Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: WonderingNow ()
Date: December 29, 2009 12:03PM

The top 6 reasons I left TP:

1. Prosperity gospel
2. Apostolic teachings and all the double honor stuff
3. The lie about the sabbatical
4. Taking scripture out of context**
5. Giving the offering before men
6. The culture of the "in crowd"

**I talked to someone who was at TP for the Christmas program and they told me Mike said, "Jesus came in the flesh to defeat the devil." WOW That's a new one! I thought he came to seek and save the lost!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2009 12:04PM by WonderingNow.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: December 30, 2009 07:00AM

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: belongs2Him ()
Date: December 30, 2009 03:38PM

Reasons I left TPC:

Inappropriate worship and honoring of the leadership
Teaching that God is an ATM
Church hierarchy system - if you aren't in SOMA, you aren't important
SOMA - indoctrinating the next generation of Villamor worshipers
Teaching the Bible out of context

Also.. I shouldn't be surprised, but during the time of grief, when a well loved fellow pastor passes away, as a pastor/minister wouldn't you reach out to the people of the city? Those people in your church and in the church who lost their leader, don't they need comfort, to be offered prayer and support? It is disappointing to see it is business as usual for the TPC leaders.

And why does it cost money to attend a vision meeting? Even if it's for food and daycare, that's pretty bad. So a family who is broke can't attend???? (Lucky them.)

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: December 31, 2009 02:14AM

Sermon online:Spiritualgifts:Gift of Prophesy: at TPCWOC for Friday Fan the Flame service by false Apostle,Prophet Mike Mini Me Villamor,Mike says starting around 25 min into his sermon about the mistakes prophets make,Mikes says, When there is something not right with a prophetic word,you do not throw the whole thing out.What do you do?Keep the good!Keep the Good!You don't throw the baby out with the bath water.You keep the good and get rid of the bad.If 75% of the prophetic word is good you keep that and reject the 25%.At TPCWOC the prophetic word has to be tested by Mike and Cyndi to decide what is good and what is bad!(So if a prophet has a word for Mike and says that the prosperity gospel is evil and that someone will bless him with a brand new harley! What part of the prophetic word will Mike keep? Mike needs to have a Prophet Nathan like King David had in his life! Mike forgot to read Deut 18:20-22 I personally believe in all the the Spiritual gifts including prophesy and discerment.I believe Mike and Cyndi do not have the gift of prophesy or discerment to be able to test a prophetic word.That is one of the reasons why the fruit at TPCWOC is rotting.I pray for Mike and Cyndi daily and all the people still under the spell of the Villamors.I believe its to late to save TPCWOC.Its in the Villamor hands now.God has been waiting to see what they do next!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: December 31, 2009 09:34AM

I don't like this what so ever. You either are something or you are not. Something exists or it does not. You are a prophet or you are not. There is no such thing as being a 75% prophet. If a prophet word is given and it is shown to be wrong, just once, then you are not a prophet IMO.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: December 31, 2009 12:34PM

Some thoughts on true and false prophets:


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Saddened ()
Date: January 02, 2010 11:05AM

Ephesians 2:8-10 (The Message)

7-10 Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.

All false gospels and false teachers add works to grace.

I was reading my Bible tonight and ran across this passage and subsequent comment. It reminded me of a former SOMA student who spoke of Mike Villamor asking students to speak about his works and miracles they had seen him perform. It also reminded me of the postings of former Radiant Life Members who spoke about Tony Cunningham.l

So my question is... Was not God's grace through Christ Jesus enough for Mike Villamor and Tony Cunningham? Did they need to add their works to God's grace? All false gospels and false doctrines add works to grace. So the teachings of these two men are false and not of Christ Jesus.n The reason I know this is when God is involved you cannot fail. When God is not in something it cannor succeed. How many times do we see that in the Bible. I don't need a Ph.D. in Bible studies to know this. I need only read and discern God's word and read about the history of civilizations and people in the Bible to understand.

God's grace and Christ Jesus are enough for me and my family. We will refer to God's Word to discern the truth of any teacher for ourselves. We will let Christ Jesus be our shepherd and savior and our King.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 03, 2010 01:44AM

In some ways last night felt like a homecoming. I only wish there was more time. Thank you to each of you who took time from your family and friends to meet me. I was so blessed to see each of you. I had a great deal of time to reflect on our time together as we continued on our journey to meet with family. I was humbled to be in your presence knowing that each of you have a unique story to share in the common experience we call Turning Point.

I would like to encourage you to pray about something. Please pray about how you can love and encourage each other. We are at different places in our journey away from Turning Point and toward G-d. And yet we share the common bond of Christ's sacrifice for our lives and we share the common experience of Turning Point. I would encourage you to pray about gathering together once every couple of months for food, fellowship, prayer, and sharing your stories of recovery. Some of you have found new churches to attend. Others of you still find yourself searching. But I say the church to one another. Laugh with one another, morn with one another, prayer with one another, encourage one another. Be the church to one another. Just to be clear-I am NOT asking you to start ANOTHER church. Only asking you to pray and seek guidance how to be the Church to one another.
Remember, there are others who are only beginning their journey to recovery, and others who still find themselves captive. These brothers and sisters will need support and encouragement as they make their way out.

I expressed a sense of profound sadness to each of you. And, Indeed I am saddened by the ongoing abuses that occur-not only at TPc but in many many churches. But I also have a sense of joy in the knowledge that there is One who is faithful to end and He has shown many of you his Truth. I am encouraged to know that this site has been a place where questions can be asked and information can be shared

Now, as my wife and I pray for you, we have faces to go along with screen names. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

In Christ,


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 03, 2010 09:55AM

In some ways last night felt like a homecoming. I only wish there was more time. Thank you to each of you who took time from your family and friends to meet me. I was so blessed to see each of you. I had a great deal of time to reflect on our time together as we continued on our journey to meet with family. I was humbled to be in your presence knowing that each of you have a unique story to share in the common experience we call Turning Point.

I would like to encourage you to pray about something. Please pray about how you can love and encourage each other. We are at different places in our journey away from Turning Point and toward G-d. And yet we share the common bond of Christ's sacrifice for our lives and we share the common experience of Turning Point. I would encourage you to pray about gathering together once every couple of months for food, fellowship, prayer, and sharing your stories of recovery. Some of you have found new churches to attend. Others of you still find yourself searching. But I say the church to one another. Laugh with one another, morn with one another, prayer with one another, encourage one another. Be the church to one another. Just to be clear-I am NOT asking you to start ANOTHER church. Only asking you to pray and seek guidance how to be the Church to one another.
Remember, there are others who are only beginning their journey to recovery, and others who still find themselves captive. These brothers and sisters will need support and encouragement as they make their way out.

I expressed a sense of profound sadness to each of you. And, Indeed I am saddened by the ongoing abuses that occur-not only at TPc but in many many churches. But I also have a sense of joy in the knowledge that there is One who is faithful to end and He has shown many of you his Truth. I am encouraged to know that this site has been a place where questions can be asked and information can be shared

Now, as my wife and I pray for you, we have faces to go along with screen names. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

In Christ,


it was good meeting you and hearing the parts of your story that were left out by the leaders of t p we do need to encourage each other. do you think leaders will ever understand Jesus's teaching of leading by serveing, or will leaders continually put themselve above those they lead.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: January 03, 2010 04:06PM

In some ways last night felt like a homecoming. I only wish there was more time. Thank you to each of you who took time from your family and friends to meet me. I was so blessed to see each of you. I had a great deal of time to reflect on our time together as we continued on our journey to meet with family. I was humbled to be in your presence knowing that each of you have a unique story to share in the common experience we call Turning Point.

I would like to encourage you to pray about something. Please pray about how you can love and encourage each other. We are at different places in our journey away from Turning Point and toward G-d. And yet we share the common bond of Christ's sacrifice for our lives and we share the common experience of Turning Point. I would encourage you to pray about gathering together once every couple of months for food, fellowship, prayer, and sharing your stories of recovery. Some of you have found new churches to attend. Others of you still find yourself searching. But I say the church to one another. Laugh with one another, morn with one another, prayer with one another, encourage one another. Be the church to one another. Just to be clear-I am NOT asking you to start ANOTHER church. Only asking you to pray and seek guidance how to be the Church to one another.
Remember, there are others who are only beginning their journey to recovery, and others who still find themselves captive. These brothers and sisters will need support and encouragement as they make their way out.

I expressed a sense of profound sadness to each of you. And, Indeed I am saddened by the ongoing abuses that occur-not only at TPc but in many many churches. But I also have a sense of joy in the knowledge that there is One who is faithful to end and He has shown many of you his Truth. I am encouraged to know that this site has been a place where questions can be asked and information can be shared

Now, as my wife and I pray for you, we have faces to go along with screen names. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

In Christ,


it was good meeting you and hearing the parts of your story that were left out by the leaders of t p we do need to encourage each other. do you think leaders will ever understand Jesus's teaching of leading by serveing, or will leaders continually put themselve above those they lead.

I do not know the story the leaders of Tp have told about me-nor do I care-
but I do know that the leaders of Tp tell the story thats most convenient for them to tell at any given moment.
And usually its a story designed to make them look good or designed to make others look bad.
What ever story it is they tell - it rarely resembles the truth. Ask Jackie and Sid... or anyone else who has fallen out of 'grace' with the leaders of Tp.

In fact, if you begin to examine many of the "stories" told by the leaders of Tp you begin to see a pattern (i.e. the reason for the sabbatical story, the building fund story, the spiritual parenting story, the Tony C affiliation story-I could go on but why belabor the point).
You will also begin to see that they excel at telling stories about others when others are not around to tell their side of the story.
Rarely will the leaders of Tp invite others to tell their side of the story.
What benefit would there be in that?
Remember the meeting they called to tell their story about pastor Jackie-did they invite her to tell her side of the story?
Of course not.
Allowing the congregation to hear her side of the story would have no benefit to the leaders.

That is why forums such as this are so valuable. It is a place where you can tell YOUR story.

What matters most is that people tell THEIR story. Your story -told by you-is more important than me telling your story.
Your story is important - it matters because YOU matter. Curse anyone who would keep you from telling YOUR story or try to minimize your story- worse yet-try to tell your story for you.

Thats why this thread is called Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell YOUR Story. Each of you have a story. Your story matters. And only you can tell YOUR story-better than anyone else can tell your story. And YOUR story will resonate with others whom wont be able to relate to my story.

So...when will you tell YOUR story?

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