Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: December 28, 2020 12:57AM
So well said, Reveal. You knocked it out of the park. Thanks for re-posting, changed again.
"Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: December 27, 2020 10:43AM
A post by 'reveal' that captures the heartlessness of the organization that was TLWF:
Posted by: reveal
Date: September 01, 2018 09:52AM
Let's just assume for a moment that brainwashing doesn't exist. It doesn't change the fact that TLWF uses manipulation, coercion and emotional blackmail to convince members to accept things that under normal circumstances they would find totally unacceptable. They have created a culture of fear and intimidation, in which they threaten to ostracize those who question or disparage their decisions and mandates. Brainwashing or not, TLWF exercises extreme psychological abuse and control to manipulate members into bending to their will. They deceive good people who are either too naive or too afraid to question extremely questionable behavior by leadership.
Additionally, no organization truly representative of God would do any of the following:
1. Separate people from their biological families because said families have negative opinions about the church.
2. Encourage couples to divorce when one decides to leave the church and the other does not wish to.
3. Fire longtime loyal employees and pastors who dare question anything that Rick or Gary & Marilyn does, and then withhold severance pay unless they sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Clearly, they have much to hide.
4. Command submission of every decision in people's lives to include dating, marriage, having children, where to live, what job to take, to go to University or not, etc. and if people decide not to submit these things, to at a minimum withdraw affection and ostracize them from their church family, or disparage their character, make a pariah out of them, gossip about them and accuse them of *GASP* independent spirit. And these are only the least of what I've seen done.
5. Demand unquestioning allegiance to the leaders and place loyalty to them above any other relationship in your life or any sense of right and wrong.
6. Protect and keep in positions of authority a leader who has perpetrated multiple acts of sexual misconduct and harassment and abused church finances for his own personal enjoyment, and expect members to just accept it, while members themselves are held to a much higher standard.
I could go on.."
Once you see how crazy the level of control was, my hope for all of us is that we never submit to another human being to that extent ever again. The truth is that no one who loves us would ask this. Would a parent demand that their child be a "zero with the rim rubbed out"? Would a spouse? That is not love. It is devastating control.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2020 01:02AM by Reepicheep.