Dear Pema,
I guess you are a NKT follower.
Among NKT and NKT follower's tactics are to denounce or slander anybody which does not confirm the pov of the organisation. Even the NKT secretary's
NKT 'truth' - site didn't hesitate to slander David N. Kay's research on NKT (which is well accepted and often quoted among scholars, and has two pretty good reviews) as "heavily biased", 'academic' research, and referred to him as a 'disgruntled' ex-member. They wrote literally about his research and him:
NKT 'truth' site
heavily biased "academic" book by David Kay (who had his own disgruntled history with the NKT when he briefly attended meditation classes in
On Wikipedia a NKT follower claimed about Mr. Kay he came to NKT as a "emotionally unstable" person. The same has been done with Prof. Dreyfus and others, e.g. Mrs. Bunting from The Guardian, the latter is also being "accused" to have been converted to Catholicism. As if such a religious belief makes those persons and their works invalid or somewhat less reliable or awkward. The same slander has been done also with Prof. von Brück. (Not to speak about NKT's treatment of HHDL or former members or critics.)
There is the saying:" If you have no argument, slander your opponent." This is what I see in your post.
Prof. Williams is a well respected and often quoted scholar and Professor. As he is very familiar with Tibetan Buddhism and a well-known scholar - I don't know how familiar he is with Tibetan but I guess 100% better than NKT members who have almost no idea about even a single letter - his opinion and views matter, at least for me, who tries to avoid to believe too much the NKT leadership's narrow minded policies and distorted views and claims.
Dear Rangdrol, I agree with you. The problem with the gut was for me, that one of the first "teachings" in NKT was: "our feelings are not reliable", "we are completely confused" and so on, they undermined the trust in my intuition (my self-confidence) until I didn't believe myself, my gut or intuition any more but only NKT and its leader, because He is the perfectly "fully accomplished Spiritual Guide", he knows, he sees the three times, so I entrusted my life into the organisation (the version of Buddhism they offered) and their views (or GKG's views). Quite stupid, but as a newcomer who has no idea about Buddhism one can easily get caught in the very skilfull "recruiting system" of NKT 'missioners'....
Best wishes.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2008 10:02PM by Tenzin Peljor.