Of course you are 100% correct that different areas have different laws. But if there are types of "labor abuses" going on at any company, then that can be referred to the labor authorities.
There must be some rules regarding salaried employees, and how that is related to basic hours. If the contract is based around 40 hrs, and everyone is working 72 hrs a week, every week, then that's abuse.
Of course Landmark has its own lawyers, who try to push the edges of the law as far as they can go, and Landmark wil lie, lie, lie to try to cover-up what has gone on.
But local offices can be held to account for their abuses, and perhaps Uncle Sam can force Landmark to open their files, and show that the abuse of their employees and "volunteers-trainees" is SYSTEMATIC. Since the US Dept of Labor is investigating, this is an ideal time for folks in the US to file a complaint. Also, perhaps its a good time in other countries as well.
As far as a class-action, that was meant more in the context of the US. I THINK in other countries in Europe, the labor laws are much more strict, so perhaps that is one of the reason Landmark left, as they were going to get nailed.
As far as a lawsuit, of course people do need to think about that carefully before they jump into it. But even if people are not interested in that, if they feel its appropriate for them, they could file complaints to the Dept of Labor in their country.
Call up the local labor relations board in your own local area, and have a chat with someone there, and see what the options are.
Employers cannot abuse their employees just because they can get away with it.
I know Landmark says its a "choice" to work 80 hrs a week, for below min wage, buts its NOT. Its like when the Walmart managers gave people a "choice" to punch out but keep working. That is coercion. If you don't "play ball" then you are OUT. So its abuse.
Maybe call a local union as well, and someone there could give some advice.
Also, there are LABOR LAWYERS who do pro bono work for people. Perhaps a labor group will take this on, like the EFF, or at least provide some guidance.
The one thing I know is that landmark have a way around things for example paying a salary rather then wages.. wages pay by the hour so you get paid for OT salary you get a set amount even if you have to do extra hours.
The other important thing to keep in mind when it comes to lawsuits, and suing and all that other stuff is that we are spread out around the world and what is legal in one country is not in another, what legal recourse can be taken in one country can't be done in another.
Its all well and good to talk about a class action lawsuit except that we all have to be in the same country and most of us are not, plus many ex-staff and even current staff of landmark would not ever go down that track