This thread is not about Rajneesh aka Osho. It's about the Royal Way.
"Osho great spiritual leader"?
FYI -- Osho was deported from the US long ago due to his criminal activity. He tried to immigrate to other countries, but was blocked entry, e.g. UK. Finally India allowed him to return when he paid money owed.
IMO Rajneesh/Osho used Sheela like a tool and she did everything with his full knowledge and approval. Including the terrorist attack in Oregon.
Rajneesh hurt many people and in IMO is a prime example of a destructive cult leader. Rajneesh Osho is included in a chapter about modern cult history in the book "Cults Inside Out."
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For anyone interested in the historical facts regarding Rajneesh or Osho see the Cult Education Institute archive on Osho.
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