I formerly was a student of "Guru" "Swami" G and was apart of both of the Yahoo groups.. both groups of which were found on her website. One of which I know for sure has been deleted out of this persons cowardice and not wanting to take accountability and responsibility for her words.
"Guru" Swami G is well known for her drama and negativity approach to teaching her students. She is a person that is not afraid to cuss people out or kick them out even right after she takes their money.
You only need to watch this video 6 minutes.. The first minute she claims she has NOTHING to do with the finances of the donations from her website.. Within the next 5 minutes she is claiming that most donations were $10 or $15 then she's going through listing particular devotees that gave $100 etc. The lies of "Guru" Swami G have finally caught up with her. Unfortunately for many, including myself I was duped far too long.
The reason that she initially kicked me out of her little yahoo groups was for my mere disagreeing with her concerning other spiritual leaders that she attacked.
This is the e-mail she sent concerning why she deleted me from the yahoo group which she now deleted because she is such a coward that she won't even take account and responsibility for the words she has spoken in this group obviously for possible legal reasons.
> Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 01:55:21 +0000
> From:
crystalkundalini@hotmail.com> To:
anyeong_ha_se_yo@hotmail.com> Subject: Your Posts
> Namaste
> Don't come and
> disrespect the Guru. Being that you think
> that's ok this is not the place for you. Just
> as it's not allowed on the Tibetan path it's
> not going to happen here.
> Enjoy your belief systems and your opinions
I also recently sent her another e-mail on Facebook asking her why she has so much negativity and drama with her videos.
Conversation started today
Nicholas Rehl
Hi ma'am,
I'd like to ask you why there is so much negativity and drama in your videos?
Why can't you just follow the path instead of criticizing others?
Why do you focus so much energy on drama instead of healing through compassionate work.. feeding the hungry, helping the poor, etc. like all true Gurus do.
Do you believe you are a Guru?
I love you dear embodied soul and pray for you and pray that you can uplift the ones you are teaching and deal with the negativity.
Please do not be angry or misunderstanding that I wrote this message. I hope you understand why I write this message.
Take a good look at yourself and do not judge others.
Also, I am aware that you wrongfully accuse Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda of things and you have said that all of his followers must have something wrong with him and thus judged hundreds of thousands of people of whom many I personally know have devoted themselves to selfless service.
There is too much karma in ignorance ma'am.
I pray that you may come clean about your own lies and stop abusing people with your words and beliefs. This is my only request of you dear. Stop your judgments of good people and just have compassion and you will do well and your ignorance will be destroyed.
Jai Maha Kali Maa!
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
OM shanti shanti shanti
Her response:
Guru Swami G
Do you know the karma you make for yourself in writing to a Guru in this fashion ? Would you write to Kali in this way ? I do not accuse him in any way falsely i KNOW him full well and you are in delusion. You are well to heed your words about to much karma in ignorance as you are building yourself quite a debt of it in writing to here in this manner. OM
It is really sad that this woman cannot just follow a path that she has to slander, curse, and hiss the things that come out of her mouth is unfortunate. She is a proven liar and she talks about her students that do counseling which is very sad that she thinks that is okay.
I hope people can think twice before they trust the woman that goes by the alias "Guru Swami G"