Re: Workshops: Treating Victims of coercive persuassion
Date: January 14, 2008 12:57PM
Aussie, pronounced Ozzie (cos' we Aussies have a bit of laugh when Yanks say it with the s's). I'm speaking for myself, of course, cos' I dunno how John feels about it. And how do American's react to Yank? Because when we see one of your huge cars on our roads we call that a Yank Tank.
Dag is universally a term of affection (well, sort of). It's not usual for fellas to call each other dags, but sheilas often call their fellas dags. And as John points out, it's also a word we use for the dried up sheep poo stuck to the sheeps bum, you know, when it gets caught in their wool.
I think guys like John and I have had our fair share of being called dags - not the poo kind, unless we've been especially insensitive...or when we tell too many Mormon jokes!
But please, FF, do try and learn the lingo...we need to have a laugh too! And especially if you ever decide to do the Wellspring seminar (you see, I do try and keep this on topic)...