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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: Free2bme ()
Date: September 21, 2008 04:22AM

Samuel aka FuzzyMug18,

I am happy that you are on here seeking the truth. In your endeavor to find the truth you will find many people who are very hurt and angry. The old adage that ‘hurt people hurt people’ certainly applies here. So I am sorry if you were offended and I would encourage you to continue to seek the truth.

I do agree with some of your postings regarding individual families and sin issues. There is a bigger issue at hand regarding the elders. The word of God instructs us on the qualifications of an elder. In particular 1 Timothy 3 where it states that the elder must be above reproach (without blame) and who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity. When this scripture is read, can we really look at all of the elders and say that every one of them qualifies for their position?

Next, you posted the following “You(r) stance in thinking that a teaching is destructive is assuming that people are idiots. How could a teaching tear a family apart? it's not the teaching, it's the decision to act on it or not. Adopt it or not.” If you really want to seek truth and find out how it can tear a family apart, PM and I will tell you my first hand experience. But don’t stop with me, go next door to the Boxes (that is assuming you still live with your parents) and ask them. Continue up the street and stop by the Millers. Then go across the street and see if Veronica is still living with the Cunninghams. When you’re done with your block alone, you can continue your journey for truth. Some testimonies have already been posted on this blog.

Regarding Jon Richards and his worship team. The team had not met for a couple of months and then they were told that the team was on a break; no comment from Jon and none from leadership. Then they heard that Jon was on administrative leave. Regarding Jon’s relationship with his spiritual daughter, my husband approached Jon and said that he did not want him ‘parenting’ our daughter and the spiritual relationship he currently had with his ‘spiritual daughter’ was dangerous. Jon told him that that is what Tony is teaching. My husband said, “but what does the Bible say?” His response was that they would have to agree to disagree. I cannot look at this example and wonder what the outcome would have been had spiritual parenting not been taught.

The big issue is that Tony has no accountability. He has disassociated himself from The Church of God and is running independent of any organized religion. The elder board who is supposed to have authority over him is made up of people who shouldn’t have the position. I admit that I do not know all of who is serving on the board, I do know some. Based on the scripture’s do they all qualify? Because Tony is accountable to no one, it opens the door to other false teachings. We must be drenched in the truth of God’s word lest we find ourselves sipping Kool-Aid in a jungle somewhere.

I pray that you continue to seek God’s truth and His will for you life.


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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: keeping it real ()
Date: September 22, 2008 12:04AM

Attention fuzzy mug-if you don't believe the things you hear on this forum-GO HAVE A HEART TO HEART WITH YOUR BROTHER. Maybe you can't see it, but he does have a good heart.

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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: Deja Vu ()
Date: September 23, 2008 12:15AM

Samuel (fuzzymug 18), first and foremost WELCOME! Truly I say that. I have always liked you and cared about you. We go pretty far back. I have no resentment towards you and just because you still attend RLC, does not change anything on my end. In fact, I tried texting you about a month ago with no reply. It is OK if you do not want to talk though. I know you may have heard many things, many lies about me and Matt and others, but know this… I know what has been said. It is a true shame if you have swallowed these things without finding out truth first by calling me. I hope this is not the case.

I think that many on this forum have spoken out of true emotion. Some have spoken truth. Welcome to the real world! This is not the RLC world. Though I am not in agreement with how you were treated on here and cannot believe the name calling, I can say that that out here, they speak form internal truth. They do not hide there thoughts or emotions. They speak what they feel. Is that helpful? Maybe not always, but it is being HONEST, with themselves. That is more than I could ever want.

There is a lot that you don’t know. Your “questioning" does not seem honest, but that does not mean it is not. That is probably why some respond the way they do to your posts. There is a common language at RLC. Until you come out of it, you don’t even know that you speak or sound that way. Trust me, this is true. We see it all the time. I do want you to know the truth. I do want you to stay on here. It can be good for you. “But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” My suggestion is to do what Karen said, “.” If you really want to seek truth and find out how it can tear a family apart, PM and I will tell you my first hand experience. But don’t stop with me, go next door to the Boxes (that is assuming you still live with your parents) and ask them. Continue up the street and stop by the Millers. Then go across the street and see if Veronica is still living with the Cunninghams. When you’re done with your block alone, you can continue your journey for truth. Some testimonies have already been posted on this blog.”

This takes a bold step!!! It is OK. Just know that if you are really willing to know truth, it will take EXTREME searching. Also, when you discover it, you will be responsible to act on it. Is it worth it to you? Start with your Dad. You then can ask me. I WILL NOT GIVE YOU OPINION! I will only tell you truth in the matter. Samuel, there is so much you don’t know. If you did, you would probably feel like vomitting. Some around you that still go there have only one side but think they have the whole picture. Its arrogant. I have been on all sides. I am not bitter, just concerned and am hurting for the wounded. The whole saying, “ What you don’t know won’t kill you”. That is a lie unless you don’t really believe that you belong to the Body of Jesus Christ. It does effect you! We are your brothers and sisters also. We are not “Necessary Casualties” or “Agreesive Weeds”. We love God! Anyhow bro, I am open to talk if I am not too dangerous to you. I do love you and want the truth for you. I want TRUE reconciliation for you family.


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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: Deja Vu ()
Date: September 23, 2008 01:08AM


(I added what I know in red)

If anyone else can add, please do so.

1. Better Than Life crusades. What ever happened to this "explosive" ministry outreach?

2. Real Life Productions. What happened to the Garibaldi performances to happen all over town every month?

3. The orphanage in Philippines that funds were raised for? Was it ever built? Where did the money go? ( I was told last year that the moneys are in a “special” account and have not been used. I could be wrong. Also, Tony told me that the Philippines did not “Receive” him so they would not be returning. The land is sitting baren and no orphanage project is anywhere in site to my knowledge.

4. John Richards and his worship team?

5. Breakthru team? We all just lost interest. Kevin Brown was in charge of it and his life took a different career direction- a good direction at that. No one stepped into his place.

6. Young adult ministry? What ever happened to the Gate and RWorship? Why did they stop those? As Samuel put it, “Rworship was meant to be a ministry that ministered outside church walls, but it faltered on that goal and was discontinued by the leadership of that ministry.” Some say it faultered, some say it was successful. It depends on your personal view of ministry. Everyones opinion is OK. My perspective, since it was passed to me, was that it became what god wanted for it. The “walls” came down and some of the young adults grew up as a result. They left leaders homes and moved out on their own, some left Soma and went back to school and others found new careers outside of StarBucks and many left RLC and got FREE. To me it was successful. There is another story that Samuel and others don’t know even though they were on leadership. TONY began dividing the ministry behind my back even though he gave it to me. He told me to start a new leadership, so I did. It had momentum. Then, he began pullin many of them to himself and meeting with them at his home on Sunday nights. He began dining them and teaching them. Our leadership became divided and the ministry started to faulter. “A home that is divided cannot stand”. Tony proved this out. This went on for about a year. I still cannot understand why he did this. The leadership shrank quickly because he was doing that. Is the ministry failings his fault? I believe the way it turned out was the way God wanted it. Looking back now, it seems that God put it in my hands to turn it loose.
7. What ever happened to Plantation Coffee on Sunday mornings?

8. What ever happened with the Philippines pastor (Wallie?)? The Philippines is left for Dead. Once again, they did not receive Tony according to Tony, so Tony did not return. What that means is that Tony’s vision, purpose, arrogance and control was not tollerated. Tony knew he could not come in and do his thing. The Philippines has unity. They don’t need RLC to come in and divide it. Wally was humiliated by Tony many times in my presence. Wally is a good Man. He has REAL genuine authority. He has no agenda but Gods. He loves people. Tony told people right in front of Wally that he, though people call him PASTOR WALLY, is not a pastor at all. He told us that he is not the pastor of RLC. In essence, that we are not under his covering. He embarassed him and humiliated him. Wally left quietly. I still am in great connection with him. He is doing very well and is carrying on the ministry of Christ. I plan to return to the Philippines as soon as God provides the moneys needed so I can fullfill my promise I made to them to return.
9. Those rings? Did they all remove them? Did they sell them? Are they put away in the nightstand? Some have removed them and saved them. Hell, they are worth something. Gold has gone up in value.

10. What ever happened to "Pray Sacramento" and Tony's involvement? Locate some of the pastors and ask them. Some like Mike Tate. He is a good man and has some insight to the matter.

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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: September 24, 2008 12:00AM

I will answer these

7. What ever happened to Plantation Coffee on Sunday mornings? After I gave Tony a letter that In a letter I gave to Tony Cunningham over two and a half years ago I called the “Prophetic Cadre” “THE PATHETIC CADRE” He was incensed, calling me that Sunday afternoon from Tiburon California just before he went into the Staff and Elders retreat. That is where he slandered me and staffers were encouraged to boycott my business. I also suggest you go ask Rick Watson who was running the book store and coffee shop.

10. What ever happened to "Pray Sacramento" and Tony's involvement? I believe Tony's Ego got in the way and rather be exposed as a false teacher he became isolated cutting off all relationships with churches outside RLc. Ryans suggestions is great "Locate some of the pastors and ask them. Some like Mike Tate. He is a good man and has some insight to the matter. Also go talk to Pastor Elsey Simmons at South Sacramento Christian Center.

Here are some other questions you could ask

11. Why did Pastor Adam leave?

12. Why did Radiant Life Laguna break away from Radiant Life / Tony?
Yes they have officially changed there name to “OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY CHURCH” Go talk to Pastor Scott . He is a good man accountable to the elders and they have elders there that are doing a fantastic job!

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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: TomWilson ()
Date: September 24, 2008 03:47AM

I will answer these

10. What ever happened to "Pray Sacramento" and Tony's involvement? I believe Tony's Ego got in the way and rather be exposed as a false teacher he became isolated cutting off all relationships with churches outside RLc. Ryans suggestions is great "Locate some of the pastors and ask them. Some like Mike Tate. He is a good man and has some insight to the matter. Also go talk to Pastor Elsey Simmons at South Sacramento Christian Center.

I will not reveal my source out of respect for our friendship however he is someone I'm in regular contact with and that has relationship with everyone who was involved in "Pray Sacramento" and in bringing unity to the Body of Christ in Sacramento.

The fact is Bravehearts answer is exactly what happened! However caused so many issues that the group of that they stopped meeting together.

My source is not Mike Tate however as another brother mentioned he is a good man and good source of information about pray Sacremento I would have to agree. I have known Mike Tate for over 20 years and I can tell you he is a good man and an excellent Bible Teacher by the way.

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Re: What ever happened with the following at RLC?
Posted by: ostracizedone ()
Date: June 09, 2010 02:57AM


Total Posts Rick Ross Destructive Church Forum...11,396

Total Non Radiant Life Cult/TPWOC Posts...............5,565.....48.84%

Total Radiant Life Cult/Tony Cunningham Posts......2,989.....26.22%

Total TPWOC/Mike Villamor Posts...........................2,842....24.93%

Combine Total Percentage Of Posts On
Radiant Life Cult/Tony Cunningham and TPWOCult/ Mike Villamor.......51.16%

Over 51% of the total posts on an Cult Education Forum are attributed to the Satanic twistings of a Spiritual Father/Spritual Son team Tony Cunningham and Mike Villamor...............What does this leave to doubt?

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