In Judaism, one person never had the whole enchilada and when Moses did, his father in law, Jethro, told him to split it all up.
This is not because the nation was in danger of being led astray by a megalomaniacal control freak, but because of practicality. Moses was just one man, and could not judge every dispute in the entire camp of Israel. The arbiters appointed to help bear Moses' burden judged righteously, as he did, according to the law given them. (Scripture says that Moses was the most humble man around, and history gives us no other contrary perspective)
When Jesus said, "I and the father are one" and "no one gets to the father but by me" I take it that he broke away from Judaism where the laws and rulings were done by a quorem called a "beit din".
He was criticized for saying these things because the Jewish elders, for the most part, like so many of our religious leaders today, worshipped something other than what they professed.
When faced with the reality of the person of God, they rejected Him. They sought heaven by lineage and by the works of keeping the law, and Jesus said that wasn't good enough.
They were as technical and anal about the law of moses as a human could possibly be, and before men, they had great reputations as men of righteousness. Jesus destroyed that misconception of justification they had of themselves. Their god was not like this "man" who stood before them, accusing them of sin. He had to be put down, discredited, and explained away by any means.
But when a faith system has unscientific beliefs
Here is the old arguement that since there is no God, all miracles are false, and should be explainable by science. But it should be free from the presupposition that there is no God, right up front, because miracles are evidence of God. Or else Christianity would not be a major world religion, and the name of Jesus would have been forgotten in two generations. He would have been just another arrogant hopeful cult-leader. God demonstraes His command authority over creation by breaking His natural laws as he deems fit. Science and reason are purposefully out of means to explain miracles, so that no one can reasonably deny the supernatural. But they do anyway.....