To everyone:
A common theme to potential new forum attendees often goes like the following:
<<Several people that I highly respect have either recently done the Forum or are going to do it soon. They have not said anything negative about the experience at all. In fact, one person moved me with her story about how the Forum helped her reconcile with a family member she hadn't spoken to for years.>>
The above are examples of post hoc reasoning as described at this site:
The above are also examples of testomonial evidence which anyone with any undergrad. science training should know is worthless. See below:
<<Most of the posts I have read here seem to be from people whose experience of the Forum is not direct. Most of the posts seem to be from people who have been hurt by their friends or family who have done the Forum.>>
One does not have to experience being shot, stabbed, burned or blown up to come to the conclusion that it MIGHT not be such a good thing. If the FDA said that a certain drug might help you but could also hurt you in permanent and profound psychological ways would you take it? I wouldn't. Chances are the FDA wouldn't even allow the public to have it. When national cult experts like Stephen Hassan, Rick Ross and Margaret Singer all agree that lgat's are bad, then educated laypeople should stand up and take notice. We defer to expert advice for vast amounts of public and private business every singly day--medical, financial, scientific, business, and on and on.... Therefore it makes zero --NONE-- sense to let some undegreed and unlicensed self-described "coach" blunder and meddle about in our psyches with agendas and reputations that are highly controvertial to put it mildly. Would you let someone operate on you if they had the notoriety of a landmark coach? I sure the hell wouldn't.