I agree with you completely Anticult.
'Design Human Engineering' a truly horrible concept, and open to abuse by any megalomaniac with the cash to buy and twist the tech to his own ends.
But there is nothing new under the sun.
A couple of years ago I read a blog comment, on a long dead Hindu chap called Dattatreya, that really did underline that for me:
"The Self alone is my Guru. Yet, I have learnt wisdom from twenty-four other individuals and objects. So they, too,
are also my Gurus."
Dattatreya then mentioned the names of his twenty-four Gurus and spoke of the wisdom that he had learnt from each as follows:
"The names of my twenty-four Gurus are earth, water, fire, sky, moon, sun, pigeon, python, ocean, moth, honey-gatherers (black bee), bees, elephant, deer, fish, the dancing-girl Pingala,
raven, child, maiden, serpent, arrow-maker, spider and beetle................The rest is of the verse is here:
I'm not a Hindu, nor a believer in anything much at all, but I think that this very smart old boy knew what he was doing in giving general principles to enable a great diversity of individuals (with their individual foibles) to find their own power and wisdom in life.
Its a transferable skill too, works in any cultural setting, crosses all borders.
('guruphiliac' BTW means a love of gurus, a love of teachers--we've all got to start somewhere in this learning lark)
Eat your heart out, Bandler. You entirely missed the major point that made Erickson, Bateson and Satir--the originals you modelled----so hugely effective. Without grasping that one you are an also-ran, deemed to wane and fade.
No 'immortality' for Bandler, just more of what he is already doing. (which I seem to remember is huge amounts of cocaine and shooting a woman he had invited into his house)