with The Church of the Living Word; its sister churches and Shiloh this post explains why the mother church in Washington, Iowa broke away and even went to court.

There is a link to a newspaper article- worth reading.

GSchaeff Wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I'm sharing some documents I've accumulated
> recently.
> 1) Here is Woodrow Nichol's book on TLW. In it,
> Nichols documents many travesties which serve as
> warning signs for some of the terrible things
> we've unfortunately all become aware of recently.
> Nichols raises many warning signs about JRS'
> authoritarian personality, as well as his
> insistence on total submission and unquestioning
> loyalty from his followers. Nichols also documents
> allegations of JRS abusing the trust and devotion
> his congregation placed in him by using his
> position as pastor to pursue and commit affairs,
> beginning as early as 1967. That particular
> incident split the Valley church when love letters
> were found corroborating claims that he'd been
> using his influence as pastor to seduce a deacon's
> wife.
> []
> 2) This is an article in the Honolulu Advertiser
> dated Sunday, June 27th, 1999, a time that Gary
> was likely giving a Summer Camp sermon at Shiloh,
> Iowa. In the article, Gary is showing off his
> "Hidden Island Sanctuary," a luxurious property he
> and Marilyn owned on Oahu. This property is
> located within a mile of both the ocean and
> Diamond Head State Park. In the article, Gary
> claims that most of the renovations were done
> almost exclusively with church labor. It appears
> that in either June of 2000 or April 2005, Gary
> sold this property at a considerable gain. If it
> was sold in 2005, the sale price was $3.5M. Also
> in April 2005, Gary purchased his current
> property, located within a half mile of another
> beach. Gary's current property appears to have
> also been renovated and has since seen a large
> increase in value as well, from approx. $1.75
> million in 2005 to approx. $3.25M today. My
> sources all come from public data available
> online, primarily the City & County of Honolulu
> and a local Oahu real estate page,
> Therefore, these figures could be inaccurate, but
> are reasonable estimations. I share them because
> this is how things appear based on public data. At
> the very least, this shows an example of the
> luxury Gary and Marilyn have enjoyed for the past
> few decades. Unfortunately, if accurate, it could
> also serve as an example of Gary using church
> labor to greatly amplify his personal wealth.
> []
> 3. An interview given to the Iowa City Press
> Citizen detailing "death prayers" being directed
> by leadership toward Martha Stevens at Shiloh.
> These prayers have been vehemently denied by
> leadership as having occurred, although at times
> it is admitted that they were prevalent, but "in
> no way sanctioned by JRS or senior leaders."
> []
> 4. A Des Moines Register article detailing a
> burglary case involving Joe Knott, a member of
> TLW, who burned down the house of a critic of John
> Robert Stevens. In the court case, Knott claimed
> that the local church at Shiloh incited him to
> commit the burglary and arson.
> []
> These articles do not prove beyond a reasonable
> doubt any wrong doing. That said, they should
> raise questions. Those questions should be asked,
> and they should not be discouraged. These events
> do not need to be believed, but we should all be
> aware that they're possibilities. I repeat, they
> should not be discouraged. At this point in TLWF's
> history, ex-members probably outnumber current
> members by thousands. There are countless
> testimonies of ex-members explaining how TLWF
> harshly discourages asking questions that are
> critical of its history or the decisions of its
> leaders. My point is not to spread gossip. My
> point is that this church has discouraged any
> criticism whatsoever with phrases like "that's
> just gossip," "check your spirit," or "so and so
> is just bitter." Ask questions. Demand answers.
> There is nothing shameful about seeking the truth.
> GS

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 03, 2019 01:56AM

GSchaeff Wrote:

> 2) This is an article in the Honolulu Advertiser
> dated Sunday, June 27th, 1999, a time that Gary
> was likely giving a Summer Camp sermon at Shiloh,
> Iowa. In the article, Gary is showing off his
> "Hidden Island Sanctuary," a luxurious property he
> and Marilyn owned on Oahu. This property is
> located within a mile of both the ocean and
> Diamond Head State Park. In the article, Gary
> claims that most of the renovations were done
> almost exclusively with church labor. It appears
> that in either June of 2000 or April 2005, Gary
> sold this property at a considerable gain. If it
> was sold in 2005, the sale price was $3.5M. Also
> in April 2005, Gary purchased his current
> property, located within a half mile of another
> beach. Gary's current property appears to have
> also been renovated and has since seen a large
> increase in value as well, from approx. $1.75
> million in 2005 to approx. $3.25M today. My
> sources all come from public data available
> online, primarily the City & County of Honolulu
> and a local Oahu real estate page,
> Therefore, these figures could be inaccurate, but
> are reasonable estimations. I share them because
> this is how things appear based on public data. At
> the very least, this shows an example of the
> luxury Gary and Marilyn have enjoyed for the past
> few decades. Unfortunately, if accurate, it could
> also serve as an example of Gary using church
> labor to greatly amplify his personal wealth.
> []

It's stunning how he has been able to exploit church labor all these years.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 03, 2019 02:54AM

Thank you GS and Changed for sharing.
Here are more links to clippings. The stories in CA did not match.

Very enlightening: maybe helpful to those trying to fit together pieces.

Because I grew up in Christian Tabernacle with WJ Stevens as my loving pastor and Fred Bickhart who taught the Bible I will always be partial to them as pastors up to the time of my membership under the pastor-ship.

Obviously in the cult history something was very very wrong- leadership in TLW WERE told of multiple issues.

If I had known a different version from what came over the pulpit in Anaheim of what when on in Iowa I NEVER would have put my kids in Kingdom school. Finally I have a better idea of what happened. I believe that most TLW members were lied to to all too often.







"Concubines" alleged in this mess: []

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2019 03:09AM by NancyB.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 03, 2019 03:19AM

Information about Shiloh University: []

I find it confusing that it is stated to be "Non-profit Christian" when TLW is far from sticking to "Christian" principles. Please correct me if I am wrong assuming that Gar Hargrave would be chancellor of Shiloh University and be preaching and practicing NOT-SO Christ -like messages.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 03, 2019 03:43AM

Walked, thank you for your valuable input on November 18,2018 []

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 03, 2019 10:56AM

Yes. valuable input.
And here's another noteworthy comment by Walked, posted a few days prior to the one you linked to:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Walked
Date: November 16, 2018

Even though I had "only" 8 or so years invested (compared to some of you who were near-lifers), the more I look back, the more I remember and the angrier I feel about losing those years. The "direction" I received about my relationship was detailed, yet I was never important enough to be more than an invisible worker bee, which I guess is part of the mind-screw. I'm actually a member of the survivor FB page and I recognize many of the names-- they were kids when I left-- kids who couldn't make their own decisions. I hope for their sakes their parents have left as well-- a couple seem to have announced as much in the group. I'm hesitant to post under my real name. One part of me would like to reconnect with some of these people that I spent so much time with, and genuinely cared for. Another part is afraid that exposing my heart would only put it out there to be ignored again. I had reason to contact the Valley office and a person at Shiloh a couple years ago to help them with something that could have turned into a legal matter. The contact was cold as stone, and in an email I poured out to someone at Shiloh how I had felt about the church and why I left. NO RESPONSE. That says it all. I'll think about this some more and consider a FB anonymous or alias. It's somewhat comforting to see that I'm not the only one who was a Nothing despite giving my all. Can I still believe in Karma??

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 03, 2019 09:27PM

Walked wrote:
I had reason to contact the Valley office and a person at Shiloh a couple years ago to help them with something that could have turned into a legal matter. The contact was cold as stone, and in an email I poured out to someone at Shiloh how I had felt about the church and why I left. NO RESPONSE. T

I wonder how many people in TLWF were pressured into signing non-disclosure agreements through the years.
Is that legal, if the intent is to cover up illegal activities?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2019 09:29PM by changedagain.

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