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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: jdobrozsi1 ()
Date: November 20, 2012 02:39AM

I know you who are monitoring us from the Church of Wells are keeping a close eye on us and I want to say to those of you who did what you did and said to me while I was there I forgive you and I want you to know the Lord Jesus Christ is willing to forgive you of your sins and is able to set you free from the demons that torment you. Your father is a liar and that's what he was from the beginning and I don't question if you where ever saved like you did me but I want to let you know that my Father who sits on his throne in heaven has outstretched arms ready to take you in and be his children whom he loves. He loves you with a love that can not be described in human carnal terms and no matter what your father the devil tells you about me or anyone else on here it's a lie and we are not your enemies. Father God I pray that you would send your Holy Spirit to minister to these people be it in dreams or visions of your great love for them and that your son died for their sins that they could be restored to you. If it takes what you did to me Father and that is bring to my end with thoughts of suicide to reach them then so be it LORD will you get all the glory and honor for what you are going to do in their lives in Jesus name Amen!

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Kjdean49 ()
Date: November 20, 2012 07:52AM

Jd, welcome to our group. Watch&pray is very correct in that we do a lot of our communicating through private message so as not to have our words twisted or used against us. We have been brought together through the tragedy of having our families torn apart because of deception. I would love to read more of your experiences. Anything you want to share will be welcomed by everyone here, I'm sure.

I'm not sure I speak for everyone in saying this past year has been difficult. At first, my husband and I felt consumed and bound up in an intense grief. As we began to work through it, The Lord was faithful to lead us and guide us, even carrying us when the days came that we felt we couldn't take another step forward. One lesson we have learned in this trial is that He still can and WILL use us...this does not define us. God is truly using this for good and His glory.

Feel free to contact by private message. We are here. I will pass this along to our prayer warriors. We will be praying for you!

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: jdobrozsi1 ()
Date: November 20, 2012 03:30PM

Well I thought before I go to bed I'll open up with a little bit of my testimony from the start of what brought me to be part of what is now the Church of Wells. I met a certain member through facebook back in 2011 when I was going through a very dark time in my life and I was very vulnerable and depressed and hurting that I was looking for love in what was all the wrong places and well the church failed me so that is what drove me to this "last resort" it seemed in the Church of Arlington. Little did I know what I was in store for but I thank God now that I have went through it and overcame it all by his grace and mercy because he used it to bring me to where I am with him now and though the devil meant it for evil in my life God used it for good and ultimately his glory and honor. See I started talking to this guy on facebook and I remember one Saturday being really depressed and I just started to pour my heart out to him and well told me that a few of the members of the church and him would love to come up and meet me where I am and pray with me and help me through my struggles. I was so blown away by the "love" he was showing me (I say love in quotations because that's what it seemed like at the time and I didn't keep my guard up but thought he had what I wanted) that I remember laughing and thinking this must be of God and that this is what I longed for all along and what the church failed to give me and others as well. I ended up coming down to TX from OH on the weekend of Thanksgiving of last 2011 and well what unfolded after that was totally the opposite of what I expected this church to be. I ended up staying with the same guy and his family through the weekend and it all started to unfold from there. That night he did a good job of cornering me and convincing me at the time that I was not saved and well his reasoning was that I had a few habitual sins that I struggled with (I guess these believers don't struggle with some sins like everyone else does) and some other reason I'm unsure of and well that was sufficient enough to show that I was never truly saved. So he ended up calling up two more "brothers" in the Lord who came over and this is where the verbal and mental abuse started for me. They all cornered me the whole night and began quoting random verses of what my job was to do now that I wasn't saved and well I really do not remember verse by verse what they said because I was quite stunned that I wasn't saved and since 2001 when I gave my life to the Lord that all was a lie according to them. I shall continue on further here soon everyone with the rest of the weekend and well I ended up going home and coming back three days later to be a part of this church because well they held the "keys" of salvation I blindly believed and I had to move about 1000 miles south and sell almost everything I owned and quit my job and close my apt. down just to be where I thought God wanted me to be. I'm sure so far my testimony is a lot like the other survivors and well my intention is to bring to light what happened to me because I can not speak for everyone else but only myself and what I endured in hopes it doesn't happen to anyone else. God Bless and I'll continue tomorrow from here.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: jdobrozsi1 ()
Date: November 21, 2012 02:04PM

Hey everyone I'm back and well I left off from the friday night of Thanksgiving weekend I came down and after that night on Saturday I got to finally visit the church which was in a home in a neighborhood not too far away from the apartment I stayed in for the weekend. Well this is when the verbal and mental abuse really got heated because now that I was convinced I wasn't saved I met another few guys who decided to tag team on me and one of them was so blatant that he kept telling me God was ready to throw me into the pits of hell because I was a wicked and disgusting sinner who was bound of hell. One thing I remember him saying is that he was talking about God's wrath and well he was an archer with his bow stretched the had the arrow pointed right at me ready to let go and let it pierce me right through the head. He said this without truly flinching and that is what bothered most about this people is they would sit there and condemn you to your face with even batting an eye. He also said that there was a time in the past few years that God showed me the truth (whatever that is according to them) and well I wanted nothing to do with it so he gave me over to a "strong delusion" telling me I wasn't saved and God decided to let them go on believing that "lie". A lot of what he said still is unclear because well it was him and another guy and the guy I stayed with all decided to drill through my head the sense that I wasn't saved and that if I where to get saved I'd have to move down with them and become part of their church and "seek the Lord (I heard that phrase so overused and abused while I was there that they used it for every question I had that they couldn't answer). Also I was told by the same guy who told me God was ready to shoot me with an arrow said that when I go back home now that I know the truth the devil would try and tempt me with anything my heart truly desired and well it was up to me to stand firm and not give in to what he wanted because my eternity depended on it. Can you start to see how they use fear to get you to go along with their plans yet people? Since they aren't operating in the Holy Spirit and clearly don't evidence the fruits in their life they keep you in fear so you'll obey them (one of the devil's oldest tricks in the book). Just remember everyone if your afraid it's because that is from the enemy (satan) and God hasn't given you a "spirit of fear but of love,peace and a sound mind" so take authority over that spirit in Jesus name! Well after the mental abuse stopped for one night I remember going back to the apt. just emotionally and mentally floored because for several hours straight I was mentally beaten to a pulp and well I remember literally zoning out during that whole meeting because I couldn't believe half the stuff they where trying to pass off to me as being "divinely spoken" and well I was still floored that I wasn't saved so I'm sure you could imagine how emotionally numbing it all was. Well the next few days after that weekend I went home back to Ohio and gathered up all my belongings that I could fit into my small car and got rid of the rest and quit my job and moved out of my apt. because I was afraid and convinced that I wasn't saved so I did just as they said and that next Wednesday if I remember correctly took the 1000 mile trip south again to be a part of the church and hopefully get saved. The next few weeks are probably some of the most tramuatizing weeks I've ever lived and I know it was God who brought me out of it and brought me back to being at peace with my life and what happened. I remember living in the same apt. for the first week and well getting preached at here and there by the same guy saying I wasn't serious enough about "seeking the Lord" and I didn't seek him long enough because I was distracted or too lazy or some bs like that (which I kept hearing throughout the time I was there). So the elders I believe decided to move me into one of the other apts. with six other single guys and this is where it really starts to get intense. I remember going for like four days without food,water and a shower because well I had to "fast" and seek the Lord to get saved and also one guy told me a couple of times that well I didn't have the "fear of the Lord" because I was so relaxed and not paranoid and I kid you not he said that I could very well slip and fall in the bathroom and bust my head open and die and then I'd go straight to hell. They kept telling me the wrath of God loomed over my head and that I needed to seek the Lord till he would decide to save me. See their god (notice the lower case g because it's not Jehovah of the bible) was this bloodthirsty, sadistic god who delighted in my screams for mercy and that he was happy to throw me into the pits of hell. He also was this kind of God that well no matter how hard I sought him and pleaded with him to save me he didn't have to and would have been justified in throwing me into the lake of fire. Their god was worthy of me suffering and not eating or drinking anything to "seek him" to save me and eventually seek him my whole life and die and go to hell as well. That's another lie they tried to drill in my head is that I had to seek the Lord my whole life because like I said he is worthy of it and well he still would have been justified and worthy to throw me into the pits of hell if he decided to not save me. I'm sorry but where in scripture does God almighty revel in throwing lost sinners into hell and listening to them agonize for mercy?!?!?! That is so disgusting that I don't care who sees this and you folks better repent and ask God to forgive you for speaking such wicked lies because yes my God is a merciful God but one thing he can not stand is so called "believers" who wound his children and say their doing it in the name of God!!!! You better repent knowing what your doing because your judgement will be much more severe. Well it all eventually came down to I guess "God spoke to them" and the elders concluded that I wasn't serious about seeking the Lord and I guess I didn't want to get saved so after about a month of being emotionally,mentally, and verbally being tortured I left to come back to Ohio because I had no where else to go and well I was already emotionally spent and destroyed that if you saw me you would have thought I would just witnessed a gruesome murder or something like that. I remember one night during one of the times that they would all gather around me and start quoting random verses out of context driving it in me that I need to get saved and that I was headed to hell and any moment God could have taken me out of this world I broke down and practically soaked my face in tears. This was the time I hadn't taken a shower for about four days and well my face and hair where soaked and well after I cried enough and was tired from it they told me to go to my usual "prayer closet" (which was the closet where they hung all their clothes and stuff) and get on my knees and cry out to God like I tried to do before and ask him to save me. I remember being so physically and emotionally drained that my I remember trying to muster up strength just to cry out to God because I was so spent. Eventually after about six or so hours of that (which they weren't happy I stopped of course because you know I wasn't serious enough about getting saved but I was concerned more for my safety rather than getting saved at the time being) I pulled myself together and climbed into bed with what strength I had left and slept till like 10 o clock or so the next day and one guy by the name of Eric (I'm not afraid to use names so I'm going to do so) came in and well told me to go seek the Lord again even though I was physically exhausted and well I remember him as being one of the coldest and nastiest out of the whole group that I have to wonder to this day what he's been through and what he went through to get where he was then. For the next month or so after I got home I literally had no job and like no money to my name because I didn't work when I was there and had several bills that where overdue and I thank God he had mercy on me to allow the people to not blow my phone up looking for their money. I remember while I was there as well they told me like they have everyone else to cut ties with my family and I'm sure their using the same verse on them as they did me and that is where Jesus told his disciples that whomever loves father and mother,etc. more than me is not worthy of me. I remember my mom calling me at times worried because she called me one night worried about me not paying my bills and well this was one night I was crying my eyes out to God and it really shook her. None of my family is saved by the way and so I really didn't consult with them on this and I haven't had much of any relationship leading up to being in TX so it was more of a burden on my mom than anyone else because no one else really card enough to ask why I went and well as a believer my family has turned their back on me because they don't love Jesus Christ and it's obvious they don't respect my faith but I love them anyway and will not forsake my Lord Jesus to go back and have a superficial relationship with them when they cannot and do not respect and love me for who I really am. So all in all God had his hand on me the whole time I was there and he was the one who led me out of that God forsaken place and no elder or man had a part in God's plan because God is sovereign and he'll use the works of the devil to bring his children into a right relationship with him. I know that's not a popular view today but it is scriptural and well God oversaw everything that happened to me and he knew that it would break me of my pride and wicked ways to where I would remain humble and broken or finally headed towards a right relationship with him. Since then I have not been in any church because for one thing it was the church's fault because I'm sorry if I offend someone but it needs to be said and that is Jesus Christ no longer recognizes the Western church as his own because we as believers have kicked him out of the church throughout the years and left the door wide open for satan and his demons to run wild. It was the church who failed to help me through all the past hurts and pain I was going through that they ultimately hurt and me and rejected me almost as bad as the people at the Church of Wells did. I want to in the most loving way possible ask you to search your heart and ask yourself if your church ever truly exemplified Christ's love to your children if they where wounded and hurting inside because from my experience the church is void of any compassion and love and a good percentage of the time will wound God's true children. When I say God's true children I say his bride because there is a huge difference and well the majority of the church today is what Jesus referred to as the "tares" who will make up the false church in the end times who will join hands with the anti-Christ beast system and persecute the bride of Christ and give them to over to be persecuted and martyred. God Bless and I hope that something I've said will resonate with those who are suffering in the church there and wondering if this is really of God and those who are family to those still bound in deception by the devil. May the love and light of the Lord Jesus Christ open your eyes to the truth where ever it may be and may he lead you out of the clutches of the enemy and into his loving arms where you as a child of God belong. The Lord Jesus loves you and I believe his heart breaks knowing your current situation and there are many people praying that the grip of the enemy will be broken from you and you'll be bound no more in the lies of the enemy and that you will come to know God as a loving God and not some tyrant that all those around you call him to be.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: Kjdean49 ()
Date: November 22, 2012 01:46AM

Joe, I disagree with you about whether Jesus recognizes the western church. Now, you are judging in the same way they do. That is not your responsibility. If your church hurt you, I'm sorry. Churches are filled with imperfect humans. Not your place to decide who is a wheat and who is a tare.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: jdobrozsi1 ()
Date: November 22, 2012 02:36PM

Just for the record folks my views may fly in the face with many of you and well my intentions are not to offend anyone but I am straightforward and love the truth that it may seem harsh and in your face but I believe if you love the truth then you'll truly understand. My approach above might have been harsh and I do apologize but it's time to as a church stop apologizing for the truth and speak it loud and clear and if it offends someone then I'm sorry you need to take that up with God and not me because I'm just a messenger. Too many times we want to attack the messenger of the message when ultimately we have a problem with the message. If the truth offends you then I would ask that you would search yourself and do an honest assessment and see why it is your offended by the truth. Could it be you don't like what you see in the mirror or it interferes with certain beliefs you've held onto over the years that you know deep down are wrong but out of pride,etc. you will not abandon them? Either way as believers we must be willing to hate the lies of the devil soo much that even if it flies in the face of the very foundations we hold to we will forsake them in pursuit of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 22, 2012 09:53PM

Please stay on topic.

This is not a thread for preaching, which against the rules of this board that each member agreed to before posting here.

The topic of this thread is "YMBBA Ministires".

Please focus on the topic.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: senhome ()
Date: December 05, 2012 02:10PM

JD. Thanks for sharing. You wrote in witness of demons within the campus of the people there in Arlington. My son has testified of demons at the campus of Wells. Any elaborations on these demonic manifestations? For example, any chanting? What about facial expressions which seem demonic? Further, did you witness things that the Bible portrays as demonic (mouth foaming, writhing on the ground, voice speaking out of the throat, eyes glaring with hatred)?

And then, here comes this question: Did anybody ever attempt to cast out the demons (in the name and by the power and by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah)?

If not, why not? Does the group think the demons should remain on the person who manifests a demon? Does this group think they have a means of casting out the demons in a way that is different than the way that is shown in the Bible?

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: 4everfaithful ()
Date: December 05, 2012 10:55PM

Hi i am new here. My son and daughter in law and infant left without notice (nothing new I hear) We are just trying to deal with the shock. Help from anyone please.

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Re: YMBBA Ministries
Posted by: senhome ()
Date: December 06, 2012 01:40PM

Welcome, 4everfaithful. The small family related to you left to go be with the folks in Wells, TX? If so, can you recall the names of any contacts they established in Wells before they left? You can send PM to me, if you wish to keep confidential info off of the public post.

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