It's obvious that Byron Katie got a lot of her material from Krishnamurti, and many others, either directly from their books, or from those who copied their stuff. For example, Ken Keyes didn't make any of that stuff up, they were all copying from everyone else.
The old No-Mind = Enlightenment idea was big at the time, and everyone was marketing that.
Byron Katie took many Workshops of all kinds after she was at the halfway house, and most likely many before. It does seem she was there due to several points of information.
But its not hard to believe that a businessperson who was a boozer and pill-popper, etc, was sent to various Workshops, and even a halfway house to try and get cleaned-up.
People who were screwed-up at the time, usually got referred to one of those "Workshops" which were popular. Workshop = LGAT.
And customers in the LGAT seminar field are called Seminar Junkies, they all go to all of them, as of course they don't solve anything, and make you worse off in most cases.
So that is where she copied all of her LGAT techniques from, she didn't make any of those up, they are all standard methods. The LGAT's all copy eachother, and even send "spies" to copy everyone else's stuff!
She also clearly copied various others people's work, including the hypnotherapy work, and many other things as detailed in the thread.
On top of this, she also copied the methods of many eastern Guru's, and their systems of organization of unpaid "Staff" and recruiting new followers.
For any smart businesperson, it doesn't take you long when attending endless LGAT workshops and ashram/communes to see how much money is being made, and to think..."I can do this". Then they start up their own. That's how they all start.
But to sell your LGAT, you need a unique Story, that is job #1.
Even Werner Erhard had his fake "instant enlightenment story" of driving over the bridge.
So she just mimicked that, in her own way. Werner Erhard EST, is largely about your "stories" as well. She just added her own twist to it, and added it into the mix, constantly changing her names around as well.
The only thing somewhat unique about BK, is her adopting the idiot-savant characterization. but now even that has been shown in the book she co-wrote, Nog's Quest, which obviously is based on the other tripped-out novel Nog by Rudy Wurlitzer. She is playing the role of Nog.
In The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka, Gregor wakes up in bed to discover his "transformation" into a cockroach.
The Naked Lunch by William S. like an opiate drug-addicts consciousness (Byron Katie also claims an opiate addiction to codeine). []
Burroughs worked as a cockroach exterminator, and if you read his comments on coming out of his drug-addiction in his mid-40's, they are almost identical to her comments. There were cockroaches in the movie, do cockroaches star in the Naked Lunch book?
Don't you think an opiate-addicted intelligent literate person, would read classic novels about that subject? And those books would be on the shelves in rehab? Of course.
They have very carefully chosen to make things ambiguous, and mysterious, as that encourages psychological Projections. (another well-known method). Even now in their marketing, they encourage these exact same projections.
But as soon as you go back before around 1996, you can see the marketing images are different, as they had not yet settled on their Story.
So she has created a shrowd of faux-mystery around herself and her past, which is a common method as well. People used to say, "I went to Tibet for 3 years" but that got old and tired.
So its just a marketing Story, dreamed up to lure people in.
Even using the "weird" cockroach story is common in hypnotherapy story-telling, to enter into the dreamlike unconscious, using snakes, scorpions, to create primal digust and fear, etc. Its a hook, and the other stories hang from that hook.
By now, in this thread, the entire Byron Katie enterprise has been explained, from her Stories, to her techniques, to her corporate structure, recruiting methods, and everything else. There is no mystery anymore.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2009 01:51PM by The Anticult.