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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: kath ()
Date: October 13, 2006 04:53AM

On the wikipedia article about the video, they are not sure if it is france 3/pieces de conviction who has had the videos taken down.

Obviously that sounds doubtful given Landmarks record of censorship of people in the past, but it'd be good if someone could write to France 3 and confirm it wasn't them.

Anyone up for it?

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: blarney36363636 ()
Date: October 13, 2006 05:28AM


On the wikipedia article about the video, they are not sure if it is france 3/pieces de conviction who has had the videos taken down.

Obviously that sounds doubtful given Landmarks record of censorship of people in the past, but it'd be good if someone could write to France 3 and confirm it wasn't them.

Anyone up for it?

Here is the contact information to contact France 3:
email =

Address : France 3 -Relations Téléspectateurs - 86982 FUTUROSCOPE CEDEX, France

Telephone: 08 90 71 03 03 (0,15 €/mn) - might need FRANCE country code...
The country code from USA to France is 011 + 33 + Area Code + Telephone number

Anyone going to contact them for more information and perhaps official waiver of copyright/permission to host in multiple locations on servers/websites all across the internet?


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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: blarney36363636 ()
Date: October 13, 2006 05:43AM

[b:90c5cfecfa]Here is a form letter you can use to write/email/phone FRANCE 3 :[/b:90c5cfecfa]

Dear France 3,

On May 24, 2004, your television network aired an excellent piece of investigative journalism on your "Pieces a Conviction" program. The work was entitled "Voyage au Pays des Nouveaux Gourous", and dealt with the controversial aspects of the group labeled as a "secte" in France, "Landmark Education".

I am one of a number of interested parties who greatly wish to be able to facilitate the hosting of this well-made documentary on various internet servers/websites. However, major video hosting service such as "YouTube", "Google Video", and "Internet Archive" will feel much more comfortable hosting this ground-breaking documentary if your permission is given to waive copyright. Though this would involve airing a piece of your work in a form of media that is not your television network, it would greatly increase exposure and name-brand status of FRANCE 3 as well as "Pieces a Conviction" around the globe.

Please get back to me confirming receipt of this letter.

Please also let me know what you will do with regards to my request.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely Yours,

[b:90c5cfecfa]It might also help if you include a French version :[/b:90c5cfecfa]

La Chère France 3,

Mai 24, 2004, votre réseau de télévision a aéré un excellent morceau de journalisme investigateur sur le votre des "morceaux programme d'une conviction". Le travail a été autorisé "Au de voyage paye DES Nouveaux Gourous", et traité les aspects controversés du groupe marqué comme "secte" en France, "éducation de borne limite".

Je suis l'un d'un certain nombre d'ayants droit qui souhaitent considérablement pouvoir faciliter l'accueil de ceci documentaire bien-fait sur le divers Internet servers/websites. Cependant, le service d'accueil visuel principal tel que "YouTube", "vidéo de Google", et "archives d'Internet" se sentira beaucoup plus confortable accueillant ce documentaire d' inauguration si votre permission est donnée d'écarter copyright. Bien que ceci implique d'aérer un morceau de votre travail sous une forme de médias qui n'est pas votre réseau de télévision, il augmenterait considérablement le statut d'exposition et de nom-marque de la FRANCE 3 aussi bien que des "morceaux une conviction" autour du globe.

Veuillez obtenir de nouveau à moi la réception de confirmation de cette lettre.

Veuillez me laisser également savent ce que vous ferez quant à ma demande.

Merci de votre temps.

Bien à vous,

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: October 13, 2006 06:59AM

To be honest, there is no chance they will give up their copyright. Not only would their lawyers forbid it, the unions involved would also. So that is not ever going to happen.

But they MIGHT be willing to repost this report on their website, to be able to be viewed with streaming video.
Someone could mention to them that US shows like PBS Frontline, 60 Minutes, and Canadian shows like W5 and other investigative news programs all post many of their shows online to be viewed in their entirety, along with a transcript.

If someone can find out the name of the producer, or key reporters in the piece, then one could contact them directly, and perhaps they would be willing to go to the right person to get the video posted on their website.

It would just take persistence to get through to the right person who has the power to order it posted on their website.
Again, the best way, in my view, is for someone to contact the main reporters or producers and ask them. Give them a phone call if possible, or if someone is in France, drop in to see them in person!

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: kath ()
Date: October 13, 2006 08:01AM

All I'm after is to see if its them getting the vid taken down, or our friends from the Forum (which is probably more likely) :D

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: anon0820 ()
Date: October 13, 2006 09:48PM

I have a suggestion for getting it global... how about writing to Oprah?

I actually wrote an online email about a suggestion for a show about cults, LGAT's, etc.

Since she is in several countries and has a powerful influence, she may be able to get the word out.

What do you think? :?:

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: ajinajan ()
Date: October 13, 2006 09:58PM


I have a suggestion for getting it global... how about writing to Oprah?

I actually wrote an online email about a suggestion for a show about cults, LGAT's, etc.

Since she is in several countries and has a powerful influence, she may be able to get the word out.

What do you think?
That just might work.
I would think she would respond much better to a written typed letter, sent in a package with a copy of the video on CD or DVD format.
Certainly would make for a very popular and controversial show.

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: anon0820 ()
Date: October 13, 2006 10:06PM

Not only can she get the video out there, she can publicize what these mind control cults are doing to people.

I suggested in my email, that she would have guests that were a part of Landmark, etal, a part of LGAT's and got out, intervention and deprogramming specialists, etc.

I believe this could work, if we get the word out to her staff as a suggestion for a show.

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: anon0820 ()
Date: October 14, 2006 12:19AM

This link takes you to the page where you can give suggestions for a show:

This is the main email page if you want to send other types of emails:

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'inside landmark forum' video copyright
Posted by: Acid Reindeer ()
Date: October 14, 2006 01:33AM

I have the strong feeling that she wants to only do scare stories on safe targets rather than possible sources of controversy, like Landmark. she wants to come across everyone's friend and only expose the danger of, let's say, teenage drug use.

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