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5 years ago
It does make my wonder how they plan to resolve that issue if they're accepting now? Of homosexuality. I wonder if that's what drove me to anarchism eventually? I don't know, which such a weird life, everything seems connected. I tried reading the passages, but I was also having PTSD ... from ... some other issues not entirely unrelated to the UFO topic. Yea Jmmanuel was k
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
1. How do you think FIGU fits the definition of cult, or how would you define "cult" to include FIGU? Not so much a core group member, as part of an American division that was beginning to splinter off from it. 2. What do you mean with join? Did you become a passive member? Did you go there at some point? More accurate to say a passive member. Ken wanted me and kept trying to p
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Wrote a responce in the other thread.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
1. What was the name of this group? The main official group was called Figu, however I was part of an American division. In many ways it operates as a splinter group. 2. How and why did you come to join this group? Mostly I was into the UFO field, and doing research. I wanted to observe the group at a distance, while making sure I didn't get to attached. 3. What did you have to b
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
5 years ago
Yes, however it's culmination of multiple different problems not unique to my cult experience. I have compound PTSD from a variety of different factors. Though having survived a cult can throw your life out of balance in a lot of other ways. Residual effects if you will.
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
5 years ago
I can absolutely attest to sleep deprivation being a factor: back when I was still in Billy Meier's group, they'd do everything they could to try to keep me up as late as possible.
Forum: Coercive Persuasion and Undue Influence
5 years ago
It's often times hard looking at these groups at all, because after my experience with another one, the whole idea of sitting through another session like that is a painful idea to me. Plus I'd rather the google algorithm not tailor its advertisement based on various cult videos I've watched.:P
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Ah here we go. I was once a part of Billy Meier's cult. I wish I had known this thread had been available. I dodged a bullet with some other groups, such as The Akhkharu Society, Universal Universalist, and so on. A couple of specific groups, it's not 100% clear if they're cults. One of those borderline cult kind of things.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Worth noting, FIGU is a UFO cult in Switzerland. Often discussed informally, or not at all in the UFO community. Most of them treat as that estranged cousin nobody wants to talk about it. In life, I'm a developer in artificial intelligence. I write science fiction and fantasy. So one might wonder, how would you get caught up in the FIGU stuff? Well it was a gradual thing. Although my p
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
11 years ago
Does anyone know the current status of the lawsuit against tony and the church by daniel and callie? or if the moderator can email me I'd rather ask this outside the forum. Thanks
Forum: Destructive Churches
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