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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: August 23, 2018 07:16AM

bakkagirl wrote:

"Does God even have a prostate? I highly doubt it."

I also doubt that God has a prostate, but, being the creator of everything, she could always just make herself a new one, if that were the case.

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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: bakkagirl ()
Date: August 23, 2018 02:04PM

I have no God but Werner.

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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: April 06, 2019 12:00AM

bakkagirl Wrote:
> I had not seen this paper posted before.
> []
> I think the author nicely addresses the quasi- or
> not even, religious aspects of est/Landmark.
> Bakkagirl

The fact there is an entire academic paper on this topic, shows that it is a persistent topic throughout the history of the organization that keeps coming up again and again. I wonder why?

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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: bakkagirl ()
Date: April 07, 2019 11:22AM

Ajinajad wrote:

"The fact there is an entire academic paper on this topic, shows that it is a persistent topic throughout the history of the organization that keeps coming up again and again. I wonder why?"

I hold the possibility that est/Landmark is a creation of the Esalen Institute. As such, it would partake of that organization's quest to create a religion that is not a religion. Est/Landmark seems to encompass many quasi-religious elements, but omits the moral and ethical constraints.

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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: April 07, 2019 12:30PM

bakkagirl wrote:

"I hold the possibility that est/Landmark is a creation of the Esalen Institute. As such, it would partake of that organization's quest to create a religion that is not a religion. Est/Landmark seems to encompass many quasi-religious elements, but omits the moral and ethical constraints."

Possible reasons for this will be obvious to bakka and ajinajan, but will point out a couple of things anyway:

1). People have been required, by their employers, to attend some of Landmark's programs. If it were overtly religious, the employees could beg off for religious reasons, (at least in the U.S.).

2). If it were presented as a religion, many people who were loyal to their own religion would be less likely to attend. The idea that it's secular would probably feel less threatening.

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Re: KeywordsLandmark Education; the Landmark Forum; corporate religion; Werner Erhard
Posted by: bakkagirl ()
Date: April 07, 2019 06:22PM

Great points, kdag,

I would add that:

2). If it were presented as a religion, many people who were loyal to their own religion would be less likely to attend. The idea that it's secular would probably feel less threatening.

the organization is in violation of Title 12 of the EEOC (U.S.).

It would be no different than compelling 'prayer breaks'.

To this I would add that a lot of the behavioral engineering that is going on in firm's now, strikes me as quasi-religious; not grounded in science, and not really keyed to business rationales.


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