Re: The Gnostic Movement/Gnosticweb lead by Mark H. Pritchard (Belzebuub)
Date: January 10, 2010 04:05PM
I have many rebuttals to TypicalSeekers statements above. I will keep it simple.
The Gnostic Movement has an authoritarian structure with authority claimed by Pritchard on the basis that he is a 'divine, awakened being' and the only living master. The structure of the movement is non-democratic and follows a funnel structure, with less information being channeled down to you the lower in the hierachy you are as is evidenced by people's reports of learning more about the darker practices the higher you rise in the ranks, from trainee to teacher and member (and usually back again - sending people back down through the courses is a great technique used to encourage people to fall into line. May I refer you here to Pavlov, Skinner and conditioned responses to stimuli)
No transparency, everything is heavily edited, questions Pritchard answers in Saturday talks are posted on forums before, there is a team of moderators working around the clock on the forums to remove anything that contravenes the exhaustive terms of the site you agree to when you post. Unlike RR, you are penalised for all sorts of things and banned without a warning.
There are no public meetings, no AGMs, no transparent minutes, no budget, no accountability, no one to question 'the master' (Pritchard).
The organisation works on donations and volunteers who donate their life's savings sometimes (if they ever build them up that is), time, energy and all that they have to give to support itself and Mark and Edith, who have not worked for many, many years but enjoy a transcontinental lifestyle and now purportedly own a 6 bedroom mansion that costs just under a million dollars somewhere in Australia I believe?
Most of the people I have spoken to who have left, contrary to your assertions TypicalSeeker, claim a pattern of emotional abuse that closely mirrors that other people have experienced and a pattern of gradually escalating obsession, fanaticism, mind control and psychological totalitarianism.
The reason there is not much press about the movement, is because it is small, people leave faster than they attract new people. People only leave because they have 'failed the spiritual work', 'failed the guardian of the threshold test', 'been attacked by the black lodge' etc. They accept people leaving yes, but there is no valid reason for leaving and it is assumed that if you choose to quit you are spiritually doomed and have chosen the narrower, 'normal life' over the true 'spiritual path'.
Yes - Pritchard assures students that the path is to be walked by each alone and through experience. However you can only experience the path by 'dying to your egos', 'practicing alchemy' (sex without orgasm) and 'sacrificing for humanity'... Pretty big assumptions to just accept wouldn't you say? The other factor is, I know people who have convinced themselves of the veracity of many things by talking themselves into it. Looking at the wards of mental institutions full of people suffering from psychosis, who believe that they are Jesus and the Virgin Mary - sometimes both, I would say that life guided by belief and personal experience alone has the potential to end in eventual, dangerous delusions.
I hope you are here to learn TypicalSeeker - if you are merely a cult apologist then you will find this forum infuriating. Open your mind to learning that does not come from the courses, knowledge that comes from real life and real people.
I did, so many years ago when I first left the movement and it has changed my life.