wisdomfireDear Judy,
There are a great number of smears (lies) all over the internet about GKG and the NKT. These smears started to appear on the internet 10 years ago when GKG organized protests against the Dalai Lama's ban on the Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden. Refutations to these smears can now be found on this site:
WisdomFire, I wonder how a smear site can fight smears and spread truths?
The site you list includes plenitude of wrong statements, like HHDL or FPMT would be "behind the lies" or what it states wrongly about some of NKT's critics.
A powerful example what can happen with someone entering NKT are these two reports by former members. There are more in NKS but only these are publicly available as far as I know: