I attended this event over the weekend of Sept 16-18 with the hope of learning about social and emotional intelligence. I share my opinions based on my very real and personal experience face to face Dr.s Bob and Judith Wright, volunteers, and staff of the organization. Be warned, this is an extremely dangerous and expertly designed cult by highly-educated and cunning leaders. I never thought I would personally experience an assault of psychological manipulation of a real cult. I was able to escape, but I personally witnessed others that may not have been as lucky as I.
From me to you, please do not go. It is seriously dangerous. This organization needs to be investigated by authorities and closed down. The public is in danger and needs to be protected.
They have an army of minions/volunteers who are specifically trained and expert in the use of fundamental mind control techniques classic of cult methods for coercive persuasion, including:
1) People are put in physical or emotionally distressing situations;
2) Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;
3) They receive what seems to be unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader or group;
4) They get a new identity based on the group;
5) They are subject to entrapment and isolation
I have read the comments of others here on Yelp, including Justin G and Gordon D. I echo and relate to their personal experiences as an attendee at this seminar. This is not a false warning. This MUST be closed down. The public needs to be protected from the Wright's and their schemes.
Read more from others:
forum.rickross].... (read about the person describing their experience of being stripped naked in a forest as a method of education and growth)
www.youtube.com]... (take notice of comment at end)
wrightinstitute]... (a website that seems to be run by WLI, yet oddly, take notice there is not a single comment - odd when the web has so many other negative comments. Note, I submitted a critical comment to be posted here, which was never posted)
From the bottom of my heart, specifically to the individuals I met this weekend in the program, Tammy, Bob, Jon, Munsoor I know you desperately seek help to improve your lives, but please read this and get out of there now. From our side conversations, I know you are wise to what is happening - you know it is time to leave.
Any investigative reporters or adventurous folks willing to video tape the REAL experience at a seminar (last day, in particular) and publish on [
YouTube.com]??? That would certainly provide everyone clear evidence in a real, black and white form of the truth of what really happens behind closed doors.
(Note: These comments are my personal opinions based on my experience, and not intended in any way to be malicious, untrue, or libelous.)
Note: This was also posted by me on my YELP account.