I have not found the Apologists for Eckhart Tolle convincing in the least. As a matter of fact, they seem to take the Tolle Tactic of word-reframing as their main defense.
Just like Eckhart Tolle when he says..."When Jesus said ________, he meant ______".
Well, says who?
Thus Spaketh Eckhart Tolle?
I doubt many people would have a problem with Eckhart Tolle if he wrote a couple of small, humble books, where he tried to summarize some basic ideas like, Meditate, Breathe, detachment, stay in the moment, relax, etc. (but you don't make millions doing that!).
But Tolle is not doing that.
He is trying to unify all of the religions of the world under the personality of Eckhart Tolle.
There are many on Amazon who can't believe his arrogance and egomania. The guy thinks he has the answer to every question on earth, and the new earth too.
Tolle is not a Buddhist.
Besides, there are many Buddhist sects that are damaging, and even classified as "cultlike" like SGI. Soka Gakkai [
Seem like Eckhart took some organizing ideas from SGI, in terms of having the followers meet at their own homes. But Tolle made it one better by mandating that only Tolle can Speak, by DVD. Can you imagine? Tolle is going to enlighten you by DVD.
What is happening is he is just putting you into self-hypnosis before and after his Induction DVD's.
Sadly, lots of people are going to buy into his tactics.
"CSP" has made a lot of incorrect statements about Tolle, mainly just playing semantic word-games, which is par for the course.
- Tolle's methods can be very damaging to certain people, there are even some reports at this forum, although some of those hurt find it too painful to even write about. Eckhart doesn't talk about that, does he? All the people who utterly screw up their lives by messing around with their "Ego"? Some people can go off the rails of reality, and some can even go suicidal...does Tolle tell people who are suicidal to seek medical help? No, he claims his methods can heal them. Who is going to pick up the pieces for those who need MORE Ego-Strength to cope with life? (Tolle knows that, but must not care what happens to these folks, remember, you can't even contact the guy).
- Tolle does claim to be "enlightened" but of course does so in a tricky wordy way.
- Tolle is not teaching Mindfulness, and he has no method, and no way to measure what is happening.
- Tolle does not look in good physical shape, with a hunched spine, etc. That could be genetic, could be too much book-reading and not enough exercise. He certainly is way too detached from his body, that is not healthy.
- Pain-Body,Tolle treats that as if it is "real" when it is at best a bad primitive metaphor or Nominalization. There is no valid theory of the "pain-body" in human emotion. There are many theories about emotion, but that ain't one of them. He just made it up.
Hey, I have a Plane-Body...because I fly in my dreams at night...so buy my books and hundreds of hours of DVD's...I can make stuff up too!! It easy, you just pull it out of your ass...and then pretend its real and act confident when you sell it.
- Strangeness: the Silent Group where you are forbidden to speak...is strange and abnormal. Of course we know why he tells people to do that...and its not like the Quakers Silent meetings. Its the opposite, he wants to install Eckhart Tolle inside of you, not get you in touch with your own Intuition.
- Tolle is not a Buddhist. You can't say you are a Buddhist with no background. Might as well say he is a Jewish Kabbalahist too. Throw in some Huna too...
- No one is hammering Mindfulness, that's fine. Its that Eckhart Tolle is twisting all these valid concepts, and getting rich from them, and making a confusing mess of them. But the more complex he makes it, the more DVD's he sells. Pain = Profits.
The bottom line is that Eckhart Tolle cannot handle any type of intellectual challenge to his work.
This is why he bans it.
If you are a follower of his, you are frowned on for even Speaking or Thinking!
It really is like Yogi Bear..."I'll do the thinning around here...and don't you forget it"
Now Eckhart Tolle is so famous, all his questions will be pre-screened, so you can never get a straight answer from the guy.
So he is just a New Age, New Wage, religious entrepreneur, an astounding level of egomania, in that he seems to think he is going to usher in a New Earth.
And remember the other quote from Yogi Bear...