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Want to learn Landmark by phone
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: March 15, 2003 08:45AM

many couples that take the landmark
forum end up in divorce.

on the other hand divorce is quite common
in the u s. when i have had discussions
with landmark grads and the topic of
divorce comes up i hear and i quote

"whos to say they werent gonna get a
divorce anyway " which by the way is
a very good response.

not all people will get divorced, but many
will divorce if just one of the partners
attends landmark. it seems its rather
difficult to live with a grad unless u become

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Want to learn Landmark by phone
Posted by: righttofight ()
Date: March 15, 2003 12:35PM

This is amazing stuff.

I am so grateful for this thread.


It is helping me understand the dynamics of my relationship with my ex who graduated from the LGAT and her attraction to the LGAT and my attraction to her.

Very interesting.

My therapist who specializes in cult treatment referred to the leader of this LGAT here locally as an injured narcissus personality type. This woman was/is abominable. Crude. Disgustingly self-absorbed with being right.

But my ex was also very absorbed with being right and had no problem altering facts in order to have a seamless existence. Was she injured? Maybe not. But she was attracted as an echo to this personality type. I believe I was an echo to her.

Come to think of it for her age she was very vain. Always looking at other women constantly to check if she was better. Constantly believing she was the center of attention wherever she went, so she always felt self-conscious.
These narcissistic personality types create the LGATs. Anyone read OUTRAGEOUS BETRAYAL could see these traits in Werner. Mirrored in the person that runs the local LGAT, mirrored in Ron Hubbard, mirrored in Hitler, mirrored in Hussein, mirrored in Jim Jones. They thrive like terminator on sucking the identity of people/echoes who are desperate to preserve their world.

I am now getting over the sickening betrayal I felt in breaking up with my partner who graduated. It took a lot of help and time. And is still healing.

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Want to learn Landmark by phone
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: March 16, 2003 12:11AM


If I didn't mention this already, you might want to check out [] for references on emotional and verbal abuse, narcissism, codependency. There is a forum called The Catbox which might be of help. Most of the people who post have been in relationships with narcissists, have been on the receiving end of very covert manipulation, etc. There are several forums, but the one to read is The Catbox, and there is a link on the horizontal menu at the top of the home page.

I can send you the Mary Ann Borg Cunen article, as well. When I posted it here, I saw my personal info on the top so I deleted it.


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Want to learn Landmark by phone
Posted by: karmal64 ()
Date: March 19, 2003 11:33AM

To dmoshe:

<<I would like to learn the Landmark Process without the "cult" stuff. Is there a very qualified teacher of the Landmark Education Process that would like to teach it over the phone?>>

You might check out with key words like werner erhard, if your determined to go that route.

Otherwise try looking up cognitive behavior therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, or "Feeling Good," by Dr. Burns. Much of Est and Landmark seems to be gleaned from the two aforementioned psychological disciplines, and the book F.G. is based on CBT exclusively, but is made for the layperson to self-help. I don't recommend it as a panacea; but it has a very good reputation in psychology.

There are plenty other books recommended along with that one there, and many customers have made guides for books that they've felt have been very beneficial to them. It's up to you to research any particular method you'll use/inflict on yourself. Not all self help books are necessarily based on methods that have been shown to be effective over time, and some are merely "new agey" fluffy touchy feely feel good books full of nothing much more than arm chair philosophy and theory. Buyer beware.


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Re: Want to learn Landmark by phone
Posted by: yutolia ()
Date: June 06, 2008 01:47AM

I am sure that Landmark doesn't hurt everyone involved, but it does MAJOR damage to those with weak personalities or self-esteem.

Please refrain from employing this myth. As someone who has lost dear friends to LE, it is very offensive to me.

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