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Current Page: 1 of 4 Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: Justice for all ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:26AM

Has anyone heard or have any experience with this group operating out of Mornington, Victoria Australia. I have no doubt whatsoever this is a cult and the people who I have contacted that have had some exposure to them also say its a cult. They claim to be all about empowering yourself with the help of the "spirit world" and your own personal "spirit guides" but in actual fact they prey on vulnerable woman who possibly have some kind of emotional issues to which they take advantage of. The leaders Ian & Pearl Rogers have their own "spirit guides" and Ian is an indian who died 200 years ago named "crazy horse". Crazy horse was a murderer so I cant quite understand how his teachings are going to be benificial to woman. Pearls "spirit guide" is also a 200 year old person named Chistian Hahnemann, A self proclaimed medical practictioner with no credentials at all, conveniently this works for Pearl Rogers as she also claims to be a medical practioner by selling sugar pills she claims to be of medical significance under the brand name "hanhnemann healing". The first thing they do is through a series of "interviews" and "readings" assess wheter the victom is vulnerable enough to fall victom then through a process of reliving emotional trauma they twist the reasons why these events happened to make themselves look like they know the "real reasons" behind why it happened to them. They also have an online assessment questionare which costs $25 dollars to which I dont think even matters what you answer as if you paid online to an unknown group claiming what they claim it shows you are already lacking critical judgement and you will fall into their hands without them even having to try. The first thing they do is when the partner or family member disagrees with the ridiculous stories, ideas and possibilities of their cult is to get the victom to remove the "nonbeliever" from their life. This is either by not associating with them anymore through personal contact or changing their group of friends for new ones that dont know the victoms real traits and personality so they cant question the drastic changes in their lives. The sad part (and this is the most disturbing) is when they are married, and because the husband notices such a drastic change to his partner he questions the hell out her thus prooving to the victom that the leaders Ian & Pearl Rogers were right. They make the victom believe that the husband is the reason behind their feelings of depression or what other emotion they are suffering from, this puts a wedge between the couple and enforces the cults recruiting tactics. In most cases the husband will not take the changes to his wife very well and through differences in opinions there is more conflict between the couple and when the wife looks to the cult for help they instill a plan in the victom that the only way to resolve their dissatisfaction is to separate from the marriage. Most men wont take this too well. When the husband refuses to separate the victom again contacts the cult for more advise and just like in their group meetings where they are told that the Sphinx Spiritual group (Ian & Pearl Rogers) can show them the right way to separate by getting the law to work to their advantage, the wife puts an intervention order on the husband to remove him from the house and restrict his access to the children. The woman then makes up stories as advised by Ian & Pearl Rogers to make the husband look like he is out of control (which clearly he's not). In cases where there are children involved its a bit more complex but still the basic formular of allegations of family violence, drug use and un healthy behaviour is always used as the legal system has protocols to follow and without a massive amount of money to proove the claims false the husband has little choice but to walk away, this is the sadest outcome for the children as the loving father they had has now been portrayed as a violent thug and the mother was "saving" them. Its too confusing for the children to understand and when the children are older there is no doubt that they will challenge the mother about the details to which she will not be able to proove and she will lose the childrens trust and in the end when they are old enough she will lose them completely. Once again if there is anyone who has been in contact with the groups sphinx spiritual, hahnemann healing, aspiration homoeopathic medical clinic please share your story as we need to put a stop to this cult.

Options: ReplyQuote Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: Justice for all ()
Date: March 12, 2013 03:54AM,, aspiration homoeopathic medicine clinic are some of the companies that are owned and operated by Ian and Pearl Rogers. The websites dont actually tell you much about their real motives although they are quite weird, you have to pass their indoctrine so see if you are susceptable to their control first before you can become more involved.

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: Dpp ()
Date: April 23, 2015 07:08AM

Omg I wish I had dug deeper before wasting my little money I have on this hahnemann healing I have paid for 5 session of healing and 2 on consultations with Pearl Rogers and I had found Pearl very cold intensive to wards me even after her talking to me and making me crying uncontrolled able on my second visit ,
Some thing had not sat right with me one was she said that she was registered with health funds and I could claim the fees not the case she is not register with private health funds.
I was going to her for homeopathy treatment as I was wanting to use something natural to replace me getting of my antidepressant medication .
She was proceeding to council me to fare out she made statement that I felt were so fare from whom I am omg they should not be able to do this to people seeking help to get them self on track to having a stress free life again.
Pearl and other healing told me for the healing to work I have not get of my medication so I guess that so you are a crying mess of course and she has given me some homeopathy medication only took one day as you have wrote they are just Sugar pill .

I am a healer my self of a totally different healing modality and it's a credit healing foundation and pearl was putting down my healing foundation and giving me a hard time for doing it and even told me if I don't stop practicing it karma will get me and to the founder of the healing I do omg this is so awful .
I am so very grateful to have found your write up alert before I had done damage to me relationships with my children .

Kind regards

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A source from 1995
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 23, 2015 11:37PM

Mr Michael Roux and a squabble with Ian and Pearl Rogers. A tiff that somehow
got passing mention at a session meeting -- in 1995


Read page 678 (bottom) and top of page 679 to get the reference. No context given.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2015 11:44PM by corboy.

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: Dpp ()
Date: April 25, 2015 08:59AM

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: Dpp ()
Date: April 23, 2015 03:08AM

Omg I wish I had dug deeper before wasting my little money I have on this hahnemann healing I have paid for 5 session of healing and 2 on consultations with Pearl Rogers and I had found Pearl very cold intensive to wards me even after her talking to me and making me crying uncontrolled able on my second visit ,
Some thing had not sat right with me one was she said that she was registered with health funds and I could not claim the fees not the case she is not register with private health funds.
I was going to her for homeopathy treatment as I was wanting to use something natural to replace me getting of my antidepressant medication .
She was proceeding to council me to fare out she made statement that I felt were so fare from whom I am omg they should not be able to do this to people seeking help to get them self on track to having a stress free life again.
Pearl and other healing told me for the healing to work I have not get of my medication so I guess thas so you are a crying mess of course and she has given me some homeopathy medication only took one day as you have wrote they are just Sugar pill .

I am a healer my self of a totally different healing modality and it's a credit healing foundation and pearl was putting down my healing foundation and giving me a hard time for doing it and even told me if I don't stop practicing it karma will get me and to the founder of the healing I do omg this is so awful .
I am so very grateful to have found your write up alert before I had done damage to me relationships with my children .

Kind regards

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: lorelai304 ()
Date: August 29, 2015 09:45AM

i was exposed to them for a brief period during a horrible separtion after 22 1/2 years of marriage, as of last year and I truly do believe they are a cult. they have a strong presence in BOTH frankston and cranburne and all around that area right up towards inner melburne!!

while this is my OWN personal opinion to me its very clear from their facebook that it is a cult, just take one look at all the compliant members nodding without questioning the wisdom of pearl and ian how they write to one and other. it is disturbing there are creepy drawings, and you will also notice they are VERY charge-friendly (will charge for EVERYTHING!!! i0) these women are all over carrying out the bidding of ian and pearl rogers my friend has become paranoid since being exposed to this group, she will not speak to her husband and it is very out of character and distressing for me she has a new number will not speak to me

pearl has no credentials, she is cold and rude, superior for someone who has no qualifications. she puts a pair of glasses on a cites a bunch of rubbish accreditations which, anyone can be accredited to!! i feel sorry for anyone and would recommend do not visit the clinic if you experiencing depression perhaps also do NOT stop taking your medication under pearls advice as they are sugar pills

i am repporting this to a current affair and i am in talks with them they are slowly gathering enough evideance and getting stories together to make it, also the thereupitic goods admin has been contacted but as far as i believe this is 100% fully legal just very unethical however hopefully more is uncovered as they have their fingers in a number of pies and appear to be expanding into other areas that come close to the edge of scam . caution advised

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Date: October 29, 2017 06:55AM


I understand this is old and you may not get this, but was just wondering how it all went with alerting the media regarding Sphinx Spiritual?. I am asking because I too wanted to contact the media about them because I firmly believe their practices must be stopped. They need to be made accountable.
I ask this because I know that Sphinx Spiritual (Ian, Pearl and Jemimah Rogers) are still very much alive and well in regards to their practices and am very aware of their fear based teachings and preying on vulnerable people is still continuing. They're definitely a poison and force to be reckoned with within Mornington and even further out, including internationally.

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: jacquiehyde020 ()
Date: January 11, 2018 06:03AM

Takesphinxspiritualdown Wrote:
> Hi!
> I understand this is old and you may not get this,
> but was just wondering how it all went with
> alerting the media regarding Sphinx Spiritual?. I
> am asking because I too wanted to contact the
> media about them because I firmly believe their
> practices must be stopped. They need to be made
> accountable.
> I ask this because I know that Sphinx Spiritual
> (Ian, Pearl and Jemimah Rogers) are still very
> much alive and well in regards to their practices
> and am very aware of their fear based teachings
> and preying on vulnerable people is still
> continuing. They're definitely a poison and force
> to be reckoned with within Mornington and even
> further out, including internationally.

Hi can you please spell out more details RE: this group? As far as I am concerned, they are running a manipulative cult. Vulnerable women (and some men ) are manipulated into changing their first names over a period of time, eventually taking on an entire new identity and making money for them working for free !

This true agenda of course is all hidden under the banner of "spiritual fulfilment" but if you look closer it all revolves around the worship of their charismatic leader Ian Rogers who can do no wrong. Members sit in circles around Crazy Horse "Ian" spilling their deepest vulnerabilities to Ian, and they are then put to work for the group.

They have an internal points system called Karmatic Points. They have a grading system and host love conferences which means a lot of crying and manipulation involved for all. Their target market appears to be high net worth individuals from what I have seen.

A dinner party was arranged without inviting the leaders, Ian and Pearl and they went off in a big way. They were then removed from all association for disloyalty

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: laughable ()
Date: April 13, 2018 01:31PM

I have read all of this and it is laughable. You have no idea what a cult is and isn’t. Who are you and what is your real agenda?

If you are trying to do some good, go do some good where it needs doing, not where it doesn't.

I know of this Sphinx Spiritual and have met Ian and Pearl Rogers and to say they are running a cult is either displaying your ignorance or your vindictiveness, I suspect the latter.

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Re: Ian and Pearl Rogers
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 13, 2018 10:03PM

Time will tell.

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