I'd still like to see a discussion of MacArthur's new book (as mentioned in my previous post.)
However, I found this article today about Scientology involving a current court case. This ruling may also affect MacArthur's Lordship cult since Scientology's practice of "sec checking" is very similar to the practice of confession practiced in Nouthetic Counseling, and the info is shared with other members and church officials:
http://tonyortega.org/2013/05/04/scientology-to-california-supreme-court-states-priest-penitent-law-is-unconstitutional/For those unfamilliar with the technique used in confessions in Lordship/Nouthetic Counseling, check earlier in this thread. Often a counselor badgers a confession out of a person while a witness is in the room badgering you too (who is supposed to be there as an independent third party), and the info is usually shared with MacArthur's student life division (if pertaining to the college) and/or the church officials (if pertaining to the church.
However the courts rule on Scientology, it makes me wonder if this will affect how many more people come forward about Lordship Salvation.