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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: July 25, 2022 01:05AM

More important information on this new website:

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: December 09, 2022 06:17AM

The president of misa died of cervical cancer.
The number of misa devotees who got cancer is very high showing clearly something is seriously wrong there.


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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: May 09, 2023 11:41AM

The Misa/Atman sect has made it on the list of most dangerous yoga cults:

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: June 04, 2023 06:24AM

A collection of testimonials of girls seeing Bivolaru:

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: July 19, 2023 05:51AM

Ashleigh Freckleton, has given an interview with more details regarding her experiences and abuse in Tara Yoga UK and with the guru in Paris



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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Anon7 ()
Date: October 13, 2023 04:38PM

I want to shine the light on something that didn’t get much attention so far: The manipulation of free will in this yoga school. This happens in two ways.

The most obvious way is with the cult behaviour of the students encouraged by the teachers. Most extreme I experienced it in the Shakti groups. Girls will tell you anything to convince you that your doubts are demonic and you should go see Grig. To take all the troubles as your own karma and suffer it. Spiritual bypassing blah blah as usual. This cult behaviour is well documented and happens in all cults.

But there is a much more sneaky way Grig is manipulating the free will: the spiritual support field. After a long research I came to the conclusion this telepathic support field is not just to support your yoga and meditations. I actually manipulates everything in your life to serve the school and not even think about leaving. It even manipulates the way we are thinking, obscures our inner guides like voice of our soul and our guardian angels. And it is very persistent. It took me years to find this out and get out of this.

I first noticed this manipulation when consulting oracles. My readings started to produce conflicting results and at some point the oracle even admitted that it was being manipulated by Grig’s telepathic capacity. To make sure about this I decided to consult an independent clairvoyant lady. She said this was indeed true. She confirmed this field is indeed very persistent and very manipulative. She helped me a lot trying to get out of it.

Like in the story of Lord of the Rings I can now say to Grig: You have studied Satan for too long, you have become demonic yourself!

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Anon7 ()
Date: November 29, 2023 09:33PM

So the demon of atman has been arrested now in Paris

I wish everyone good luck releasing themselves from the telepathic and hypnotic tentacles of this monster. Just remember that the truth will liberate all of us because even Grig cannot manipulate God!

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: December 01, 2023 10:54PM

In the French legal system, there's no presumption of innocence and no bail.

M. Bivolaru will remain out of circulation for awhile.

When arrested, an accused person stays in custody while one or more magistrate judges investigate the case -- after which they decide whether the person is released or the matter goes to trial. If so, the accused remains in custody.

Additional coverage of this developing story here:

Google Results bivolaru parish tantric arrested


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2023 10:58PM by corboy.

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: Hans7 ()
Date: December 06, 2023 07:27AM

The atman yoga federation and most of their members have published responses to the arrest of their guru Gregorian Bivolaru in their classical “avoiding the reality” way.

They claim that either the allegations are absurd or that they don’t know what exactly he is being charged with. Nonsense it is very clear what the accusations are, every news article in the world lists them as they are: a long list of charges, including human trafficking, organized kidnapping, and rape.

Also these accusations are nothing new, they have been well documented for at least 2 decades. The only thing that is new is that now more than a dozen women have stood up and are brave enough to press charges. Not only that, a French human rights organization and an official anti cult organization are helping them with it. These are serious organizations that don’t work with just rumors. There a dozens of testimonies and hard facts. Bivolaru will have a tough job trying to avoid conviction.

They say their guru has been a role model for verticality, again nonsense, there are numerous eyewitnesses describing him yelling and being angry at his women showing clearly a mediocre man who is losing control.

Their eternal defense is of course that they are always the victim of a political witch hunt against them. Usually blamed on illuminati, free masons or a satanic world government. This is a classic according the cult handbook. By imagining an external enemy they create fear amongst their disciples making them fight for their leader and avoiding them leave the group. They have been saying this now for more than 3 decades and no evidence has been ever presented.
The real reason they are receiving attention from the law enforcement is that they are displaying behavior that hints to abuses. If you make your followers play in porn movies, send them to strip clubs, make them work in tantra massage temples, prostitute them in online video chat and most of all send them to your guru to have sex with him, then of course you draw attention. And since now survivors have come forward and are pressing charges this of course activates the law enforcement. It has nothing to do with an external enemy.
They think they can justify all this by calling it karma yoga. But really it is all slave labour if there is no clear consent. There is no consent if you are so intensely indoctrinated that you would not even think of saying no. Women are being subjected to watching hardcore porn movies were women are abused. They are “trained” by having to join collective orgies including pee sex to erode all their boundaries so they will submit to any other abuses in their organization. They are cramped into very small housing so they all have to sleep together without being able to leave the house for days. This all will breakdown any notion of what is reasonable and will brainwash them so submit to anything.

All this clearly shows this is a classical cult with all the cult methods being actively used. It is almost clear that Bivolaru did study cult books very well and copied all their methods. Just like he admitted that he learned a lot of tricks from criminals while being in Romanian prisons.

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Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: December 07, 2023 01:15AM

Bivolaru's mistake was to operate in France.

The French government takes cult activity very seriously -- due to the nations history, the French authorities understand that ideas have power and the staggering power of charismatic leaders -- direct experience with Louis XIV, the murderous Robespierre, architect of the Reign of Terror, Napoleon and Hitler.

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