Dear all,
I thought that you might be interested to read this information from the front page of the charity giving website
We can confirm that the Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into the Dove Trust, who operate the online donations portal Pesh Framjee, Partner at Crowe Clark Whitehill, has been appointed by the Charity Commission as interim manager to take full control of the management of the Dove Trust. We are currently working with the Charity Commission to consider as a matter of urgency the next steps in order to protect existing funds the public has donated, and any future donations. We recognise this will cause concern among the charities and donors using the website.
Please note the facility to create fundraising pages or receive funds has been suspended until further notice. We will issue a press release shortly and add further detail on the website in due course.
The Charity Commission has issued a press release which may be view on the their website at the following link: [] You may also send enquires to
Please note, we will not be able answer requests about specific fund raising pages balance's whilst we continue our enquires
I am not at all suggesting that the issues at charity giving and at SMC are the same, but I found it interesting to note that:
1 - The Charities Commission appointed an interim manager
2 - The facility to receive funds was suspended
The Charities Commission has teeth!
This is of course in England and the role and approach of OSCR in Scotland may differ to some degree. I still however find it heartening that SMC have to answer to someone, and there are very serious steps that can be taken if they do not try to be accountable.
Number 2 is of particular significance to SMC. They hold almost no cash reserves (contrary to their own policy) so, if they suspended the ability to receive funds, they wold be unable to pay the wages of school staff within a cople of months. These are serious consequences! Perhaps they should have paid attention to Matthew 5v23 after all!