I wonder why Art Schreiber does not threaten her for claiming that Werner Erhard has a connection with Landmark?
But I doubt Werner Erhard hires those people...that's too banal for him, and too risky.
What he would do is get these people to the point where they would PAY Werner for the "honor" to do it! Seriously.
Werner Erhard gets off having his slaves do things like rub his feet in the morning, and clean the toilets, etc. It shows he has POWER over them, that is why get gets them to clean toilets in Landmark and est. Its not about saving the cost of a minimum wage bathroom cleaner, its about POWER over the person.
So I am sure that these people were not paid one cent to do their Reality Reversal Propaganda for Werner Erhard, but that they first had to prove themselves by paying him [b:3c9f1b3d73]tons [/b:3c9f1b3d73]of money in courses, and also proving their lifelong loyalty to him with dozens of perverse tests of loyalty.
Werner Erhard knows how to get POWER over people, and control them completely.
But one day one of those loyal personal slaves of Werner might snap, and Werner might not wake up getting a foot massage, but something else.
ajinajanI wonder how Dr. Jane Self got hired to do the puff piece book on Werner Erhard? Here is a quote from page 3 of her book :
That's how I discovered the world of Werner Erhard, the man who had designed the Forum and the program preceding that called The est Training.
Looks like Werner Erhard, Art Schreiber or Landmark Education only hire people to write puff pieces about him - if they have already been heavily indoctrinated in The Forum teachings ...