For clarification E-Sangha by its terms of use does NOT permit discussion or links to the following groups:
"Members may not post, attach, use or send any posts, Personal Messages, links, images or files that promote a religion, belief, faith or doctrine other than "Buddhism." Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity.
3) These few "Buddhist" schools of thoughts are not recognized by E-sangha. No links to their websites, their books, or their followers' websites are allowed:
New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) and all other proponents of Dolgyal/Shugden
Dark Zen
True Buddha School
Aro Ter/Flaming Jewel Sangha
P mentioned belonging to
my respected friend and vajra brother Nkagpa Chogyam, otherwise known as Nkagchang Rinpoche. He and his wife Dechen are the "lineage holders" of Aro Buddhism, which is recognised by several high ranking Nyingma lamas including Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and Tarchin Rinpoche. I have to admit that Chogyam's presentation is somewhat unorthodox. But his teachings are 100% traditional Nyingma. In addition, not a breath of sexual or financial scandal has ever been attached to the Aro sangha
So Pema, that means you are in something that E-sangha has qualms about.
For perspective here is the terms of use for E-sangha. It should be noted that they have and expect a very much higher standard of behavior than its comparatively easy going.
Still, last thing needed on is a debilitating and pointless dog-fight--as has already been going on in the Hansard thread, which I gave up looking at a very long time ago.
And I dont plan to post here and will not reply to any PMs from any parties on this particular thread.
My energies go only so far.
Here, as my going away gift is the text of the E-Sangha's terms of use. If anyone thinks that Rick Ross runs a tough ship, he is a very easy going fellow compared with what is expected of anyone at E-sangha.
Right View
1) While it is acknowledged that levels of understanding of the Dharma will vary among members, and that all will have their own beliefs about it, certain doctrines such as karma, postmortem rebirth and not-self, are held to be core teachings by all Buddhist traditions. Members are free to privately disagree with these teachings, or to discuss and ask questions about them, but not to debate them, denigrate them, or deny that they were taught by the Buddha.
2) Members may not post, attach, use or send any posts, Personal Messages, links, images or files that promote a religion, belief, faith or doctrine other than "Buddhism." Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity.
3) These few "Buddhist" schools of thoughts are not recognized by E-sangha. No links to their websites, their books, or their followers' websites are allowed:
New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) and all other proponents of Dolgyal/Shugden
Dark Zen
True Buddha School
Aro Ter/Flaming Jewel Sangha
Right Intention
4) Treat all members with respect. Members in this international forum have different backgrounds and opinions. Dharma is general, but unique to each person's understanding and progress. If you disagree, accept the differences and be willing to learn.
5) Avoid blaming others. Seeing someone else’s fault is easier than seeing one’s own fault. Try to find your own faults and purify your mind. Always check your own karma and its fruit.
6) Discussion board posts can easily be perceived in a way not intended by the writer. For that reason, try to always assume that a post you read was written with the best of intentions rather than the worst. Likewise, when writing a post, take care to make your intentions clear to others.
7) Although discussion of Buddhist teachers is allowed, members may not disparage Buddhist teachers with slander or gossip.
Right Speech
8) Offensive or vulgar language, personal attacks, and sect bashing are not allowed. Abusive speech, including insults regarding race, nationality, culture, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or personal disability will be considered an act of violence and cause for termination of privileges.
9) The use of the term "fundamentalist", as an appellation of another Buddhist's view, is not permitted on this board.
10) Questions and negative comments about moderator actions and decisions, E-sangha TOS, forum guidelines, banned members, or one's intention to leave E-sangha or shift to another website are not allowed in the forum. All such discussions shall be conducted privately with a moderator or administrator through e-mail or Personal Message.
Right Action
11) You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this discussion forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, lewd, pornographic, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
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14) Members that are not Buddhist monastics, lamas, priests, or ordained teachers may not use a photograph of a person wearing monastic or clerical robes as their avatar. However, they may display such a picture on their personal profile page.
15) Members who publicly indicate on E-sangha that they are a monastic, lama, priest, or other ordained Buddhist teacher must meet the E-sangha Guidelines for Ordained Members.
Right Livelihood
16) E-Sangha reserves the right to publish, republish, delete or modify all posts at its discretion.
17) Members will ensure that they keep up to date with the most current version of the TOS and Forum Guidelines. E-sangha reserves the right to vary, modify, add, subtract or delete any of the E-sangha TOS and forum guidelines or part thereof at any time with or without notice.
18) You will not hold E-sangha, its owners, its staff members, or its members, responsible for any losses or damages suffered as a consequence of using this site or its services, or resulting from the actions or inaction of its owners, staff members or members.
19) Members must log into their account at least once every 12 months to keep their account active. Inactive accounts may be removed.
Right Effort
20) The messages on this discussion board express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this discussion board. Any member who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
21) Do not give out personal information in your posts or your profile that you do not wish others to know. E-sangha cannot be held responsible for the consequences if you choose to do otherwise.
Members that find objectionable content in a post are encouraged to use the "report this post" button to notify the appropriate moderators.
22) Signatures that include any quotes from the Buddha or other Scriptural material must also provide a detailed citation of the Scriptural source.
23) All posts, signatures, blog entries, and link content should either be in English or be accompanied by an English translation.
Right Mindfulness
24) E-sangha shall be considered a place of respect and devotion. Behavior that is disruptive, upsetting and unmindful shall be cause for termination of privileges.
25) Discussions of relations between Buddhism and other religions are only permitted in the Buddhist Comparative Religion and Philosophy sub-forum.
Right Concentration
26) When replying to a post, be sure that you are only quoting relevant portions of the post that you are replying to - don't over quote.
27) Posts that are off-topic, do not contribute to, or otherwise disrupt a thread will be removed or relocated.
28) Members may not post the same message in multiple forums (cross-posting).
Guidelines for Ordained Members
Members who publicly indicate on E-sangha that they are a monastic, lama, priest, or other ordained Buddhist teacher must meet the following requirements:
1. Post a picture of yourself as your member avatar.
2. Identify your location in your profile.
3. Identify your religious tradition/sect.
4. If you are a monastic, provide the name of your preceptor and the date and location of your ordination.
5. If you are a lama, priest, or other Buddhist teacher, provide the name and location of who authorizes you to teach (lamas, in addition, please include the date and location of your three year retreat).
Items 3-5 must be added to either your profile or your signature. Information on an external link shall not satisfy the above requirements.
This rule does not apply to members of groups not recognized by E-sangha, as indicated in the Board Guidelines. Such members should not identify themselves on E-sangha as monastics, lamas, priests, or teachers.
A "monastic" is defined for E-sangha as a person who has legitimately received at least a novice ordination in a monastic tradition and presently maintains those vows and precepts, including celibacy. Monastic traditions are defined as those of the Theravada, Dharmagupta, or Mulasarvastivada schools.
A "priest" is defined for E-sangha as a person who has received formal ordination in any of the modern Japanese lineages, sects, or schools, and who is either married or unmarried. The ordination must have been verifiably recognized by the concerned formal governing body in Japan. The term "minister" may be used in the same sense as "priest" if desired.
Any member claiming to be either a monastic or priest according to the above definitions may be asked to present a copy of formal documentation upon written request by an administrator. This documentation may be requested at any time, even if the stated requirements have been fulfilled. Submitted documentation will be treated with the utmost care and respect, and will not be displayed in public or distributed to third parties under any circumstances.
Refusal to comply with any aspect of this rule will result in suspension or permanent ban.
Rev. 07-16-2008
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2008 12:05AM by corboy.