"Nobody Ever Joins a Cult" - David Sullivan, Cult Researcher
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 02, 2025 02:33AM


Nbody ever joins a cult. One joins a nonprofit group that promotes green technology, animal rights, or transcendental meditation. One joins a yoga class or an entrepreneurial workshop. One begins practicing an Eastern religion that preaches peace and forbearance. The first rule of recruitment, writes Margaret Singer, the doyenne of cult scholarship, is that a recruit must never suspect he or she is being recruited.


...I was also curious to know what the gurus were getting out of it. And I wanted to figure out how they picked up all those girls.”

The spiritual groups, (David Sullivan soon realized, shared a simple tactic: they demanded that their followers suspend critical thought. “They’d say, ‘You have to break out of your Western mentality. You’re too judgmental. You have to abandon your whole psychological-intellectual framework. Your obsessive materialism is blocking you from seeing the truth.’

“I became disturbed by how dramatically they transformed people, and in such a short period of time. They could take some regular American kid and all of a sudden he’s wearing saffron robes, walking around barefoot, all painted up, with a tiny ponytail and shaved head, dancing for hours, selling flowers and incense, living on the floor and eating disgusting food, repeating Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama.

Read the entire article here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2025 12:56AM by corboy.

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Re: "Nobody Ever Joins a Cult" - David Sullivan, Cult Researcher
Posted by: swissalyst ()
Date: January 03, 2025 04:54AM

Your link didn't take me to the right place, so I used archive dot ph:


It's a long article about David Sullivan, a private investigator who specializes in cults. His mentor was Margaret Singer, author of Cults in Our Midst. David Sullivan's basic conclusions about cults are these:

    [*] People never realize they're joining cult
    [*] Cults make huge demands on people's time
    [*] They always teach that suspending critical thought is in your own best interests
    [*] Cult leaders are opportunists and con artists, not true believers

I also noticed how the cults in the article always made people feel that there was something defective about them, which only staying in the cult could solve. Often the cult positioned itself as the loving family that the cult member never experienced as a child.

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Re: "Nobody Ever Joins a Cult" - David Sullivan, Cult Researcher
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: January 04, 2025 12:58AM

Thanks, swissalyst - I corrected the link.

Here are other Google citations for David Sullivan and his work.


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Re: "Nobody Ever Joins a Cult" - David Sullivan, Cult Researcher
Posted by: swissalyst ()
Date: January 04, 2025 07:28AM

The first sentence says it all: "Nobody ever joins a cult."

This site has been here educating people about cults since 20 years ago.

I looked up Margaret Singer, and she was warning people about cults 60 years ago.

Yet people are still getting sucked into cults, and people still don't realize they're getting sucked into cults.

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