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Posted by: JB White ()
Date: July 17, 2009 12:34AM

Thanx for kind words Sparky. I try to keep it real.

This might come as a shock to you, but Pastor Murray takes no paycheck from the Chapel.
Checks r made out to Shepherds Chapel & Soldiers of the Cross. Dr. Murray is those entities...he holds those checkbook already --theres no reason to write checks to himself.


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Posted by: DebbieAnn ()
Date: July 17, 2009 04:38AM

Sorry, RRmoderator,

But I will no longer take your bate. You have already taken up far to much of my time already. I truly doubt you even read my prior post to you, and will probably not read this one either. Your ignorance on the true identity of a Kenite is understandable because your spiritual eyes have not been open. You are so wrapped in your lies, you could not see the truth even if it hit you in the face.

Funny, but the words you quote Murray as saying every month, in all the time I have listened to him, on television and I have over a hundred of SC's cds, I have never heard those exact remarks. It is apparent you have never listened to him. You are only repeating the lies you have read online.

It is also apparent that you are ignorant of God's Word, a traditionalist so wrapped in your traditions, you can't find your way out. RRmoderator, now answer me a few questions.

Tell me where did all the races come from? Do you think that they all came from Adam and Eve? Do you seriously believe that a man and woman of the same race can produce a child of a different race? Please don't cite the Tower of Babel as an excuse, as only the language was changed there. Tell me where did Cain's wife come from when he went to Nod? After Cain murdered his brother who were the every one he was afraid of in Gen 4:14. In Revelation, when Jesus is speaking to the churches, he tells us 7 times to pay close attention to what is being said to the churches. What did the two churches, Jesus found favor with, know that the others did not? Are you listening?

Please do not stray from God's Word when answering. You call Murray a raciest because of your ignorance in the Word, but unbeknownst to you, you are really calling God a racist because of your ignorance of His Word. Eve is the mother of all living because it would be through her lineage that Jesus would come from, and He is the only way to eternal life. Jesus is our tree of life. I believe this because of what I have read and studied in the Bible, not because Murray teaches it. See unlike you, I check things out for myself.

I never claimed to know where the SC's money goes, but anyone with a half an ounce of brains can figure it out. How much do you think it costs to put a television program on the air for 1 hour then multiply that by at least 15 or up (that's the amount of programs aired per day), and then multiply that number by 5 (5 days a week). Tell me why is where the SC's money so important to you? And I can honestly say that neither Murray or Dennis beg for any money on their program, and any one that states otherwise is a liar. Why don't you listen to his program sometime and find out for yourself instead of repeating what someone else says.

It seems to me that most of you take the words of Murray's critics as fact instead of checking out Murray for yourselves. It is apparent you did not even bother to read his answer to the critics where he states that Kenites mean sons of Cain. He goes on to say .."It does not mean Judah. The word Kenite cannot be translated Judah and is never used of Judah. Anyone saying that I use the word to describe Judah is not telling the truth; it would be a lie because I have never said this."

And lastly, your last statement that you most likely copied and pasted, about Noah's flood is quite laughable. Have you never read Genesis 6 or Jude 6. It was not the other races that the daughters of Adam intermixed with. Why do you think there were giants in those days, and why do you think in Genesis 6:2 it states the sons of God instead of saying sons of man. In Ezekiel 2, God calls Ezekiel son of man because Ezekiel was born through woman. I strongly suggest that you get a Hebrew dictionary because you certainly need it.

You, RR, can cut and paste other's false statements to your heart's content. But know this, you and your followers, know nothing about what Murray teaches, and I suspect that you really don't care too. I see that you and the others like to play games. Why don't you just click on over to FactNet, which I imagine you have already done in the past. There are children over there that like to play games too. I believe I would call them hate games! Like you and your buddies, they are still being milk fed. As for me, I prefer the meat. The milk nearly starved me to death spiritually, and I want no more of it. You need not reply as I will no longer be casting my pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6).

This is for
Mr. White

Did you know that there are a lot of study bibles out there? I have one by Jay P. Green. Please tell me, is it taboo to own one? I think I am an intelligent enough Christian to separate the fact from fiction. I know of no Shepherd's Bible being in existence, but if you ever should come across a copy please let me know where I can buy it. Until you show proof of it being actually written and sold, this subject is mute.

It might surprise you Mr. White, but we that study with the Shepherd's Chapel study with an original King James Version Bible. This is the same one Murray reads from during his program. Anyone that says differently is a liar. Murray also recommends to those that wish to dig deeper into God's Word, to have a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance along with the King James Companion Bible to help them further with their studies.

Mr. White what Bible do you study from?

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Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 17, 2009 05:55AM


Thanks for running up the flag and saluting.

You are a "true believer" in Murray and his teachings.

When you said, "I never claimed to know where the SC's money goes, but anyone with a half an ounce of brains can figure it out. "

You should have just left it at you don't know. As "anyone with a half an ounce of brains" knows, without a published budget that details how money is handled non one "can figure it out. "

Please understand that attempting to characterize criticism of Murray and his teachings as somehow criticism of "God" or the "bible" is not a meaningful response to criticism, but really rather evasive.

This is the response often given by members of groups called "cults," who insist that when people disagree with them, their group and/or leader, it somehow equals opposing or coming against "God" and or the bible.

However, some of Murray's most harsh critics are bible believing Christians that consider his teachings false and heretical.

See []

Here are some excerpts about the false teachings promoted by Murray from a Christian perspective.

"Mr. Murray, or Pastor Murray, as his followers call him, teaches a brand of Christianity with many problems. Mr. Murray denies the doctrine of the Trinity, denies the existence of hell and the rapture, and states that Eve had sexual relations with the devil."

"Mr. Arnold Murray also frequently refers to the Christian identity movement which teaches that the British and, therefore, the Americans and Canadians, are the true descendants of the ancient Israelites the 10 lost tribes. Jews in Israel are really descended from Cain who was the result of sexual intercourse between Eve and Satan. Murray also teaches that all people had a pre-existence in spirit-bodies before they were born here on earth."

"Mr. Murray supports his off-base theological positions by interpreting verses in light of his pre-conceived ideas, sometimes stripping biblical verses of their context. He also selectively appeals to the Strong's concordance, cites what Greek and Hebrew words mean, and weaves his theological positions into the text. In reality, all he has done is justify his ideas through his unsound interpretive techniques."

The fact that Mr. Murray deviates from orthodoxy in some significant areas (i.e., trinity), that he is cryptic about his qualifications and experience, that he is often rudely condemning of those who do not agree with him, and that he has non-biblically based teachings are all signs of a false teacher. I recommend that you stay far away from this man and the Shepherd's Chapel."

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Posted by: JB White ()
Date: July 17, 2009 06:17AM

Hi there again DebbieAnn. Copyright registration # for Shepherd Bible by Arnold B. Murray, Gravette Arkansas & Leeland E. Jandebeur is TX0000042142. Dont take my word or any other mans word for it --look it up for urself. :)

Mr. White what Bible do you study from?
Never been too stuck on one bible translation but my main bibles a AKJV by Nelson publishers. I favor giant print editions -- so theres lots a room for notes.


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Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 17, 2009 11:23PM

It seems to me that if a pastor makes a prophecy and that prophecy fails to come true then the Bible clearly teaches that the pastor is a FALSE PROPHET and is LEADING HIS FLOCK ASTRAY.

From links provided by rrmoderator, (see his above comment):

1985: Arnold Murray of the Shepherd's Chapel predicted that the war of Armageddon will start on 1985-JUN 8-9 in "a valley of the Alaskan peninsula."

Open your eyes and escape now if you are a member of this man's christianesque cult.

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Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 19, 2009 12:06PM

It is really sad that DebbieAnn has runaway. Clearly she realized she was in over her "I need meat, not milk" head. I find it truly interesting that people who erroneously call themselves "Followers of the Way" resort to attacks and offenses in their dealing with challenges. I thought the whole deal was "turning the other cheek"? I thought that only "Jesus" was the one to throw "Money Changers" etc. out of the temple? I guess I missed the part where "Followers of the Way" who are supposed to be meek are instead (according to Arnold Murray and the Shepherds Chapel and, of course, His Loyal Disciple DebbieAnn) supposed to attack and (attempt to) verbally destroy their earthly "opponents" as opposed with simple internet discussion and closely-moderated debate.

Golly. Maybe I will convert, but not if DebbieAnn is the self-appointed guardian to the Gates of Heaven. She certainly wants no sinners at the Gates, only those she deems worthy. Clearly she is sin-less being a member of The Shepherds Chapel.

I know you are reading this, DebbieAnn. Were you aware of the false prophecies that pastor Murray had espoused in the past? What does the Bible tell us of False Prophets? The sleeper must awaken!

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Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 19, 2009 01:10PM

And as for the above posting from DebbieAnn;

"I need meat, not milk" (paraphrasing)

I will tell you what I need...a scotch (or a really strong vodka and tonic).

Kidding aside, folks, Do you not find it telling that DebbieAnn complains about the 'mistreatment' of a self-acknowleged racist, biblical-heretic and apparently false prophet and yet doesn't see that this thread is in the "Destructive Churches"
thread and doesn't disagree with that???

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2009 01:16PM by Sparky.

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Posted by: WisdomSeeker ()
Date: August 22, 2009 06:43PM

"A self-acknowleged racist, biblical-heretic and apparently false prophet and yet doesn't see that this thread is in the "Destructive Churches"
thread and doesn't disagree with that???"

Who states such ignorance? Is not EVERYONE a racist in one form or another...Just as we are ALL hypocrites as well...

Do you honestly believe that MINORITIES are NOT RACIST? It is the whole thrust of the continued hatred between all of us.

In a perfect scenario, when exactly would racism be considered a mute point? When the minorities ceased with the demands of special treatment.

Sadly enough to those who CANNOT HANDLE THE SIMPLE TRUTH OF REALITY...Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was a ruddy complected male. From the bloodline of Adam. Who would argue that SIMPLE FACT? Someone who is caught up in the jeolousy and envy beguiled into mankind by Lucifer himself.

Satan, the devil, the deceiver, the liar, the envious one, is the initiator and perpetuator of RACISM, as well as SEXISM, and every form of HATRED.

Being a Scripture master himself, the deceiver knows just how to TWIST doctrine and social environments to turn everyone against themselves.

ARNOLD MURRAY AND THE SHEPHERD'S CHAPEL FROM GRAVETTE AK....Have watched and studied with them personally?

If so, then place SPECIFIC PROOF that what they teach is an abomination of Scripture.

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Posted by: JB White ()
Date: August 30, 2009 03:22PM

If so, then place SPECIFIC PROOF that what they teach is an abomination of Scripture.

Serpent Seed tape circa 1980. Dr. Murray preaches to his congregation:

-Millennial temple be built 1981.
-False messiah appears Jeruselem spring 1981.
-One-worldism receives deadly wound end of 1980.

Deu 18:20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

Jer 23:31 Behold, I [am] against the prophets, saith the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. (32) Behold, I [am] against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD.


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Posted by: soldierofthelord ()
Date: May 10, 2010 08:01AM

I have watched this man for some time now as he comes on very early in the morning in my area (5am). I really like his format, of exposition, then an answer to letters time. I have been as open as I can be but feel I must speak up after reading some of the comments on here. We are told to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Paul also speaks of false teachers deceiving those that are unlearned. Murray does tell you not to take his word for it but check it out. What if you come up with another conclusion, or the Spirit reveals an interpretation to you that does not fit his? Do you think he will agree with you or call you a Kenite?
I have heard him say that we existed in a former Earth age...this is a pure Mormon doctrine as well as other things that he has said. I once read that he said that he liked to study all of the religions and if you listen to him carefully, he borrows from all of them that are considered cults by Most of Main stream Christianity. God tells us in Zechariah 12:1 that it is He that creates the Spirit, we are born a flesh body and it is God that creates the spirit, Murray teaches this without one iota of scripture to back up his claims. The Elohim that he speaks of is the God-Head speaking to each other.
I also heard his ridiculous interpretation of the unpardonable sin. He says that it is not allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you when you are delivered up to Antichrist..He went on to say "I know God's elect pretty well and I don't think they will ever commit this sin" PLease give me a break! What about the ones Jesus was speaking to at the time...the Pharisees? It was them that he was warning about commiting this sin right then! Not some time in the future! How anyone would believe this interpretation is beyond me.
He has said that the tribulation will only last 5 months, this would contradict all the prophetic scriptures in Jeremiah and Daniel that the time of Jacob's trouble will be for times time and half a time or 3.5 years...who will you believe? God or Murray? He says that God burns us up in Hell if we are lost, annihilationism, I can think of dozens of scriptures to use here but one only needs to look in the book of revelation. The beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire and will be tormented night and day in God's presence, later at the final judgement the unsaved are said to be cast into the lake where the beast and the false prophet ARE not were! I am running out of room here but please my brothers and sisters don't let the personality and likability of this man deceive you....He is a wolf in sheeps clothing!

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