Just as God knew Jeremiah before he was made, it was His mind that knew him. As Isa. 46:10 Says God declares and knows the end from the beginning. From Murray's theological position it would mean the end actually is created in heaven and sent to earth to occur.
The Biblical teaching of is also distorted as it is connected to the pre-existence doctrine he promotes. It means to come down from heaven (your soul) and to be born into a flesh body, because we all existed in spirit bodies previously. when you die in the flesh, you are born again into the spirit (as in the the spirit realm). According to the Shepherd Chapel, all people whether saved or not are considered born again. If I'm not understanding this correctly please let me know.
Are you a Kenite?
Murray teaches the already proven false doctrine of British Israelism. That the, Anglo-Saxons are the chosen race, and America and Great Britain are the lost tribes of the children of Israel. The core of his false teaching also finds its source in “serpent seed” doctrine' which has been linked to various “Christian” identity and right-wing neo-nazi groups. What this doctrine teaches is that in the Garden of Eden Eve's sin was that she had literal sexual intercourse with the serpent, which produced the ungodly line of Cain, as the literal offspring of the Devil. (This was also held by numerous other false teachers, one is William Branham who also was a Oneness Pentecostal).
Cain is called “of the wicked one” because of his sacrifice, not because of his conception. Cain was angry that his own offering was not accepted because his brother gave a better sacrifice than he did. He was taken over by anger (Gen.4:6-8) and it turned to hatred and he murdered his brother. Heb 11:4 “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous.” The Bible gives us the answer and we need not look elsewhere. I Jn. 3:12: “Not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous.” This is one of the main reasons why Cain is called of the wicked one. It was the sin nature in Cain that was like Satan.
Jesus also interprets what the wicked one means. Matthew 13:38 “The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked [one].”
So we need to ask are people who are tares, are they related in blood through Cain to the serpent? To be consistent in ones interpretation this would have to be so. So how can a wicked one that is descended from Cain be changed? John writes “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (I Jn. 5:19).
“The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.” Are we to believe that is about two different lineages of mankind and one is fallen and the other is not? Or is it about being redeemed by believing in Christ and those who are not.
(Matt 13:39) the seed Jesus told us is the word, the soil is our heart, so these are people that do not respond to his word. What I find ironic is that the Scripture answers these questions “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside” (Matt 13:19). So simple yet elusive for those who embrace this serpent seed--Cain and Abel posterity doctrine.
The concept of the Serpent seed comes to us from the early Church where a certain group took the spiritual concept of Jesus’ statement of certain Jews nature as “ children of the Father” to be literal. The Cainites, and the Archontites, mentioned by Epiphanius, read it thus (John 8:44) “Ye are the children of your father the Devil, because he is a liar, and his father was a liar. He was a man-slayer, and he did not remain in the truth. When he speaketh, he speaketh a lie of his own (progenitors understood), because his father also was a liar.” The consequences which the above heretics drew from this verse were the following. They said that the father of the Jews was a demon; that he also had a demon for his father; and that he had a demon for his father, etc. The Archontites maintained that Cain had a demon for his father, the spirit which our Lord speaks of here; and that the Jews proceeded from the race of Cain” (from Adam Clarke's Commentary.)
The problem with this heresy is that Jesus was a Jew being of the seed of the woman and of the tribe of Judah. So in essence what the Archontites were claiming is that Jesus was demonic as well. Something to think about when believing the Kenite teaching.
What Murray teaches is exactly what the cult leader of the Moonies, Sung Myung Moon teaches. “If the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil were a literal fruit, then Adam and Eve should have covered their mouths or their hands. So why did they hide their lower parts? ... It cannot be denied that the fall was caused by fornication” (Buenos Aires Sheraton Hotel Speech Nov.23, 1996). Murray's followers say the very same thing for justification on their misunderstanding of Adam and Eve's shame.
Murray states that the northern ten tribes of Israel are “the same tribes that later went north and populated Europe and North America.” (The Shepherd's Chapel newsletter #148, 2-91) The other races he seems to imply are inferior to whites. He believes these races were the 'Adam' created on the sixth day of creation in Genesis 1, while the Anglo-Saxons were 'another Adam' created on the eighth day of creation based on his interpretation of Genesis 2. This is a common mistake people make when they are untrained in how the Hebrew writers wrote down Scripture. The mistake is that there are not two creation narratives but as the Hebrew writers penned, Gen.2 is only going back and giving more detail to the Gen.1 account. There were no races created on the 8th day either, the Bible says there is no creation after the sixth day, on the seventh God rested from all His work. There is no eight day of creation, so again this teaching is from the silence of Scripture, not Scripture itself.
Murray claims Cain's descendants are the “Kenites” who went on to become scribes and corrupted the Bible, and that the Kenites are not a race, “but a hybrid.” (Genesis 1:1-6:22, reference tape #146).
One of the reasons that those who listen to Murray believe the Kenites descended from Cain surviving Noah’s flood because it was not worldwide but only a local flood. Therefore Noah’s family was not the only ones to survive. I want to pause and look at how unbiblical Murray's view is, because this is what his whole theory rests on.
To show how far removed this is from the Bible we only have to read the record. Whereby the WORLD THAT THEN WAS, BEING OVERFLOWED WITH WATER, PERISHED” (2 Peter 3:5,6). The Judgment of the last days is compared to Noah’s flood. (Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 3:6,7). Consider if the first worldwide flood did not destroy the earth then neither will the judgment be worldwide from Jesus. Since we know that the last day’s judgment will be universal and worldwide, we can assume the same was true for the first judgment. “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and “And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and EVERY THING THAT IS IN THE EARTH SHALL DIE” (Genesis 6:17).
“and EVERY LIVING SUBSTANCE THAT I HAVE MADE WILL I DESTROY FROM OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH” (Genesis 7:4). “And ALL FLESH DIED that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man. ALL in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, all that was on the dry land, died” (Gen 7:21-22). all means ALL. It also states only “NOAH ONLY REMAINED ALIVE, AND THEY THAT WERE WITH HIM IN THE ARK. (Genesis 7:22-24). On these verses alone one would think there is sufficient proof from the Bible that the flood was not localized, but wiped everything out except Noah and his family. But logic also tells us that. If the flood were specifically local, there would have been no need to bring two of every kind of animal on the ark, since animals would have survived outside of the flood area. So on this premise Murray tells us that Kenites survived the flood and descended from Cain. None of Murray’s explanations make any sense. There is NO proof of any of Noah's family being related to Cain. “This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.” (Gen. 6:9) Noah's family was pure. Murray has no evidence from the Bible except a private interpretation he has constructed together making this a most unique theory.
God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood again. If it was local, then He did not keep his promise because we have had many local catastrophes in floods (Gen. 9:14-15)
To Murray Kenites a whole group of people that are supposed to be descended from Cain. Gen.10 gives us the genealogy of Noah making it clear that the whole human race comes from his family (Gen.10:31-32) there is no Cain or Kenite mentioned. No one survived the flood except Noah's family.
Kenites are first mentioned in Gen. 15:19 as one of the nations to be “given” to Israel. They descended from the Midianites and developed extraordinary skill in metalwork. They settled down early along the SW shore of the Dead Sea, SE of Hebron (Judg 1:16). Gen. 15:18-25 shows Caiananites and Kenites are different tribes.
Hobab, the son of Reuel, was a Kenite and acted as a guide to Israel in the wilderness (1:16; 4:11). Heber, was a Kenite (Judges 4:11 and 5:24 “Most blessed among women is Jael, The wife of Heber the Kenite.” Around the time of Israel's exodus from Egypt, the Kenites showed kindness to Israel (1 Sam 15:6), some Kenites entered the Promised Land along with the Israelites in the conquest led by Joshua (Judg 1:16).
1 Chron 2:55 “And the families of the scribes who dwelt at Jabez were the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and the Suchathites. These were the Kenites who came from Hammath, the father of the house of Rechab.” Notice all the families involved. This is there beginning, Recahab was the son Rimmon, it does not say they came from Cain. A Kenite is member of the tribe of Kajin. Cain and Kenites are two different names. Murray has not produced clear evidence from the Bible for any of his unique teachings especially this one.
Murray claims many of the Kenites are Jewish and the Jews are descendents of the offspring of Satan and Eve, thedescendants of this offspring are the Kenites who were the Jews who killed Christ. (Serpent seed teaching also promoted by another modalist William Branham). Eve and Adam had sex with Satan; Satan being the fruit, the tree, and the snake, in that story. Eve got pregnant with Satan's son and with Adam's son. Cain and Able were twins; but Cain was Satan's son. All teachers who do not hold to a literal offspring of God and Satan (i.e., the serpent seed doctrine), are considered by Murray as “nothing but a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites blinded by what sounds good to men's ears” (Tape #436). So where is this in the Bible?
So what about the argument of her seed and his seed-the seed of woman, and the seed of Satan. If we look at Galatians 3:16 where it speaks of the seed of the woman, it is Christ (singular) it is the same for his seed; it is not an ongoing genealogy for either of them. Simple Bible teaching that anyone should be able to grasp.
He believes that people can still become children of Satan by adoption into a Jewish or Christian family, or through conversion to these religions. “Of what use is this knowledge to us? Because as Satan seduced Eve physically to accomplish an earthly impregnation he strives daily to spiritually impregnate those Children of God who know His truth.” (Arnold Murray, Newsletter #126, (1989).
The Serpent Seed is also used as a label of false teaching on those who disagree with Mr. Murray’s interpretation, as he calls them of a Kenite descent “How many today are teaching from a quarterly written by a Kenite, rather than teaching from God's Word? (Newsletter #193, Nov. 1994)
Murray states, “We believe in an existing Satan... who has a people who will not hear God (John 8:44-47).” (Our Statement of Faith, p.2). Murrays position is that in John 8:44-47, the context clearly states that these people who are the “children of the devil” are Jews (8:31-58). Murray believes that Jesus is referring to these Jews as a literal offspring of Satan. Only people who believe in Jesus are “true” Jews. This is correct if they are Jewish, but not if they are gentile.
Murray teaches that the Kenite's are the descendants of Cain, Eve’s son, that Cain's father is literally Satan, so the Kenites lineage is of Satan. In interpreting Jn.8 Murray concentrates verses 42 and 44 to identify these men as “sons of Satan,” but the teaching in John 8 begins back at verse 3 where we see that teachers of the law come to test Jesus. In verse 37 Jesus calls them descendants of Abraham. NOT of Cain or Satan. He also states in verse 56 Abraham is their father.
Jesus’ whole point is that they do their fathers work spiritually; they were Jews. But because they opposed him they had the characteristic of Satan. He is making a distinction of their physical posterity and spirituality. So to make the connection to Cain and then Satan from this interpretation is quite a leap.
About the Jews he writes, “Now, who stands in Jerusalem today? The sons of Cain or those who will not accept Jesus Christ. The Kenites, that founded a new nation starting in 1948.” (Commentary in The Shepherd's Bible, Gravette, Ar: Shepherd's Chapel, 1979 quoted by Jason Barker profile -Watchman Fellowship)
The Anglo-Israelism theory has long been abandoned as reputable, no scholar or historian continues to promote it. After the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities in 722 B.C. and 586 B.C. Judah and Israel were no longer separated. The terms “Jew” and “Israelite” are often used interchangeably. The New Testament the Jews and the ten tribes of Israel are mentioned often without any distinction made between them (Mt.10:5,6; 15:24; Luke 2:36; Acts 2:14, 22, 23, 36; Jms.1:1; Rev. 7:4-8) On the tape called Grace and Baptism he states also that different races should have no fellowship. Jesus was a Jew and an Israelite. The Bible teaches that all people are from the same family through Noah via Adam.(Gal.3:28; Acts 17:26). Murray traces the different races to Adamic creation in the book of Genesis. He claims that the British Israelites were the Adam created in Genesis 2, while the other, inferior races were the first Adam created in Genesis 1.
On his website it is stated, “We believe in the Bible account of Creation (Genesis 1 and 2).” But it is how they interpret the Bible that is not explained. Murray adamantly states that if you believe in a literal 7 day creation your on your way to hell. “Only an idiot will stand and argue...such a thing [young earth creationism], for the manuscripts declare that this earth, not this earth age, but this earth is millions of years old ... A lot are going to hell unless they realize 'the destruction that was' (i.e., the gap theory between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2)...Take the blinders...off of your eyes where you just have tunnel vision, one earth age. You can't understand God's Word if that's all you see” (ibid). He also assumes the first earth age ended because of Satan's fall and ended with a world wide flood. This is how the earth “became” void in Gen. 1:2.(But the Bible never says this in any form, yet he holds that the flood of Noah was not a world wide flood when the Bible says it was). God believes in 7 literal days and gave Israel the same DAY to rest that he rested after creation (Gen.2:2-3; Exo.16:23-30, 20:8-11; Lev.23:7.) There is too much biblical evidence for a literal 7 days, as our week still bears witness to. The Church and even Judaism has always believed in 7 literal days until evolution brought its influence to society. Murray is wrong again.
(go hear to see the Biblical position of the 7 days of creation)
I guess all those who deny a 7 day creation who are going to hell (according to Murray), but they may have nothing to be concerned about. Because he denies the existence of hell as eternal (Jesus certainly believed in it and warned people so they would not to go there). I would say neither those who do believe in a 7 day creation and those who do not believe in a 7 day creation are going to hell. It is those who reject the true gospel that will unfortunately end up there. But then according to Murray's view one would not have to be afraid since they would not any longer exist because Murray teaches the doctrine of annihilationism. This view teaches that all unbelievers will completely disappear out of existence. So there is nothing to fear, no judgment or punishment for those who refuse Christ. This is hardly biblical.
“We know man can kill our earthly bodies, but only our Father in heaven has the power to wipe out the existence of the soul...God's emotions are so much greater than you can even imagine, and to roast one of his own children day and night would be something only Satan would conceive of.” (Newsletter #151) Christ explained that just as the righteous will have never ending life, so shall the unrighteous have never ending punishment (Mt. 25:41,46). It is a conscious punishment according to Revelation 14:9-11 (Rev.20:10), just as it is conscious eternal life with Christ.
Rapture, or do we stay on earth
He claims the doctrine of the rapture is “cultic” and condemns anyone who believes in it does not have God's seal upon them. They are going to be deceived by Satan during the end times. “Yet, today we have false teachers leading people to Satan's doctrine of rapture from the very pulpits from which they should be hearing the doctrine of Jesus Christ. It is very appropriate that judgment begins at the pulpits.” (Newsletter #253 Nov. 1999).
This would hardly be considered a matter of salvation, but Murray makes it one, so it needs to be addressed. Murray presupposes his anti-rapture claim on Dave MacPherson's research. Who taught that the pre-tribulation rapture teaching came from a personal revelation of a young girl named Margaret Macdonald in a vision in 1830 during one of Irving's services.
This does not necessarily mean that this view was false which is what Mr. Murray is saying it means. The rapture/resurrection is a Biblical teaching and a simultaneous event. Murray is not arguing against a pre-trib rapture, but the rapture itself. “There will be no rapture; however, if you believe the rapture theory, Satan might use this fact to deceive you. The false prophets promise salvation cheaply. ... They say, “All you have to do is believe and then wait to be raptured out of here. These are dangerous teachers, friends.” (Newsletter #193, Nov. 1994, Prepare to Meet Your God) “The rapture is not in God's Word. God is against those seducing spirits who would teach His children to fly to save their souls.” (Newsletter #262, Aug. 2,000)
i don't know anyone who has ever taught to sit around and wait but instead they teach since it can happen soon we should be busier than ever, the exact opposite of what he portrays.
The Bible does say there is going to be a rapture or “catching away” of the saints to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:16,17; 1 Cor.15:52 ) raptura is Latin for the Greek word harpazo found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, and it means to be caught way forcefully- upward to heaven. And the historic Christian Church has always taught this, although there are various views on the timing of this event. If Murray believes there will be no rapture (catching away) of the saints, he is being both unbiblical and setting himself against the historic understanding of the Bible by the Christian Church. Murray states “Most go along with this cult that teaches the rapture that didn't start till 1830, but it's growing into the largest cult in the world.” (The Shepherd's Chapel Questions and Answers period, aired 1991) This is inaccurate. Everyone seems to be a cult or false according to Murray, except him and his followers. He does not answer challenges, which is convenient! Although I will say that those who like his teaching certainly are willing to go at it, but all they do is mostly repeat what he says like poor fed parrots.
FACT: There are many physical raptures mentioned in the Bible.
ENOCH “And Enoch walked with God and was not for God TOOK HIM.” (Genesis 5:24) “By faith Enoch was TRANSLATED that he should not see death and was not because God had taken (TRANSLATED) him for before (his death), he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5). Since we are told all but noahs family did not survive the flood Enoch was not on earth.
ELIJAH “And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and separated them, and Elijah WENT UP by a whirlwind into Heaven” (2 Kings 2:1-11).
JESUS “And when Jesus had spoken these things, while they beheld, Jesus was TAKEN UP and a cloud received Him out of their sight.”
Acts 1:9-11 “So then after the Lord had spoken, He was RECEIVED UP into Heaven and sat up on the right hand of God” (Mark 16:19). “And she brought forth a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was CAUGHT UP unto God and to His throne”(Revelation 12:5). He is at the right hand of God today.
THE TWO WITNESSES (which has not occurred yet) After three and a half days they are resurrected and raptured in front of everyone “And I heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them COME UP here and they ASCENDED UP to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them” (Revelation 11:3-12).
At the rapture, the Lord comes only for believers. The rapture is a translation for the living and a resurrection for the dead into immortal bodies. It is an event that happens to both the living and dead Christians alike. Both the the living and the dead believers will be caught up (raptured) to meet Jesus Christ in the air. The Greek word is harpazo which means a taking away by force. The phrase “caught up” NT:726 This the Greek word harpazo which means to sieze (in various applications): KJV-catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force). (New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary). In 1 Thess. 4:13 He comes for his saints having them rise to meet him in the air to receive their glorified bodies as their bodies are changed (1 Thess. 4:16). The Lord then takes the believers “to the Father's house” in heaven (John 14:3) as He promised.
In 2 Thess.2 it describes this event and the words as “our gathering together unto Him” meaning ‘our being gathered up into Him.’ The Greek word for ‘gathering together’ is EPI-SUNAGOGES. EPI- means “above”, and SUNAGOGES means “housed, or gathered.”
Murray teaches that the word “clouds” in 1 Thessalonians is not referring to clouds in the sky, but allegorizes the meaning to be a gathering of like minded people, a assembly of witnesses who know the truth. This interpretation is certainly not the intent of the 1 Thess. 4 passage where the dead will be resurrected out of the ground and the living will be transformed to meet the Lord in the air. This is a special one time event. When Jesus was taken up in the clouds in Acts 1 was this of like mind? Are we to believe He wasn’t actually taken up from their view toward heaven to the Father? What nonsense.
The word clouds in Greek is nephele from NT:3509; properly, cloudiness, i.e. (concretely) a cloud: the root word is 3507 ephos apparently a primary word; a cloud. (referenced from the New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.)
Jesus used the word cloud word literally in Luke 12:54 “Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say, 'A shower is coming.” It is the same word used in Acts 1:9 “He was taken up, and a cloud received Him.” It is the same word used in Mt.24:30 when Christ comes back to earth (Mt.26:64; Rev 1:7 “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him” and in Lk.9:34 when the cloud covered the disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration. there are times clouds can be used for a visible glory.)
The problem is if there is no rapture then there is no resurrection, they are both at the same time. Clearly it states some will be changed without seeing death, as there will be some who did see death and are raised. Both are caught up to be with the Lord at the same time and it specifically says in the air, not earth. Like it or not, that's what is written, air in this Scripture means air. The Lord does say He has made dwellings in heaven (Jn.14) and that He is going to take the church there to be with Him.
Murray attributes the antichrist will deceive the people by saying that he has come to “rapture” out all his people. Even those who hold to a rapture even a mid or post trib-view are wrong “When this false Christ stands in the holy place performing in the sight of Christians, the pre-tribulation rapture Christians shall think it is Christ come to rapture them away” (Our Statement of Faith, p.2).
If he does not take us as the Scripture says then wouldn't we know? In other words we are looking for Christ to come from heaven toward earth and we are changed and removed in a twinkling of an eye. If we are still on earth then it means he is the antichrist- the very opposite of the meaning in his argument. He can be here if he wants to and explain it to his followers. Besides if he is standing in the holy place then it is the middle of the tribulation (as Scripture teaches), that makes it hard to be a pre-trib rapture. Even his arguments are convoluted with inaccuracies. There will be those deceived into believing that Antichrist is Christ, but contrary to his assertion, the belief in the rapture actually protects us from accepting the wrong Christ. Those who do not believe Christ comes to remove the Church are more likely accept a false Christ who comes here on earth. We are not looking for a Christ to be on earth to take us off the earth but one that will lift us off the earth that did not come to earth, he takes us up (as he also takes up the dead into new bodies) to where he is. The Antichrist will have the ability to do great signs and wonders by the power of Satan (2 Thess. 2:9,10), but there is one thing he will not be able to do. He cannot raise the dead and at the same time lift up the living believers to heaven. If we are watching for the Christ who raptures us to heaven we cannot be deceived by a counterfeit who will rule on earth no matter what kind of power he exhibits. We are to be looking for the Christ who comes back the same way he left, in God's glory and from heaven, Jesus told us to look for him in this way (Acts 1:11).
“ They have twisted the truth into teaching the rapture, the Easter bunny and the apple Eve ate in the garden of Eden. These false teachings make those that accept this doctrine easy marks for Satan's bondage.” (Newsletter #230, Dec. 1997).“Do we know anyone deceived by any of Satan's lies? Do we believe in rapture, or babbling, or Easter, etc.? ...To flirt with doctrines, beliefs, and traditions that are contrary to what Christ taught endangers the pureness of your soul...Recognize the false from the true so you may come to the wedding, worthy and accountable to be accepted” (The Shepherd's Chapel Newsletter #126, April 1989). While I agree with some of the points in his statement I have to totally disagree with his conclusions. (1 Thess.4:16-17, 1Cor. 15:51-54, we are told our citizenship is in heaven. In Jn.14 Jesus said He went ahead to prepare a place for us that we may be where he is. Can he explain how we get there without the Biblical teaching of the rapture/ resurrection? Why would we go there if Christ only comes to earth to set up his kingdom?
Murray in his Mar. 2001 Newsletter says of Jn.14 where Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you. He interprets it as “That place of rest available for you today. I hope you have already moved in.” While it is true we have that rest now because Christ in us (Heb.4), This is not what Jesus is speaking about. He said where his Father is, that is in heaven. Murray makes the mistake of the earthly and the heavenly house. Jesus told us to build our house (our lives) on the rock now. Then there is a house not made of hands eternal in heaven (2 Cor.5:1). The Father’s house is in heaven not on earth, it is this place Jesus went TO prepare. Then He comes back again to bring us to where He is (at the Fathers right hand), to finish the Scripture Murray quoted: “that where I am you may be also.” I’m not in debate of when this will occur- pre or post, only that it will happen according to the Bible. Murray says it will not happen, pre, mid or post! And that is completely utterly wrong and unbiblical.
He neglects that Jesus said He would come again to receive us (plural, collectively) to Himself, not himself to us. Murray in his explanation even used 2 Corinthians 5:1 "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” I guess his followers missed where this is; it is not on earth now but in heaven where Christ is. The crucial point is where this is- not what it is. Again how does one get from earth to heaven without what the Bible has called as the rapture, a removal from earth to heaven. After all that is where our real citizenship is. We will be before his throne praising Him.
Is Jesus not coming back, does it not say we will rise up to Him in 1 Thess. 4 , all this is done to deny a rapture, a taking away of the saints. Ezekiel is used by Murray as a main argument againt the rapture (flying away), but I fail to see anything in it about flying away as a denial of the church being raised up to Christ in 1 Thess.4.
Ezekiel 13:20: “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, Here I am against your cushions, with which you are hunting down the souls as though they were flying things, and I will rip them from off your arms and let go the souls that you are hunting down, souls as though they were flying things.”
The closest translation I found to Murray’s was Ezek 13:20 “Wherefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make (them) fly, and I will tear them from your arms; and I will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make (them) fly. ASV
But there are other translations of this verse: Ezek 13:20 Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against your magic bands by which you hunt lives there as birds, and I will tear them off your arms; and I will let them go, even those lives whom you hunt as birds.” NAS
The full context is needed to understand what Ezekiel is addressing. Ezek 13:18-20 and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: “Woe to the women who sew magic charms on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and keep yourselves alive? And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies?” “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I am against your magic charms by which you hunt souls there like birds. I will tear them from your arms, and let the souls go, the souls you hunt like birds.” NKJ
you hunt the souls like birds, (to fly) does not mean they go up in the sky. It means these women hunted souls like some do birds, but God will free them as birds.
What do Bible scholars say on Ezek 13:20, these false prophetesses decoyed men into these gardens, where probably some impure rites of worship were performed (from Adam Clarke's Commentary)
Barnes' notes states Most ancient interpreters and many modern interpreters have understood the “pillows” (or charms) and “kerchiefs” (or veils), as appliances to which the sorcerers had resort in order to attract notice Ezek 13:17-23. Verse 20. [To make them fly] If the marginal reading “into gardens” be adopted, it must mean, Ye entice men to the gardens or groves, where magical arts are practiced. That groves were used for this purpose and for idolatrous rites is notorious.(from Barnes' Notes)
Ezek 13:20 [Ye ... hunt the souls to make them fly]-namely, into their snares, as fowlers disturb birds so as to be suddenly caught in the net spread for them. “Fly” is peculiarly appropriate as to those lofty spiritual flights to which they pretended to raise their dupes, when they veiled their heads with kerchiefs, and made them rest on luxurious arm-cushions (Ezek 13:18).” (from Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary)
The word for fly in the Old Testament in Hebrew is parach (6524), a primitive root; to break forth as a bud, i.e. bloom; generally, to spread; specifically, to fly (as extending the wings); figuratively, to flourish: KJV-X abroad, X abundantly, blossom, break forth (out), bud, flourish, make fly, grow, spread, spring (up). (New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.)
Murrays interpretation makes sense only if it is divorced from the Scriptures meaning. For even Ezekiel describes himself flying away. Ezekiel says the Spirit lifted me up” (Ezek. 3:12, 14) Ezek 8:3 “the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven”; Ezekiel also had a vision of the future by the Spirit”; “then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the east gate of the LORD's house” (11:1) “Then the Spirit took me up and brought me in a vision by the Spirit of God into Chaldea”(Ezek. 11:24); “Afterward he brought me to the gate, the gate that faces toward the east.”(Ezek. 43:1); “The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the temple” (Ezek 43:5).
The Scripture does use fly away in other ways as well. Prov 23:5 “Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven.” [riches] fly away like an eagle toward heaven.” Obviously talking about money in a metaphorical sense since money does not actually leave someone like this. (see also Isa. 60:8-9 Jer. 48:40 for other examples of this in the Scripture)
Other Concerns
Speaking on prophecy Murray states “And they will attack our most extreme northern border which is Alaska of today and bring thee upon the mountains that is to say the states or nation of Israel. And actually Canada is a part of Israel today, parts of the Great Britain America Ephraim and Manasseh”(Video on file). Canada is a part of Israel? that’s something you don’t learn from any other teacher today (or at any other time in history), this is a laughable conclusion. What does the Bible say? Certainly not this in Ezek.38! Israel is in the Middle East, I doubt any rational person could think that the prophets meant Canada when they said north of Israel. It's not north of Israel but north of America.
for a list of false prophecies on audio with transcript--[
It has also reported that Murray emphasizes other prophetic means and Biblical numerics. The only Bible that is to be trusted is the 1611 KJV (which had errors and were later changed to correct them) and the original Textus Receptus. And a slew of other unmentionables.
Independent organizations that refer to themselves as “Shepherd’s Chapel Bible Students” were created through the Internet for Bible studies. So beware, they are out to bring you in.
Mr. Murray has also prophesied falsely by setting a date for the appearance of the Antichrist by 1981. “Lucifer was taken to the pit...Know from the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians that he shall soon return. The Book of Daniel very clearly states that it shall happen before the year 1981, if you have any understanding at all of the wisdom of the elect in the last days” (Seed of the Serpent, version taped in 1979). I ask you did this happen? His students refuse to believe this was said.
Murray defaults to his “students” to take care of those who oppose his teaching. He has called people idiots, liars and gossips (on tape), but it appears that no one is justified to challenge what he teaches (without calling him names).
Murray passionately says “Well brother so and so has always told me, No! What did God tell you, what does the word of God say? I don’t care what brother so and so says this brother or any other brother. But what do those scriptures say? That’s your choice, if you make the right choice listen to your father through the unction of the Holy Spirit and you will always be right.” (Olelo ch.52, Oct.24, 2000)
Good advice, and this goes for him as well, so make the right choice. I would like to challenge those who follow Murray’s teaching to adhere to this advice. We have gone over just a few of the main points proving he is not orthodox in many of his beliefs. While it is obvious that all that Murray says is not wrong, this should not prevent a Berean in seeing what is obviously wrong- IF THEY SEARCH THE SCRIPTURE. Overall, Arnold Murray has enough false teaching that could only be comparable to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but he certainly is not in the category of other notables in the sphere of the Church. He may mean well but he has more wrong teaching than right. His program and literature should be avoided. His followers may love him, but they need to look at other Bible teachers to hear a balanced and correct view before they defend his teachings so passionately. I'm afraid they won't.
i did not write this but i can vouch for the contents
i'll probably be moving from Gravette