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12 years ago
The SGI member owned Fraught With Peril blogsite just yesterday closed my ability to post on my blog and recently began deleting my posts. One such post was the Zennification of the Soka Gakkai that was neither vulgar nor untrue. Under an assorted bevy of false accusations and ornate reasonings they have justified their actions. SGI is adverse to truth and criticism in the United States, how much
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
To Anticult, very powerful mind control symbolism, don't you think?
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
How ironic that they excoriate the principle of "intermediary" but no one believes more in an intermediary than they:
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Hi Shavoy. Although the web of karmic causality is quite complex, one characteristic of awakening is the ability to know the way of the world and to see reality as it is. For example, Nichiren teaches, "And that will in no way be her fault , but solely the result of his own reprehensible behavior.” Being able to correctly ascribe blame is part of knowing the world and being able to see thin
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Hi Mitchel. I don't speak Japanese but I imagine the violence is directed at those who left the SGI to join the Temple. The more insidious and sometimes more damaging violence perpetrated by SGI members is psychological violence. For example, blaming the victim rather than the abuser. Who is it that is abused? Whomever is lower in the SGI hierarchy is invariably blamed for a complaint agains
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Dear Mitchell: I have about a hundred videos on my blog site and tons of information. I won't promote my blog here but you can personal message me and I wil give you whatever I have that might help to awaken your wife. Here is a recent post with some interesting videos: Soka Gakkai the Lie and the Reality Soka Gakkai the lie: "Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda describ
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuoteMiss66I actually haven't been on here in awhile,last night I went back to the very first posts on this forum,and read many. It's been about a year since my decision to ween my way out of the SGI,and haven't recieved any hassle,still a phone call, will trickle in ,or an ocassional email about meetings, but I have to say I'm so glad I got out,and saw all the programming, mi
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuoteMiss66I actually haven't been on here in awhile,last night I went back to the very first posts on this forum,and read many. It's been about a year since my decision to ween my way out of the SGI,and haven't recieved any hassle,still a phone call, will trickle in ,or an ocassional email about meetings, but I have to say I'm so glad I got out,and saw all the programming, mi
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
It is said, "you can take the man out of the cult but it is difficult to take the cult out of the man." Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving! Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
When I was in the Gakkai, I was always spaced out, rarely focused . Rather than taking care of family, career, and my own spiritual development, I was taking care of the SGI. I lost many things, keys, money, checks, jobs, apartments, certificates and even when I would gain something I would quickly lose it. I can't remember one important thing I lost since leaving the Gakkai. I continue to
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
I came across a very interesting theory by Mr. Jerry Marcheso, a Nichiren priest in training. The Soka Gakkai Nichiren Shoshu split was not really a split, it was a corporate spin-off. It was a business decision. Unfortunately the anticipated results of an increase in membership and revenues of the two corporate entities never materialized and they will soon again merge. Here are some of my th
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
You must check out Chanting Growers Group. They are always claiming that SGI members are Buddhas. Another group of videos show many SGI members declaring, "I am Myoho renge kyo, "I am Buddha" and lastly, see this video: .....Getting along with a difficult boss and making "a lot of successful projects" is being a Buddha. Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Thank you so much Anti-cult for your investigations and analysis. Some of the finest real estate minds in the world are Soka Gakkai. Let me give you an example. The New York Community Center, not only is prime real estate but a New York State historical site. How much did they receive from the government to help fix it up through the National Trust for Historical Preservation? I know for a fact
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuotesimplifyQuoteMiss66Ratty Boy< at what level leadership did he say these scum bags start to get paid? This is infuriating. I remember when a leader came up to me at a meeting ,smiled and handed me a donation envelop. Going back in time I should have punched her in the face. This all makes me want to call them out,but I shall compose myself! Skanky corrupt SGI! Hi miss 66 and welcom
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultWhere is the PROOF that the Dr. Rev General Ikeda... 1) saw an incident of racism with children playing with a ball in Chicago 2) said anything about it? Where is the proof? Is it recorded? Or is it another outright fabrication by Ikeda and his public relations hacks? Ikeda is an expert in race relations in Chicago in the 1970's? This is sheer unadulterated SG
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuotebacknforthRe: Nichijew's quote from Makiguchi: I would not automatically give this any credence: "The Instruction Manual Summarizing the Experiments and Testimonials of Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness." I have never heard of this. Where is it available? My brief search only lead me to Nichijew himself. It is in Brian Victoria'
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuotetsukimotoQuoteNichijewFifty Cents is a better poet than Ikeda. I like Thug Love far better than To My Young American Friends. Well, maybe some day there will be a monument with Ikeda and Fifty Cent. Sadly, Ikeda is doing no better at running a charter school than he's done at being a poet. SGI's Spirit of Knowledge Academy in Worcester, Massachusetts, has had a very rocky
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Did you know, the top leaders used to push the YMD to memorize Ikeda's longest poems, hundreds of lines. The one who introduced me actually memorized To My Young American Friends, hundreds of lines. He too is no longer SGI, I believe. I love this part of one of Ikeda's poems. So filled with compassion: The Victorious Future of Mentor and Disciple I can see those who are like demon
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Fifty Cents is a better poet than Ikeda. I like Thug Love far better than To My Young American Friends.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Simplify, all SGI leaders and members are either conmen or marks. I would like to think that I, myself, was a mark and not a conman . Certainly, the higher up one climbs in the organization , the more the "conman" designation and less the "mark" designation applies. That is why I sometimes give a new SGI member or low level leader some slack, despite their delusion. I am merci
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuotebacknforthNichijew, I'm sure you must have a couple examples of their 'overt authoritarianism' - could you share more details? Here are a few: President Toda taught in his Lecture on the Sutra: “With this silent prayer, we express our sincere thanks to the Second High Priest Nikko Shonin, the founder of Head temple Taisekiji. Hossui-shabyo: Hossui is the Law or Buddh
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
QuoteShavoybobze, thanks for passing along Tsukimoto's quote. I've been reading The Human Revolution again, the one that was published back in the 70's, not to mention WT's from the 80's and 90's. The message is more subtle, but it's still there. Having to defend and protect and never, ever criticize the mentor or the Soka Gakkai. Otherwise, bad, bad things
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
SGIBye: I thought the exact same thing! Rattyboy: Excellent Excellent! Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Quotebobze39Bobze, how did you find out that this was going on? They told people around me lies, and then they gagged them. But eventually some brave people told me what was going on. What do you think you said or did to bring about their enmity and your excommunication? What is it something as banal as refusing to accept Ikeda as your savio... err mentor? Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Dear bobze39: For every lie they tell about me, I tell ten truths about them. This usually shuts them up and keeps them at bay. Nichijew
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
I merely expect the SGI to act like a Buddhist organization rather than a multinational corporation which exploits the people. My apologies to multinational corporations for placing them on the same level as SGI which is far worse than even BP and TEPCO. BP and TEPCO are upfront about who and what they are. The people know that their motivation is profit. The members believe that SGI's only
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Greed is greed and has been since the caveman's time and will remain so until man no longer lives on this planet. Likewise, this is true about corruption and duplicity. SGI leaders are laymen. Could you please cite any Buddhist Sutra or writing of Nichiren Daishonin that allows laymen to receive alms? Could you please cite any Buddhist Sutra or writing of Nichiren Daishonin that teaches mon
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
12 years ago
Some people are so blind even a cornea transplant wouldn't help them. Some people are so ignorant that a cadry of private tutors couldn't help them to understand. But I will try. Nichiren Daishonin taught, "A true priest is one who desires and is satisfied with little." Nichiren lived in a dilapidated hut, wearing only a robe in the dead of winter, living off of grass, brachen
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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