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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: April 03, 2008 01:45PM

yes that is right - if you are a seminar leader that is on staff of course you are paid. If you are not on staff you are not paid.

But I don't think they are paid extra for leading seminars. The center manager at our office was supposed to lead seminars as well as being chief of the whole operation. He was so stressed out so he sucked as semniar leader. He had so much trouble leading the day-to-day operations of the office so him leading seminars was not a good idea.
Landmark education uses people to the extreme. You can never rest. It is part of mind control. When you rest maybe your critical thinking will start to work again. So you need to keep the person on the border to exhaustion at all times. Then you need to balance the persons mood by "clearing" them so they stay focused and deliver more recruits to the cult

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: April 06, 2008 05:53PM

I think the communication course leaders are unpaid assistants. Right?

I know that the SELP leaders were unpaid and also the seminar leaders. They were really used by landmark. All under the pretense thet it was good for their progress.

Am I right in this assumption that they are unpaid assistants Sonnie_dee?

Semi right there nettie, The communication course leaders are actually paid but my understanding it is per course as opposed to landmark forum leaders who are on salaries

And you are absolutely correct, seminar and SELP and in fact most TMLP leaders (team leadership and management programme) are volunteers. In our centre one of our seminar leaders was also an SELP leader and our centre manager was an SELP leader. He was so over worked it wasn't funny. Our centre manager also had to take over as ILP leader (Introduction leader programme)

Anyone take these quack cult Landmark Education / Forum classes with Gaibrielle Stockdale leading? I'm curious.

She is an Advanced Course Manager, and a Self-Expression & Leadership Program Manager. Possibly in San Francisco, London, and Sydney

If she is an advanced course manager this means she is the registration and registration fulfilment manager for the advanced course. She would only do this for one centre and I am pretty sure it is not sydney (I have worked with the Sydney person)

nettie, you are correct in saying staff members are paid if they lead a seminar (or another programme) staff are on a salary. You don't get paid any extra. So if the person didn't work for landmark they wouldn't get paid for leading the programme. Not that the pay is worth that much. Most staff work a minimum of 60 to 80 hours if not more and they are paid a low amount. My credit card was very full when I left staff.

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: Vic-Luc ()
Date: April 08, 2008 05:34AM

I think the communication course leaders are unpaid assistants. Right?

I know that the SELP leaders were unpaid and also the seminar leaders. They were really used by landmark. All under the pretense thet it was good for their progress.

Am I right in this assumption that they are unpaid assistants Sonnie_dee?

Semi right there nettie, The communication course leaders are actually paid but my understanding it is per course as opposed to landmark forum leaders who are on salaries

And you are absolutely correct, seminar and SELP and in fact most TMLP leaders (team leadership and management programme) are volunteers. In our centre one of our seminar leaders was also an SELP leader and our centre manager was an SELP leader. He was so over worked it wasn't funny. Our centre manager also had to take over as ILP leader (Introduction leader programme)

Anyone take these quack cult Landmark Education / Forum classes with Gaibrielle Stockdale leading? I'm curious.

She is an Advanced Course Manager, and a Self-Expression & Leadership Program Manager. Possibly in San Francisco, London, and Sydney

If she is an advanced course manager this means she is the registration and registration fulfilment manager for the advanced course. She would only do this for one centre and I am pretty sure it is not sydney (I have worked with the Sydney person)

nettie, you are correct in saying staff members are paid if they lead a seminar (or another programme) staff are on a salary. You don't get paid any extra. So if the person didn't work for landmark they wouldn't get paid for leading the programme. Not that the pay is worth that much. Most staff work a minimum of 60 to 80 hours if not more and they are paid a low amount. My credit card was very full when I left staff.

She is definitely in Sydney as of 2007/2008, took over for the last person for a while.

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: Sulalee ()
Date: May 24, 2008 11:58AM

Nettie, you really should make this the topic of your next YouTube video. I'm sure they hate it when their quasi-illegal practices of not paying employees start getting exposed.

Gosh! How amazing would it be to see the whole thing go down in a big ball of crap?!!!

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: May 26, 2008 11:53AM

Nettie, you really should make this the topic of your next YouTube video. I'm sure they hate it when their quasi-illegal practices of not paying employees start getting exposed.

Gosh! How amazing would it be to see the whole thing go down in a big ball of crap?!!!

OK - maybe I will - the use of free labor really stinks - they do have some problems with the authorities with that practise...

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: June 19, 2008 02:01AM

I am still working for free for landmark.

Now I give them attention on youtube - some people does not want to accept my story as my "story" (landmark jargon) - so they make endless comments trying to tell me I am lying.

Well if I am lying - please "somebody help me!!!"

the entity - the myth - the concept

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: poweraddict ()
Date: August 17, 2008 08:25AM

Yes and it will continue.


Why don't you do exactly the same? Move on?

I was a slave, yes, I paid a lot of money, yes.

My brain also was washed... yes. I spent 2 years. I did the Forum 3 times, 2 more as Supervisor Apprentice,.
Communication Course Introduction Leader, all the Seminars and bla, bla bla.

And? Well it took me two years to get over the experience, but I did.

My resentment? I wasn't allowed to be a Forum Leader. That's it. During all these years I have been hearing people crying about that Landmark is the Devil and yes it is but with some, the reality is that they are resented because they weren't allowed to be Forum Leaders or whatever position aspired to.

I gave all the money, time, effort and everything else because I thought that I was going to be named Forum Leader. In the moment I knew that they were laughing at me I went into crying because Landmark washed my brains and made me a stupid, very stupid nonfunctional neurotic.

That experience happened 20 years ago. Am I still crying that they made me a slave? No, I have more important things to do.

Be well

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum leader
Posted by: pauker ()
Date: August 18, 2008 02:07AM

But you're still playing trainer a smidge -- if only more indirectly.

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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: elena ()
Date: August 18, 2008 02:37AM

Yes and it will continue.


Why don't you do exactly the same? Move on?

I was a slave, yes, I paid a lot of money, yes.

My brain also was washed... yes. I spent 2 years. I did the Forum 3 times, 2 more as Supervisor Apprentice,.
Communication Course Introduction Leader, all the Seminars and bla, bla bla.

And? Well it took me two years to get over the experience, but I did.

My resentment? I wasn't allowed to be a Forum Leader. That's it. During all these years I have been hearing people crying about that Landmark is the Devil and yes it is but with some, the reality is that they are resented because they weren't allowed to be Forum Leaders or whatever position aspired to.

I gave all the money, time, effort and everything else because I thought that I was going to be named Forum Leader. In the moment I knew that they were laughing at me I went into crying because Landmark washed my brains and made me a stupid, very stupid nonfunctional neurotic.

That experience happened 20 years ago. Am I still crying that they made me a slave? No, I have more important things to do.

Be well

Good for you, if this is true.

But hmmmmm....

You must still have some remnants of interest else why read threads in chat rooms about Landmark? What prompted you to check in here?

And now that I ponder on it a bit, how is it that you thought you were Landmark Forum Leader material in the first place? Are you that predatory, manipulative, exploitive, conniving, self-interested, competitive, deceitful, and aggressive by nature? Or were you maybe just not enough? Or did you really believe they were out to ~clear the planet~ and make a world ~that works for everybody~ using their devious tactics and psychological tricks?

So are you saying you just "got over" the blow to your ego? Because that's what it sounds like.


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Re: Working for free for Landmark - an unpaid "butler" to a Forum lead
Posted by: elena ()
Date: August 18, 2008 02:50AM

.....and oh, another thing:

Since you call yourself "Poweraddict," is it possible that they played you for that desire? See, cults market status to the ordinary, love to the lonely, family to the alienated, wealth to the impoverished, and power the the powerless. It's no big leap that there are thousands of these people just waiting to be taken advantage of in every community. But the "power" seekers are the most disconcerting, to my mind. They are the secret "victims" longing for a way out of victimhood who too often take the route that includes bullying or victimizing others. Was this you?


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