Morris and Stibbs understand the "concept" of the blood. It's you truthtesty who does not. Your "Perpetual offering of the perfect Blood of Christ" is not a biblical concept. It is more Catholicism than anything else. The "blood of Christ" was offered once for all time, no such perpetual offering.
Morris/Stibbs understand the Blood of Christ, correctly, that it denotes the death of Christ.
You like Thieme forget the work of the Resurrection:
Sacrifice and Priesthood(1924) by S.C.Gayford p. 144 quote:
The Resurrection. From the analogy of the Old Covenant, in which the offering of the Blood was so vital a feature in Sacrifice, we should expect that the Christian Sacrifice would not close with the Crucifixion but be continued in the Risen Life of the Saviour. This expectation is justified when we examine the New Testament teaching. Professor W. Milligan has collected and examined the passages treating of the Blood of Jesus Christ, its meaning and efficacy, and compared them with the corresponding sayings in reference to His Death. The conclusion which he draws is that when the Apostolic writers wished to describe the full effects of the atoning work of Christ they almost envariably speak of His Blood, rather than His Death, as the means by which he won Salvation for us. We need not remind our readers that the word "Blood" in itself involves the idea of Sacrifice. It was by a Sin Offering that Atonement was made under the New Covenant as under the Old. But further, "Blood", in its sacrificial associations, refers particularly to something which took place after the victim's death, i.e. To the altar-transaction, the "pouring" or "putting" or "sprinkling" of the Blood. Also the blood itself was the symbol of the life that had been through death, i.e. the risen life. So, the "Blood of Christ" refers us to a sacrificial work belonging to the Resurrection-life. His offering of the blood is fufilled by something which he does in his Ressurection-state and with His Risen Life...Meanwhile, it is enough to have established this very significant fact that the "Blood of Jesus" implies a reference to His Risen Life and a place for the Resurrection in the Sacrifice which He offered for the sins of the world. This explains St. Paul's insistence on the Ressurection as an integral part of the atonement(e.g. Romans iv. 25, v. 10; I Cor. xv. 17)..."Where is your evidence?
I said I welcome debate and correction, not predjudiced blather against Catholics. Catholics have faith in Jesus as saviour.
Your just trying to justify a false antihuman view of christianity for politics and profit.
People can read the debate for themselves and make up thier own mind.
Thieme's corporate politically motivated anti-human view of the Blood of Christ as "spiritual death only"
And, I think your falsely impressed from Thieme's overphasis.
Dr. Joe Layton Wall:
"... However, at times he tends to overstate the relevance of etymology28 and the significance of Greek grammar.29 Also, as has already been noted,
Thieme frequently allows his "categories" to govern his exegesis -- a point that has been illustrated in his exegesis of passages containing the term, blood of Christ. Another difficulty with Thieme's exegesis comes from the way he frequently communicates his conclusions. His normal way of teaching his exegesis includes retranslating each passage so as to include his interpretation. Such retranslations should be called "interpretive paraphrases" or “expanded translations.” However, he repeatedly labels these paraphrases “corrected translations.”30 This is a serious misrepresentation, for it leaves one with the impression that Thieme's interpretation is on a par with Scripture itself..."
28 For example, he presses the meaning of the Hebrew words for faith beyond their contextual
meaning; see his book, The Faith-rest Life, pp. 53, 54.
29 For example,
frequently Thieme emphasizes that the aorist tense always means "once-for-all"
action. See article by Frank Stagg, "The Abused Aorist," The Journal of Biblical Literature 91
(June 1972): 222-31, for documentation that the aktionsart of the aorist tense is simple past action
and does not necessarily demand "momentary, singular, or once and for all" significance. Stagg
supported his conclusions with both specific scriptural examples and quotations from grammars
by Ernest De Witt Burton and A. T. Robertson.30 See examples in Thieme's book, Blood of Christ, 1977, pp. 5, 13, 14.
Thieme's neoconservative extreme predjudices poisoned true interpretations of the Bible for an equally incorrect and unsubstantiated extremist neconservative view of the US Constitution.
Is it no wonder Thieme created "political tapes" for worldwide distribution? Thieme was involved with creating political tapes for worldwide distribution with
Fred Schwartz's Christian Anti Communist Crusade:ANTI-COMMUNISM SCHOOLS
The schools to train anti-Communists continue to be amazingly fruitful. Their potentials are limitless. I believe they
are the most hopeful development in America today. They are providing informed and effective servants in the cause
of Christ and freedom. In addition to the week long schools we have held, and those we are planning to hold, our
secretary and Texas director, Bill Strube, conducted a school in Houston on each Saturday in March. The mayor of
Houston, Louis Cartora, proclaimed the final Saturday, March 26, as Anti-Communism Day.
Here is Bill’s report on this outstanding anti-Communism school:
"Houston Anti-Communism School Attended By Over 1000
"The Third Annual Christian Anti-Communism Crusade School was held the four Saturdays in
March at the S.P. Martel Auditorium with some of the outstanding speakers in the country participating.
This school is held in a little different manner from our other schools in that it is conducted on four
consecutive Saturdays in March every year.
"The speakers this year included Clifton Ganus, Vice President of Harding College in Searcy,
Arkansas; Capt. Richard Gregory, Commandant NROTC unit, Tulane University, New Orleans,
Louisiana; Col. R. B. Thieme, Jr., Commandant Training Guidance Staff, 2697 Air Reserve Center,
Ellington Field, Texas; Edward Hunter, author of "Brainwashing and the New Who Defied It," "Story
of Mary Lui," and many other books, from Moultrie, Georgia; Fu Sung Chu, Minister Plenopotentiary
from the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.; Rev. Bob Ingram, Rector of St. Thomas Episcopalian
Church, Belliare, Texas; Fred Schafley, Attorney from Alton, Illinois, who was one of the co-authors
on the 1958 American Bar Association report that has had such widespread distribution; Rev. C. S.
Dunker, the Spiritual Leader of the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation in St. Louis, Missouri, telling of
his experiences in China; Constantin Boldyreff, who has worked in the underground behind the iron
curtain and now serves as lecturer and author from Arlington, Virginia, gave some new insights on
what can be done behind the iron curtain in this battle for freedom.
"Dr. Fred C. Schwarz topped off the school with seven talks on Saturday, March the 26th.
"The average attendance at each session was over 300. Some session shaving almost 500 present.
Between 20 and 30 tape recorders were going as each speaker presented his facts. These tapes will
be duplicated and sent all over the world in the next few weeks. Tape recordings of speeches are
available to anyone on our mailing list, should they desire them. These are recorded on 1800 ft. tapes
and two messages are on any one tape for $5 per tape. Delivery at this time, because of a back log of
tapes, will be about four to six weeks. Two additional Ampex Recorders have been purchased and
should be operative by April 1st, which will relieve some of the pressure on duplication."The Fourth Annual school is already scheduled and plans are under way to make it even bigger and better this next
Mr. Strube has conducted Saturday Seminars throughout the country. We will be happy to plan one for your area.
Weminars scheduled and held April 7, in Dallas, Texas; April 23, in Miami, Florida; April 30, Estes Park, Colorado;
May 7, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania; May 14, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; May 21, St. Louis, Missouri; May 28, Artesia,
New Mexico. Write for a Saturday Seminar Manual telling you how to plan one for your area.
Coming Schools
We are presently planning to conduct anti-Communism schools in San Diego, California, in August; Los Angeles,
California, in September; Dallas, Texas, in October; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in November. Details concerning the
precise dates and locations of these schools will be available soon. There is great interest in many other cities in
securing a school for their area. If you are interested in a school for your city and desire to know what is necessary to
secure one, write for information.
Study CirclesThe outstanding development resulting from the schools is the study circle movement which is spreading like a fire across the nation. The credit for this development belongs in great measure to Bill Strube. At the very first school we held in St. Louis he was most insistent that priority should be given to tape recordings of the messages and that these tapes should be given the widest circulation. I tended to regard the tapes as a secondary feature of the school. I confess sincerely, Bill was right and I was wrong.
These tapes have provided the mechanism by which any individual can most effectively inform his own friends and acquaintances of the nature of the Communist threat and the program needed to combat it. From these schools about a thousand study circles have been formed under various auspices and using various names across the country. This movement is developing with tremendous rapidity. A young man from Chicago was able to attend only the Saturday program of the Milwaukee Anti-Communism School.
He secured the tape recordings of all the speakers. Two months later I returned to Chicago. I was astonished and delighted to find that he had established 13 study circles.Reprint is a cope of the original promotion of the study circle prepared by Bill Strube. It is equally pertinent today.
Our plan is to double the number of study circles in existence by the end of the year."
Thieme promoted "tape study groups" remotely.
Thieme did not stop communism with his political tapes. A false sense of security was created. As everyone knows US corporations have moved US manufacturing overseas. US corporations create subsidiaries of thier own corporations in communist China for cheap labor and reimport the finished products back to America with no Tariffs. US corporations have empowered communist China to super power status. So? If Thieme Schwarz and others want to get rid of communist china they should by regulate US corporations business behaviour.
Generall Wedemeyer in"THE COMMUNIST PROGRAM FOR WORLD CONQUEST" (who Thieme claimed he seminared with) said "...I would not vote one penny to any country unless I had evidence of their good faith and of their unswerving loyalty in the cooperative effort with us toward the attainment of common objectives ; one important one, of course, is protecting the Free World against the scourge of communism . I am not suggesting that each one of these countries to whom we give military and economic aid should have exactly the same objectives in the international field, but I would insist that their objectives must be compatible with our own . In other words, if the British insist on trading with Red China and thus strengthening the Communists who present a grave danger to United States interests, then I would discontinue military or economic aid to the British. When I make a statement like that, Britishers and American "one worlders" will say that they are not trading in strategic items. When they use the term "strategic items," they mean, of course, airplanes, tanks, ammunition, I presume. But I insist that any item of trade-a spool of thread, wheat, automobiles, or coffee-assists the economy of Red China. I believe in denying those areas under Communist rule any economic or military assistance. Furthermore I would break off diplomatic relations with them. In suggesting these ideas to the committee, I wish to emphasize that I am not an isolationist. No country can isolate itself from the world today. If this be a fact, the United States should participate in international developments and relations with intelligence always mindful of the fact that we must be actuated by sel'-respect. In other words, every step that we take should protect our security and our economy. Let us be realistic and understand that all other countries conduct their foreign policies
in that manner."
General Wedemeyer is credited with the original idea of the D-Day invasion.
Today one could include not just the British, but ANY US or international CORPORATION doing business with Red China, should be regulated or sanctioned.
Edited 15 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2011 06:34AM by Truthtesty.