Assuming you are genuine and not someone working for Landmark online I have a couple of questions for you.
1. If the Landmark philosophy and its curriculum of courses are so effective what happened to Werner Erhard? Divorce, family estrangements, years in seclusion, staffers that were abused. If his philosophy is so meaningful why didn't it change him or his life for the better?
See []
Werner Erhard instead seems to be the poster boy for failure. Sure he is rich, but his personal and professional life is train wreck. Why didn't Landmark work for Erhard?
2. Why hasn't Landmark done a scientific study to demonstrate the effectiveness of its training? Such a study could be peer-reviewed and published in a credible scientific journal demonstrating that Landmark training produces objectively measurable results. That is, better grades in school, lower divorce rate, increased income, less need for medication related to depression, etc.
Landmark certainly can afford to fund such a study and makes anecdotal claims about the effectiveness of its training, but has never done such a study. Instead, Landmark has done surveys with participants polling how they feel subjectively about the training, which is not the same as objectively measurable results.
Can you answer the questions on point?