rabbi b., what the bleep? ,His sister the medium...
Posted by: speakable truth ()
Date: December 25, 2008 01:13AM

Check this site out!


Please see what this "rabbi" is working on for his growing group of "spiritual" followers in Swampscott, Massachusetts. And check out his "recommeded movies"!

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Re: rabbi b., what the bleep? ,His sister the medium...
Posted by: jingles ()
Date: December 28, 2008 01:20PM

This movie is a marketing tool for JZ Knight's school, RSE (aka Ramtha's School of Enlightenment), and was produced in part by some Ramtha students.

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Re: rabbi b., what the bleep? ,His sister the medium...
Posted by: speakable truth ()
Date: December 29, 2008 10:41PM

Frightening how something could start off small for Knight and morph into a gigantic worldwide phenomena!

In that same light, I would love to hear everyone's opinion about this "rabbi' b" website!
Please take a look at www.rabbib.com. I am very interested to know what you think... His congregation in this relatively small community is now over 1000 followers!
Especially, please read his "spiritual journey/ biography" and the many new age "services" he offers, as well as his recommendations. I look forward to hearing your insights. Thank you!

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Re: rabbi b., what the bleep? ,His sister the medium...
Posted by: speakable truth ()
Date: December 30, 2008 07:29AM

It is so remarkable how a group like Knight can begin small and then become a worldwide infamous plague.

In that regard, I would be most grateful if this forum could please check out the website of "Rabbi B.". His is a growing Jewish based congregation being unwittingly subjected to new age influences, i.e., his recommendation of "What the Bleep?".

His website is www.rabbib.com.

I am very interested in your shared insights as to his biography and recommendations and where you think this may all lead. Thank you so much!

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