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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: September 12, 2004 03:48PM

"Recovery from Cults; Help for Victims of Psychological and Spritual Abuse" edited by Michael D. Langone.

A bit dry and academic at times.. but overall EXCELLENT book!
Certain passages might be particular poignant, and might help the MOL Survivors to reflect upon the manipulation history they are processing.

from Chpt. 11 "Guidelines for Therapists" by Lorna Goldberg p. 244 :

According to former members, in order for cults to gain new adherents, they use sensory bombardment through such tactics as prolonged lectures, sleep deprivation, environmental control, and love bombing. They encourage the breaking of ties with the recruit's usual sources of information and support, such as family and friends. Recruitment is most successful when the group is able to completely monopolize the member's time. Cults induce recruits to be caught up in hypnotic emotionality rather than intellect through stirring songs, chants and confessional guilt-inducing sessions. All of this can serve to bring on a dissociative state, that is, an altered state of increased suggestibility. To protect oneself in the midst of confusion, loss of former ties, induced guilt, and dissociation, the recruit tends to reorganize reality through a new defensive system in which identification with the aggressor (the cult leader) predominates.

Although the recruit experiences the positive effect of belonging to a community in which there is unamimity of thinking, the pressure for such unanimity precludes any type of critical assessment of this coercive experience and precludes the retention of a sense of the pre-cult self. The recruit is unable to differentiate his or her thoughts and feelings from those of the group, as boundaries between the individual and others in the cult have merged. Ex-cultists report that at this point they have experienced a sense of peace, a euphoric feeling. The cults attribute this to a mystical or religious experience. Many cult members, in fact, describe the fantasy of merging with their leader. This fantasy further induces the recruit to serve the wishes of the leader, who is presumed to know the recruit's every thought. The leader is now imagined to be carried ineside the recruit's own body - as a new foreign superego. Some groups induce depersonalization in their pressure on members to have out-of-body experiences. ..........

..... Although cults hold out the promise of solving pre-cult difficulties for some, after an initial period of excitement and relief, most former cult members describe in retrospect feeling that the promise was only the "hook" and that their need for personal growth was in fact suppressed or overridden by the needs of the group. Members are often encouraged to work for the group full-time. Cults encourage passivity by teaching members to follow their leader without question. Those who attempt to act independently are humiliated by the leader and treated as object lessons for the others.

Assessing the Influence of Mind-control techniques :

In the Initial stages of therapy it is particularly important to assess the influence that mind-control techniques continue to have on the individual's behavior and thoughts. The cult's prsuasive techniques, for example, continue to have an impact to the extent that there is belief that every thought and action has cosmic significance, that individuals create their own reality, that there is an overwhelming guilt or fear when entertaining thoughts considered negative by the group, and that tehre is a need to emply what lifton refers to as the "thought-terminating cliche'" when confronted with information that does not fit into a simplistic lack-and-white view of reality. This also indicates that the individual views the locus of control as stemming from the cult rather than from the self.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: September 16, 2004 10:49AM

This was sent to me, and the person asked to remain anonymous while I post it. So, while I have NO experience with the GMP, I am passing this along. Seems folks now send things to me, to have them posted publicly. It is interesting to note how much fear there is among folks to come forward about this group. It is sad that the fear of judgement, or blackmail, of I-don't-know-what keeps folks quiet after leaving this group. how painful to life down!



The GMP is a most powerful mediation practice which can profoundly alter all aspects of your life- physical, emotional and spiritual. As in life, not all changes may be welcome and there may be inherent risks which are not predictable and may be serious. The medication practice may be extremely active. It may include extensive physical movement and profound emotional release. In this practice one may confront the deepest and most difficult aspect of being human. It is designed for healthy people who want to expand their awareness and deepen their connection with God. It is not intented as a substitute for physical or psychological systems or for those that are under the care of a physician or mental health practioner you should consult the appropriate professional prior to goes on and states more info...if interested I will type the whole thing out. Let me know.

I listened to about 12 of the tapes in the series. Then once when I was driving and listening to the tapes....and it does say in the disclaimer not to listened to the tapes and drive...but I hadn't read that prior. ....I had a severe panic attack. I have not had a panic attack in many years. It was completely unexpected. I was in a very vulernable place physically...late at night and on a open stretch of road....for several weeks after I would experience these attacks. Consequently I have not listened to the tapes since I started having attacks. I am experienced enough to understand panic attacks and deal with them without freaking out. I wonder if any of the xmolr's have experienced panic attacks while listening to the tapes or while doing the intensives. I don't know if this helps anyone or not but feel free to pass on this info or not.

If you pass it on can you leave out my real name?

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: September 16, 2004 11:01AM

And more that was sent my way......
Aren't I the Lucky one?! :)
Personally, i'm all for individual freedom, and have no judgement about mutually consenting adults for whatever... it's none of MY business.
But I have issues with coercion, and deception to others outside the group, or in recruitment. The following ties in very well with the board about "Large Group Awareness Trainings/ Self Help Seminars", and the changes that come.. see thread "Manipulating the Environment" and others about LGAT environments.


My girlfriend said that in the intensive they begin by showing you photos from publications, or the news on children starving, horrible photos on suffering and pain. They encourage you to cry alot about all the pain and suffering. If you laugh or think it is a joke they yell and scream at you, forcing you to feel the pain of all of this. People basically work themselves up into a frenzy with emotions until some are jerking and almost convulsing utilizing alot of energy. (My girlfriend is not american so her english is limited). You are divided into groups and there is a group leader who works with a limited amount of people. You can't leave to go to the bathroom or anything you must stay with the group. Then at night after total exhaustion you have "homework" to do...I think journaling of some sort and they play movies of wars, pain and more suffering....all she wanted to do was sleep, but they keep things going. She said she faked alot of it just to get them off her back. The last day of the intensive everyone is appointed a position....lucky her she got to be the "whore of God" and you have to dress up in a costume and dance infront everyone. Some men where assigned as priests and they would dance around exposing their penis. She danced around and showed her breast and butt. She said she felt so dark and did not feel God's love at all, but just wanted out. I think she is upset that she participated....she is so sweet and to be appointed as one of the "whores of God" was alot for her as it should be for anyone. It was very dark for her. Afterwards she said she got alot of phone calls from the men and she didn't like that at all. She says there maybe alot that she doesn't remember because it was so long ago.

From what I understand Kalindi is in seclusion. She is receiving special, very special energy from God at this time. This "special" energy is available to everyone if they are open. This is a new kind of energy never available before. They do not have to do anything special but just receive this energy. Kalindi will bring it to them as each person opens themselves to God.

When my friend told me the above, I asked her "Why don't they just go to Burning Man? Then at least they'd know what they are getting in to" But I guess that's the point... the power of surprise and peer pressure. And elitist exclusion, where high level folks can let it all hang out, and no one will talk about it afterwards.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: SLS ()
Date: September 21, 2004 07:16AM

This is from one of the thread on psychotherapy and cults. I think it applies directly to MOL: What I've been told they do in the Intensive -- ask people about childhood hurts (or whatever), zero in and keep digging at those old wounds, breaking people down: that is work for a trained psychologist, not a cult groupie. If they're going to act like a psychologist, then shouldn't they be accountable as one? MOL's treatment of confidentiality, client relationships, informed consent, etc., are clearly aggainst the ethics, as written below . . .

Be wary, folks -- if some organization promises to 'fix you up' in a short period of time -- probably too good to be true, doncha think?

Psychotherapy Cults: An Ethical Analysis

Kim Boland,Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon

Gordon Lindbloom, Ph.D. Lewis & Clark College Portland, Oregon


A disparate literature on groups characterized as psychotherapy cults was analyzed. The reported practices of these groups were examined as regards confidentiality and privacy, dual relationships, informed consent, autonomy and dependency, therapist competence and limitations, financial practices, professional education, and separation and termination. . . . . .[more on the other thread]

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: September 24, 2004 03:41PM

Give this online activity. I was curious. Living nearby an Intensive locale, and never 'swinging by' when one was in session. So :

On the third evening of the Intensive near my home, I drove by about 9 p.m.

It struck me as WEIRD that all so black w/ all the church windows, only the side rooms have lights on ... (it's designed to be a sunlight filled church, and there's usually at least one light inside at night, glowing). THEN I remembered! My exBF told me MOL always covered the windows to prevent light passage during an Intensive.

"This way there would be no distraction from the outside input, so the attendees could fully focus on their 'spiritual work'"

(translation = no outside normal triggers for natural biorhythms, this way the participants can be more fully disoriented, fatigued and brainwashed).

I drove up slowly close to the church.. of course!.. black plastic along all windows. Shocked that I could HEAR what was going on inside! Turned down my car radio and I pulled my car by the side door.... music 'new agey', could hear bodies' movement inside, and a woman's voice on a microphone clear as a bell - sounded like a scratchier version of the Kalindi voice I'd heard on tapes (either she's aged, or it's someone else) - saying slowly and melodramaticly :

"...Now just feel your pain..... and release your pain, .....surrender your past,..... let go of your stupid ego,..... I say let that stupid ego go!"

This was the third evening. Participants' brains would already be quite 'mushy'. Most LGATs last only 3 days. MOL tops them at one week (down from previous 10 days).

I drove away realizing what an opportunity is here! I had intended to record this evening - collect 'evidence', etc. for those who are involved w/ legal issues regarding MOL.

But you know what gang? Quite frankly, it's not the 'teachings' that are MOL's REAL problem, it's the LGAT controlled environment that damages people, the artificial serotonin rush in the brain that folks are told is the experience of "God"! Then when 'high' and in a semi-hypnotic state, the thoughts are planted.

A recording cannot capture that high.

My heart goes out to those well intentioned folks, pent up in the Intensive, trying so hard to find God, human connection, and heal their lives... being slowly & methodically indoctrinated to fear the "world of pain and suffering." Rather than being built up, they are being torn down and made emotionally dependant upon MOL.

Life has its downs... but life IS beautiful, and loving, and there are so many who truly care. So sad - those who are most vulnerable to MOL are among the most caring, gentle, and maleable of individuals. MOL strips them of their selfhood as they continue further involvement.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: SLS ()
Date: September 25, 2004 12:13PM

It's unfortunately true -- It seems the environment plays such an enormouse part in MOL's version of "membership-by-mind-control." From reading the postings, Google searches etc. I conclude that their intention has nothing to do w/ enlightenment, helping others toward a 'path to God,' or even discovering a "god". Instead, i bleieve MOL believes it is their mission to help THEMselves to other people's money.

How can we help those involved in MOL who are influenced by environment created specifically over many years, refined through hundreds of uses? I believe that one by one we can educate others, with factual informatioin and that over time, hopefully, we each will have done some good.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Dervish ()
Date: September 25, 2004 08:27PM


You are divided into groups and there is a group leader who works with a limited amount of people. You can't leave to go to the bathroom or anything you must stay with the group.

Huh. Just like Landmark in that way.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: molvictim ()
Date: October 05, 2004 11:05PM

Originally Kalindi's name was Carol Seidman. My source did not know
whether she ever changed it legally or not.

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: Toni ()
Date: October 06, 2004 03:28AM

A former high level MOLr affirmed to me that phone calls yelling at defectors are typical of MOL. This does not surprise me. Since posting this information, I've
been receiving harassing / screaming phone calls from the same man... when there are words, they are w/ a German accent.

My caller ID sometimes says "Blocked Call". and sometimes it says "The Restart Room" USA phone # 619-668-5671.

When I've called back, there is no answer.

Does anyone recognize this identification?

For those who actually are part of MOL and then depart, I imagine it would be upsetting to have someone call and yell that way. This atop of the 'normal' post-cult disorientation and 'who am I?' stuff. I wonder if it's actually a recording, because he yelled at me profanities and then to 'come back' - except that I'd never been part of MOL in the first place.

I suppose MOL knows that yelling at folks in such a manner is unlikely to seduce them to returning, but maybe the hope is to intimidate defectors not to speak out. However, I know that "Kalindi/Carol" yells in people's faces in the Intensive. Such yelling is a known method of inducing a dissociative state in a person. Still, I imagine if there is fear of blackmail, this could be disturbing. So far, it seems to have been effective for former MOLrs.

I am now changing my number, and I've filed a report with the local sheriff.
Seems like juvenile intimidation tactics to me (as an outsider). The sheriff's detective took all the info I'd provided and says I've acted appropriately for my protection.

Does LOVE become the Miracle of Fear and Retaliation?

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Miracle of Love
Posted by: SLS ()
Date: October 06, 2004 05:58AM

I was told that "The Lady Gayle"'s name is actually Nancy Meeker.

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