Re: Excellerated Business Schools - Money & You Seminar Scam
Posted by:
Wiser Aussie
Date: August 20, 2022 08:55AM
All of these presenters running Money and You and the other trainings and seminars they've branched off to are operating an easy way to make money.
Anyone could make money using unethical mind control, hypnosis and NLP for the sole purpose of herding the sheep in. I'm afraid that's all we are to them.
However what kind of person does one have to become to take advantage of good people?
Someone without a conscience, no remorse for the psychological harm they put unsuspecting people through, no accountability, no responsibility, no empathy, shifting blame onto the people you've used and harmed. Its criminal.
Its parasitic. It's lazy. Its dangerous
They too are getting old. No amount of the unethical money they've acquired will buy them youth, health, a conscience or a sane mind. In fact aging is about the only karma that's guaranteed. What goes around, comes around.
Reaping what they've sown.
I feel sad for them in some ways.
Alzheimer's is on the rise globally. These character traits are highly vulnerable to this disease.