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Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: May 26, 2008 08:54AM

I'm interested in knowing how many people have decided to not take the Landmark Forum and even decided to quit taking Landmark Education Seminars after they read the information on this web site and other websites and the posts that people have made in this discussion Forum or other discussion groups?

Surely everyone of the regulars on here wonder the same thing.

We would all love to hear from you. You don't have to give specifics unless you want to. For example just say "I decided not to take the Landmark Forum after reading the information on this web site."

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Re: Has this site helped you decide not to take the Landmark Forum
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: May 26, 2008 05:26PM

I'm interested in knowing how many people have decided to not take the Landmark Forum and even decided to quit taking Landmark Education Seminars after they read the information on this web site and other websites and the posts that people have made in this discussion Forum or other discussion groups?

Surely everyone of the regulars on here wonder the same thing.

We would all love to hear from you. You don't have to give specifics unless you want to. For example just say "I decided not to take the Landmark Forum after reading the information on this web site."

Yes. This website, the message boards, and The Rick Ross Institute archives has helped me more than you will ever know.

It is a tremendous resource for me, both educationally, and emotionally, to know that there are people going through similar experiences.

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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: Zorro ()
Date: May 26, 2008 11:30PM

This web site has been very instrumental in my recovery. It is this site which helped me find out that I wasn't the only one going through this. It has been a good place to have an open discussion about Landmark and it's impact upon my life and the lives of others.

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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: yutolia ()
Date: May 28, 2008 11:26PM

This site did not help me not take the Forum. Fortunately, I had already decided not to take the Forum long before I found out about this site. However, it helped me in other ways. For a long time I thought that the fact that I found Landmark creepy meant there was something wrong with me, like that I actually had the fear of commitment that they kept accusing me of. I even had signed up for a course and paid the three hundred whatever it cost at the time, but due to time constraints I was not able to take the course right away, so the pressure that they put on me wore off and I withdrew (getting some, but not all, of my money back). However, after I did find this site, I was really glad about the way things went! LE can keep their damn fifty dollar "deposit" that they tried to use to get me to stay in!

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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: Kastlefeer ()
Date: May 31, 2008 03:32PM

This website was invaluable in giving me information about landmark/est the day when @ 11:30pm my mom called me long distance out of the blue sounding hypo-manic/stoned/deranged using strange jargon saying she'd had a breakthrough and in an insistant and jeuvenille way asking me to come to a landmark grad ceremony. Without this kind of informational resource I very well may have fallen for the affinity leveraging and ended up a landmark clone myself. Instead I was eventually able to get my mom out of the organization. Thank you Rick Ross and all the contributors to this website, livesavers ...

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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: May 31, 2008 09:01PM

I certainly got to know about Landmark before I was invited to go to an intro session at a friends home. I went to appease them, but I certainly knew that I wouldn't be signing up ... no matter what.

It's also provided me with a bit of wisdom in how to handle the situation with friends that are currently in the Landmark heirachy.


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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Forum?
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: June 02, 2008 12:21AM

in my next life I will look up rickross the moment I get out of the womb to check what new cults to avoid...

maybe the nettie cult will be top of the list of dangerous cults. Or not...I think my next life will be the life of Jesus Christ II. Then I can heal all cult victims ... I will tell them "it is your are living in a world of interpretations...your life suck bigtime....sign up for the nettie forum and I will help you..just give me your dollars...there is nothing wrong with you...but I come here to rectify some wrongs made by god...but please don't tell god...she is very stingy and will probably put me on a cross AGAIN! here we are a meaning making is empty and meaningless..there is no way out...unless you follow me...(suckers!)

the new cult leader...probably the best one on the planet

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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: June 02, 2008 12:25AM

Well, maybe God is a woman after all. As they say ... God moves in mysterious ways.



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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: June 02, 2008 12:31AM

John Fox
Well, maybe God is a woman after all. As they say ... God moves in mysterious ways.



watch out for the vengance - I will deal pain to the likes of you like you never have EXPERIENCED before.

ducking NOT - I duck for no one - not even Donald Duck!


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Re: Has this web site helped you to decide not to take the Landmark Fo
Posted by: John Fox ()
Date: June 02, 2008 12:34AM

Epic LULZ, as they say. :-D


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