How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: 999zorb ()
Date: March 13, 2003 01:58PM

I'm curious if any of you have done the Forum. Would you share your experience? Several people that I highly respect have either recently done the Forum or are going to do it soon. They have not said anything negative about the experience at all. In fact, one person moved me with her story about how the Forum helped her reconcile with a family member she hadn't spoken to for years.

Most of the posts I have read here seem to be from people whose experience of the Forum is not direct. Most of the posts seem to be from people who have been hurt by their friends or family who have done the Forum.

I am trying to learn all I can about it. Thanks

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: March 13, 2003 11:17PM

You might have to go to the botom of the page and change the search option to > 30 days.

I've done the Forum.

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: March 15, 2003 08:40AM

i did the forum in jan 96

jinnendrah jain was the forum leader.

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: karmal64 ()
Date: March 16, 2003 07:21AM

To everyone:

A common theme to potential new forum attendees often goes like the following:

<<Several people that I highly respect have either recently done the Forum or are going to do it soon. They have not said anything negative about the experience at all. In fact, one person moved me with her story about how the Forum helped her reconcile with a family member she hadn't spoken to for years.>>

The above are examples of post hoc reasoning as described at this site:


The above are also examples of testomonial evidence which anyone with any undergrad. science training should know is worthless. See below:


<<Most of the posts I have read here seem to be from people whose experience of the Forum is not direct. Most of the posts seem to be from people who have been hurt by their friends or family who have done the Forum.>>

One does not have to experience being shot, stabbed, burned or blown up to come to the conclusion that it MIGHT not be such a good thing. If the FDA said that a certain drug might help you but could also hurt you in permanent and profound psychological ways would you take it? I wouldn't. Chances are the FDA wouldn't even allow the public to have it. When national cult experts like Stephen Hassan, Rick Ross and Margaret Singer all agree that lgat's are bad, then educated laypeople should stand up and take notice. We defer to expert advice for vast amounts of public and private business every singly day--medical, financial, scientific, business, and on and on.... Therefore it makes zero --NONE-- sense to let some undegreed and unlicensed self-described "coach" blunder and meddle about in our psyches with agendas and reputations that are highly controvertial to put it mildly. Would you let someone operate on you if they had the notoriety of a landmark coach? I sure the hell wouldn't.

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: righttofight ()
Date: March 16, 2003 08:11AM

and they are bad.

I was enthalled at first.

Went two rounds.

By the leadership level I suspected this was bogus and they were mind manipulating. It started a division with my ex which pushed our relationship closed.

LGATs steal lives.

It's senseless to debate since those that take it are under or in the bubble.

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: karmal64 ()
Date: March 17, 2003 05:09AM

Hi, RTF:

You said:

<<It's senseless to debate since those that take it are under or in the bubble.>>

I agree. when I post such information as earlier, it's totally for the benefit of those who are pre forum attendees in the hope of giving them a heads up if they respect such source reference materials, that is. My old friend used to hang on my every word and really look up to me as a great source of information for her since she was totally a "new ager" and wasn't into doing her own research or critical thinking. She was totally into buying into something if Oprah or similar was all "touch feely" about it. That's not always a bad thing; but there's plenty of potential for it obviously. So I understand all too well what you mean by how closed minded forum grads. become after the landmark indoctrination. If just one person reads some of the links we've all shared to similar sites and it prevents them from taking something that ultimately they wouldn't like, then it's worth the risk to look like an intellectual arrogant bastard :D Well... I hope so anyway. :eek:

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: righttofight ()
Date: March 17, 2003 09:04AM


Agree. Perhaps we can reach those that have yet to sign up and are open and sophisticated not to buy in immediately.

Takes a certain type of person.

Those that are hooked tend to want the LGAT "heroin".

They are looking for simple answers to life.

Like the lotto players, they believe their number REALLY WILL COME UP one day - all they have to do is believe.

When I was hooked on LGAT and trying to sell it to others. I found immediate response from those that were desperately looking for answers to life. I was good at it. I could sell really well. It disgusts me now to realize that I was enrolling into a psych prison. But the best hooks were into those that were looking desperately for answers to changing their lives quickly.

LGAT will give you that sudden high and make you feel you are transformed for a couple of weeks. These RET exercises they use work. The anxiety game they play to crank you up so you do not fail them works.

It's MATRIX. People have found a way to make people behave like machines.

Predictable. Conforming.

I lost someone I loved deeply to this and I have paid too much of a price. But I will never have to pay again. That's the good news.

So others will never have to pay - let's keep posting.


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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: March 24, 2003 06:02AM

the people in large group awareness
trainings are empowered in terror.
they even call it the empowerment process.

they empower the men, women and
children in terror while most of the american people roll their eyes in their
heads like that old woman from texas
and say "its their right u know"

isnt that amazing. by now millions of
people in the united states have been
empowered through the cults using
terror as their way to control their minds
and the people just walk walk away and
thin, and if i can borrow some of the words
of the cults, "it doesnt mean anything and
it doesnt mean anything that it doesnt
mean anything.

it means something alright.

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: stevew ()
Date: March 26, 2003 08:00AM

Hey, I just tried to start a thread, wrote a nice, long post, and it didn't show up!?

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How many of you have done the Forum?
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: March 26, 2003 02:19PM

try again. its possible that there was
a malfunction of some kind. that happens.

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