Re: Gregorian Bivolaru Yoga Sex Crimes Franchise Cult
Date: January 11, 2024 05:38PM
Google translate from the exmisa forum: An interesting deeper discussion of the atman/misa cult problem.
With the November 28 raids in France, French justice has launched an action looking at a series of charges
involving the entire ATMAN organization, the name under which MISA's international network hides.
On this occasion, interest in the MISA phenomenon was revived in the media, manifested by a very large number
of articles and debates.
Like most of the opinions expressed in the public space, over the years, about the MISA phenomenon, and the opinions expressed today
they are focused on the sensational, scandalous side, they are superficial and only scratch the surface of the dung, making more
from time to time the fetid smell that has been fermenting inside for a long time.
One can understand the superficiality of this approach regarding the media from abroad, for which the MISA-ATMAN phenomenon
it is a scandal of more recent import, but in Romania there has never been a deep approach to this topic.
There were attempts, but they were all lost in the cheap sensationalism.
In the uproar caused by the disclosure of this cancer that has spread internationally, an attempt is nevertheless distinguished
of approach to the subject of MISA which, though only touched upon in passing, went beyond the cheap sensational and finally raised
the questions that should have been debated from the beginning, namely those regarding the nature and deep causes of this phenomenon.
It is about a show from a television with spiritual concerns - Speran?a TV - entitled
"Forbidden games and the need for spirituality - Gregorian Bivolaru - Second opinion"
Although it is a show that belongs to a TV channel connected to the Adventist religious community, a fact that has been seen
in some moments by leading the debate in partisan directions, which serve the religious propaganda specific to the respective community,
in the course of the debate , the real questions regarding the emergence of
and the development of the MISA social phenomenon, questions that should have been raised a long time ago, but were buried
under the avalanche of salacious detail that the tabloid press of our time is so avid for.
As former participants in the MISA courses, who have experienced the phenomenon live, both from the inside and from the outside, with the good and the bad,
we have a perspective that can be fair and objective.
The problem is that both the media and public opinion are not interested in this essential experience, but only in the scandalous aspects,
fact that made the roots of the MISA phenomenon not really understood and thus, the unfortunate reaction of society made
for this phenomenon to persist because it has not been properly understood and addressed.
Thus, society acted extremist, either through excessive permissiveness or excessive repression.
As a result, both public opinion and MISA followers barricaded themselves in the ideological trenches in positions of confrontation, total isolation,
neither side being able to really understand what the real situation is.
In what follows, we will seek to address the essential questions regarding the MISA social phenomenon and find the correct answers,
precisely from the position of its observers from a more comprehensive perspective. We will do this starting from the show itself
to which reference was made, but signaling the tendentious elements of religious propaganda.
Obviously, the analysis of any phenomenon must start from the question:
> How did it appear, how did it start, what are the factors that contributed to the emergence of this phenomenon?
The very title of the show begins to outline the answer to this question: "the need for spirituality" .
dialogue from the show:
- What is the history or what exactly happens in this connection between the East and the West?
How did yoga become so popular in Europe?
- Even if topics like "salvation" are not so present, even in the secular society we live in, still
our aspirations are only slowed, but not canceled. We want spirituality, and yoga, these Hindu schools,
they promise it instantly, quickly, with little discipline.
– You also captured this idea in the clip: the vulnerability of those who want spirituality.
We have this need within us, we feel the need to somehow connect with the Divine, to fill this void in the form of God...
Of course, in the Romanian society emerging from atheistic communism that had repressed spirituality, there was a great need for spirituality,
but this is only half the answer, because it only concerns those who have subscribed to the ideas promoted by MISA.
In fact, the word "after" - resulting from an approximate Romanian language, which comes from the "brothers" across the Ocean - surprises
the passive aspect or element, that of adherents or followers, seeking to fulfill certain needs.
At the moment when the "need for spirituality" appears, the "suppliers" also appear who claim and promise to have the solution for fulfillment
to this need and AFTER the first ones, the followers, will start to walk.
The problem and the solution, the need and the fulfillment, the demand and the supply! " If MISA didn't exist, it would have appeared anyway!"
The "Providers" saw this immense opportunity and, while the dead of December 89 had not quite cooled yet,
they were already hatching the future hen with golden eggs.
We met on December 31 in a studio apartment in Rahova. We all gathered who had gone through investigations.
Together with Grieg, we decided to start classes in Romania, for anyone who wants to do yoga.
Narcis Tarcau dealt a lot with the paperwork, as if the name "Spiritual Integration Movement in the Absolute" was his idea.
I know we were all talking to Grieg, looking for something to fit. At that time, to many of the non-yogis who heard him
it seemed like a sci-fi name to them, some even found it amusing... On January 23, 1990, the official documents came out."
MISA was "made, not born"!
Therefore, the answer to the first part of the question - how did MISA come about - is this:
MISA is an opportunistic organization that emerged from unprotected dating and love affairs
between the SEEKERS of spirituality and the SUPPLIERS of spirituality!
But many have claimed over time to have the answers to the big questions, but only a few have made themselves heard, so
the next question that arises is
> How did MISA grow, what is the secret of reaching such dimensions as the Beautiful Boy in the story?
dialogue from the show:
– If possible, quickly! Philosophy itself says this: as an aspirant after spirituality, after God, after Deification,
to get to the top of the mountain, you have several paths to get there. The path of yoga is the fastest or the straightest…
– or the one that promises the fastest...
So people are looking for salvation and there are some who claim and promise that they have the simple, quick and effective solution.
MISA claimed to be a " comprehensive esoteric yoga school ", although this title did not exist from the beginning.
"World, world, come to us, because with us you find EVERYTHING and only with us is salvation! " (see Annex)
(Ironically, those who participated in the current show also claim, within their communities, the exact same thing!)
But what is that miracle solution? For they all claim to have the answer to all questions, that they alone offer salvation!
Remember three words: chakras, mantras, tantras!
dialogue from the show:
"I went to the Christian Spirituality office and was banned when, among the new generation of 20-30 year olds,
the young people came and, very casually, asked: Do you offer yoga meditation consultations here, something with Spirit?
– And those who came were Christians, they were not yogis or, I don't know, Hindus. I was very surprised, so everyone expected it
let's do the exercises we were talking about earlier: mantras, tantras.
– It is something perhaps more palpable and therefore attracts more...
In a world where the practice of religions is formal, where members of religious communities are spectators at a show
which - just like in antiquity - is directed by the priestly caste that completely seized the religions and appropriated them to the individual,
it should come as no surprise that people these days - and especially young people - are looking for another way to have a say
in the religious life in which they want to participate actively, to have a say, not just to be considered sheep shepherded by priests,
pastors or preachers who milk them, shear them, skin them and eat them, not only figuratively.
In this climate of rejection of the ancient, obsolete, priestly caste-falsified way of religious life,
with ceremonies and rituals like plays, which often go against the original fundamental principles of religions,
"reformers" have appeared who promise believers an approach to religions in which they can participate directly,
which he can practice directly, by his own forces.
This new reforming approach is based on concrete techniques and procedures , through which practitioners are promised access
to the higher religious dimensions to which, in the case of traditional religions, they have access ( it is said ) only through the mediation of priests.
The height of irony, however, is that MISA has reached the point where, although it rejects the formal religious rituals of others, it proposes to its own followers
rituals that they can perform themselves, for themselves, and even arrogated to themselves a planetary mission to promote a
New Planetary Religions (Godism), which will cause the elimination of all other religions and needs no intermediaries.
Focusing attention and energy on precise areas of the physical body - power centers, energy pathways -
stimulated through precise physical and mental exercises, give rise to intense subtle sensations,
just as the warm, gentle rays of the sun burn if focused by a lens.
These subtle sensations, supported and amplified by the intense sensations of sexual pleasure, induce states of euphoria
which are presented as authentic spiritual achievements:
"The best indicator of success in yoga practice - and an effect that is sure to occur in all persistent practitioners -
it is the state of happiness. Especially if we approach yoga from the traditional, predominantly spiritual perspective, we will note with joy
that we actually learn to be happy.”
But the supreme method at MISA is represented by sexual practices, which speculate on one of the strongest instincts
of the human being, are the most attractive and irresistible activities, generating the easiest but also the most intense sensations:
quote from the show:
Pagan religions rarely deviate from the association of sexual immorality with high spirituality, and occassionally enlightened ones such as
Gregorian Bivolaru rekindles the idea that sexual intercourse - only - mediates the connection of worshipers with supernatural beings.
In ancient and modern pagan religions, spirituality has always made a good home with sexual immorality.
Sacred prostitution was practiced on a large scale by the famous Vestal women in all the rituals dedicated to the various deities of love."
Under the "magic wand" of Bivolaru, the Miss Shakti contest acquired a pornographic twist from early on,
with accents of perversion (see "secret test of urinary orgasm", reached through the pornographic films of MISA),
the viewing of pornographic films of the lowest kind was instituted, which are practically "pushed down your throat" in "yoga camps",
group sexual relations are promoted, multiple, "open" sexual relations,
urine consumption and at MISA they practice porn video chat and more recently nude yoga.
In a conference, Bivolaru argued that only sexual practices lead to success, and in their absence, traditional yoga practice
is "mediocre".
So the answer to this question is:
MISA promises spiritual evolution through one's own strength and claims to have the solutions to achieve it.
The states of euphoric pleasure, generated practically at will, through a kind of physical and subtle self-stimulation achieved
through specific physical exercises that use and modulate especially sexual energy, being strong
felt even by the novice practitioner, against the background of the soul emptiness of his previous existence,
they are the secret of MISA's success .
Of course, there are other groups that have used exactly these means.
In the specific case of MISA, it must be said that the expansion of this organization was initially based not so much on the leader's charisma
- which, if you take it for a pittance, it turns out that it is not quite as charismatic as it is stated - as in the ideal image
which his "apostles", his students from the communist period before 1990, created for him
and who then, many of them, left him without giving an explanation for their gesture.
Then these myths spread from neighbor to neighbor either within the community or outside it,
by attracting new followers to those who were already taking MISA courses.
quote from the show :
"We are talking about the individual dimension, this spirituality on an individual level with God, but we can talk
and about one dimension of a group spirituality, the need to belong.
This MISA movement assumed a community, offered and fulfilled this need.
And those who do not display or live this level of spirituality can be influenced by those in the midst of
which it belongs to. I feel that it is this community element that has made the success of the yoga movement so evident."
Yes, man is primarily a social being, he cannot survive alone.
But often the need for community hides the need to fill an inner void, and this is a vulnerability exploited by sects.
Sometimes community spirit degraded to the stage of herd spirit (when it came to reaction to
criticism from the media or public opinion), as pressure from other members of the community (mimicry)
or through collective response when some members drew attention to some negative aspects (sect spirit), which induced,
maintained and amplified in the soul and mind of those who asked their questions, the fear of leaving the group.
The need for community is a need inherent in the human condition, being therefore naturally present within any community
who share the same ideas and aspirations.
Also, the depraved sex on public display is an aspect of contemporary society that can be encountered at every turn.
Therefore, the question arises:
> What is the problem with MISA?
First of all, it must be said that the participants in today's show correctly pointed out that MISA seeks to mislead
both spiritual seekers and public opinion, falsely presenting itself as a yoga school like any other,
which does not represent a religious cult or a religious sect, but is accessible to anyone, regardless of religion:
quote from the show:
"For a European and for you, a non-involved person, yoga is a kind of sport.
If you look at their promotional posters, they are accredited by the Ministry of Health and Sports – at one point they were.
We forget that, in reality, it is a religion, it is not a sport, it is not a matter of entertainment or just relaxation,
it is not a spa, yoga is not a spa, with its various schools, from Hatha Yoga to Tantra and so on , it is a religion
extraordinarily present in the thinking of a large majority of people. Hindu followers are not in the thousands, they are in the millions,
they number in the hundreds of millions."
MISA denies that yoga is a religion, although it promotes a New Religion (Godism and His Attributes or Esoteric Christianity),
which will eliminate the other religions,
this while the MISA posters show the conduct of Western-style courses, in gyms or Culture Houses,
such as aerobics, fitness or karate classes.
Also, even those who participate in MISA activities identify with this idea.
They do not state that they are part of a community, but say that they "go to class" .
The MASS is the COURSE, it is the COMPREHENSIVE ESOTERIC YOGA SCHOOL! If you do not pay the course fee, you are automatically excluded.
Thus, MISA school membership is strictly linked to the payment of the course fee!
Being part of the MISA school depends on paying the course fee or performing some activities for the organization.
And Christians are required to pay for more important religious services, but you can remain a parishioner, attend services
and be recognized as a member of the Christian church without paying a monthly fee.
MISA is, after all, a business!
If the fact that MISA presents itself as a series of regular gym yoga classes is a lie, then what lies behind it?
quote from the show:
Not a few observers of the oriental phenomenon settled in our lands in the last decades, came to consider them
the poor students of the yoga school run by the enlightened mioritic Bivolaru as genuine sex slaves.
By means of psychic manipulation, vulnerable people ended up being practically offered as sexual offerings for the beloved "master".
Who is really the victim here? Not the vulnerable spiritual aspirant who quickly becomes a sexual offering
on the impure altar of the imaginary "master"?
The 26 victims discovered in Bivolaru's sect present us with a similar history. But how many unknown victims?
can they sit on this Guru's long list?
The problem with MISA is that it has become a "third of the lie":
- lies that it offers salvation
- he believes that the method of salvation is disintegration
- he lies and exploits followers for his benefit and - worst of all - women end up like this - SOME, AGAINST THEIR WILL! -
sex offerings to the Guru!
Ultimately, all religions have lied and lie when they claim to have an absolute method of attaining salvation
(including members of the religious community who attended this show!)
The priestly clergy of all religions have profited and profit materially and socially from their followers throughout history.
Individually, some priests, gurus, preachers, healers, etc. have taken advantage and sexually abused their followers.
In the particular case of MISA, most followers participated and are participating in MISA's immoral and illegal activities
with their will, more or less conscious.
Even though all of them were in reality deluded and deceived, yet they chose and still choose to participate in this
it is also largely their fault, which is why they hide and defend the deeds of MISA and its guru.
But beyond all this, there are women who have been exploited and sexually abused AGAINST THEIR WILL.
Some refused to take part on the spot, others later realized that they had been lied to and abused, under the pretext of "sexual initiation into Tantra".
And those who did not know are students from abroad. who had no idea what was waiting for them.
This is the problem with MISA! Here all the justifications of the Guru and the followers are shattered!
You cannot say that "they did not understand what grace is being offered to them, that they were not prepared to receive the initiation!"
Grace does not come automatically, just as love cannot automatically come, it is called rape.
You cannot support the enormity that "God decided that these women should receive Grace!", when they did not want such a thing.
God sees long in advance who is not ready to receive Grace, and therefore does not force such an occasion,
knowing very clearly that the latter will reject the chance. God knowingly left freedom of choice to man,
for it is only in beneficial actions done with wholehearted initiative that spiritual growth occurs.
Also, Guru Bivolaru constantly emphasized that love fusion should not be achieved if there is no feeling
of intense and deep love fully shared by BOTH LOVERS!
Or what kind of love is it about when Guru chooses his "girlfriend" from the pictures, and she comes to Guru without ever having seen him before?
How could some 20-year-old young women love and look forward to making love to a 70-year-old old man?
Bivolaru claims that he offers subtle paranormal initiations from a distance, that he is a bodhaka.
Then why does he need physical contact to initiate women?
It is clear that Bivolaru is violating his own teachings.
Thus, Guru Bivolaru comes alongside all these defilements committed under the guise of religion:
the homosexual priests rapists and sexual abusers of minor boys in the Catholic Church, the adulteries of some Orthodox priests,
the sexual abuses of Satya Sai Baba, Osho, Joao de Deus.
The height of villainy, a recent MISA article accused the "Brazilian healer" of abusing hundreds of women and that he was preparing
to run away with bags full of money, and now - the height of irony - their Guru is fixed in the same situation!
A famous faith healer with millions of followers is accused of actually running a sex slave farm.
More than 600 women around the world have already accused Joao de Deus (JOHN OF GOD) of sexually abusing them
during paranormal healing meetings.
Joao beat Guru in money but was outdone by Guru in women….
> What is there to do?
quote from the show:
"Watching the clip, we realize that what we see related to guru Bivolaru goes beyond this area of ??spirituality and we speak
a bit of the penalty area.
And here the question that arises for me would be the following: to what extent is the state in a position to pronounce on certain things
which are illegal, if those things are strictly related to, I don't know, the rituals of that faith?
The problem is how we define morality and immorality because if this matter is left to the level
our personal definition, we end up in a dead end. What does spirituality mean, when you mean that a man
is it spiritual It would be a problem to say that the residents of ashrams - because they are the communities where they practice
yoga - that those people are not spiritual or have no inclination towards spirituality! They are special people, they are people
with aspirations for God, with searches, they have turmoil, that is, we are not talking about this matter. "
The issue of legality is not about the morality of the rituals of that faith and how members interpret them
different religious communities, but whether the rights and freedoms of human beings are respected or violated ,
first of all the right to free choice - FREE ARBITRATION!
If a human being has been forced to do something against him or if he has been tricked into doing something and realizes that
she was deceived and taken advantage of, then these acts are illegal REGARDLESS of religious dogmas and beliefs.
Religious beliefs concern only those who fully embrace them, not others who do not.
Therefore, if it is proven that the fundamental rights and freedoms of some people have been violated, there is no longer any discussion
regarding the religious beliefs of the members of the community, because they do not decide, but the Law!
Simple: if the dogmas, rituals and religious beliefs of a group violate basic human rights,
they violate the law and therefore the group's activity must be outlawed .
As long as the authorities do not exercise their powers, we will have debates in society like:
- Why does MISA exist?
- Why not? Is anyone stopping them?
As opposed to the isolated individual abuses of some members of the clergy who do not concern a particular religion in its entirety
because they violated the precepts of that religion, at MISA the very "morality" preached by the organization is immoral
or, worse, AMORAL , being promoted by Guru Bivolaru Himself, specifically to serve his purposes!
Even if an individual commits immoral acts, at least he is aware that he is immoral (like the sneak thief).
But an amoral individual can no longer distinguish the line between moral and immoral:
The tantric view rejects nothing
In TANTRA there is no rigid separation between what is good and what is bad, between what is acceptable and what is not.
TANTRA makes no moral judgments about our love preferences. The focus is not on what you do, but how you do what you do.
The sacralization of sexuality
In this new vision, "sin" disappears (if it existed!), being replaced by pure bliss and complete love.
Thus it is neither obscenity nor pornography but only symbolism and refined beauty.
Then, on this fertile ground, the seeds of error are sown, such as for example multiple parallel relationships:
"The fidelity between the two lovers remains unaltered, even if they are involved in other parallel love relationships."
One can note the glaring contradiction between the idea of ??fidelity and parallel relationships .
Another contradiction is that between the practice of porn video chat and its characterization as prostitution by Guru himself.
The aberrant and deviant behaviors of MISA have already been exposed above when speaking of sacred prostitution.
In conclusion, it is required that the authorities in the states where the MISA octopus operates apply the law that includes, everywhere,
respecting the freedom of the human being!
Of course, vigilance is also required on the part of civil society, public opinion and every responsible individual.
quote from the show:
I would like to draw conclusions, and this conclusion I would like to have in mind a warning for those who follow us,
because we talked about these forbidden games that seem to lead us to spirituality or fulfill our need
of spirituality and the road is a dangerous one, so I invite you to a conclusion by which we tell those at home,
on the one hand, what is wrong or what to avoid and where to really look for the source of spirituality they need?
The answer can already be guessed, as the previous question is actually a subtly elevated ball at the net.
The participants in the show center, they nod and they also judge:
quotes from the show:
The problem is, what does it mean to be spiritual? Scripturally, spirituality is at the junction or
in touch or near with reference to a Law that is pure, holy and righteous.
But in order to be able to make a statement like this, which is deeply theological: "Let me not sin!", first of all
you must need the definition of sin. What is sin? Sin is a relationship with a Law!
Authentic spirituality is found in the Bible and is related to some very clear benchmarks, the Law of God.
To be scripturally authentic spiritually is to curb your lusts or focus them in a framework
approved by God.
"Sin is a relationship with a Law!" That is, an intellectual reporting, an interpretation of the mind?
Obviously it cannot be so, since all read the Law (the word of Scripture), all claim not only to understand it correctly
but also that they are the only ones who have the just understanding, and yet they all sin, even though they don't want to admit it!
And those at MISA are "experts" in such false arguments, because they claim that MISA is "the only authentic school
from the planet" and that only they hold "planetary premiere" revelations.
What does "God's approved framework" mean, and who can claim to know exactly what this framework is?
Obviously, some who claim that they know God's Will, that God speaks to them constantly, and those at MISA are among them.
At MISA, "the framework approved by God" means "the affirmative answer to the consecration"!
The absolute will of the Unmanifest and Unlimited God is the faces perceived precisely by some very limited, blind
and who are chained in Manifestation.
The expression "the framework approved by God" is specific to the sectarian approach to spirituality.
Sectarians claim loudly that this approach is scriptural but, in fact, it is f ripturistic.
All preachers walk around with the Bible in hand and always show it to the audience as a guarantee of spiritual authority.
And Bivolaru shows the same Scripture, but he claims to have found in it Esoteric Christianity based on the Divine Attributes,
i.e. Deism: The New, Unique and Supreme Religion!
Such an interpretive approach will not only not shake MISA adherents from their position, but will strengthen them.
Furthermore, they will argue loudly that this is a mental approach , and the right way is direct inner perception.
which, obviously, they are the only ones who own it.
quotes from the show:
In the mindset of some traditional classical religions, it is not a bad thing to be a Christian and practice yoga exercises.
If you want to stick to what is written in the Scriptures, to be God's man, follow the Holy Book. If not, you will approach a syncretic religion.
This is what MISA has always done. They claim to be the renewing synthesis of all traditional ways.
MISA claims to have and know it all, and whatever you tell its followers, they will "sublimate and modulate" any message
only in the sense in which it suits them.
For example, according to them, the Guru did immense good to the raped students, he gave them a unique chance for spiritual evolution
unique chance that some of them didn't understand or refused...
Practically, in this show, some sectarians are addressed by others also from a sectarian position.
Therefore, it is not surprising what the "final" conclusion is:
quote from the show:
– Yes, a conclusion please!
– I cannot afford to prescribe anything to a yogi. So, in matters of religion, you cannot prescribe, because people must
let them convince themselves if there is anything to be convinced of.
Well, those from MISA have already "convinced" themselves! This is what they always say: "I came to yoga for direct conviction through experience
immediate interior and I found it only at MISA!"
We allow ourselves to prescribe something to the yogis of MISA: carefully analyze the statements and actions of MISA and its Guru
and note the contradictions that appear (more and more frequently) both between them and between statements and reality.
And if Guru&Co say one thing and do another, or if they say one is white and then black, then they are not in the truth.
Discernment: this is their ONLY and LAST chance!
...And I was wondering "Was it a sect, wasn't it a sect?" and the more I thought about it and saw its mechanism,
the more I understood what happened to me, the more painful it was, the more you go to the conclusion
"This is a process!"
Because you don't realize, you don't think, and until you see... I found out in those moments that it is true
"Yes, it really is as bad as it sounds! This is human trafficking and systematic ritualized sexual abuse of hundreds,
if not to thousands of women, it happens every day, right under our noses. That's exactly what it was!