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5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Interesting how I feel that the buildings at Shiloh are being emptied, auction to be held on the 23rd and the building to be totally shut down forever. An end of an era. Amazing what feelings and reactions this is causing in me. On one hand a rejoicing and on the other a sadness at thoughts of what occurred there.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Just in, tomorrow morning there is a sale at shiloh. Tools in the Maintenance building, small household items in family room and in the hallways.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
JJJ, I understand the discomfort. I too have that, and not feeing comfortable asking where people stand. When it is family members and long time friends that are spouting how John's word is so true, I clam up, red flag alert. It is wrong to label this anything but wrong. God's Word is God's. Anything else is usurping God in peoples lives. Come worship JRS, etc is what occurred
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Several things come to mind. First the cemeteries. The one that has been to changed to make a tribute to Marilyn was before JRS just a plain cemetery. Over the years it became a place where you had to get permission to be buried there. There are families that have been waiting for years to have their loved ones placed there. Of course there is price to pay. It is meant only to honor those those i
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
I have been thinking about the so called word given last summer where GH said a time of persecution was coming and we would be tested to stay steady in the word. Makes me wonder if he knew what was coming. This coupled with the whole will you remain obedient is what some that still remain hold onto along with the idea that every group has this type of thing. I would not be surprised if he knew th
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Something I have been noticing lately is how some people whom I love refuse to accept that anyone who has left are not hurting as much as the ones who have stayed, and that any one that left are somehow misinformed and have dropped off the front line and that God will deal with them. Amazing that and they are walking in the word and others do not know how to hear God. Under such deception they a
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
It has been a long time since I have posted. I have been wondering if I had been vocal back in the 1980's if others that have since been hurt in the same manner as I was would not have been. The thought came to me that without social media I would have been silenced. The horrible treatment of so many and the total disregard for others has been a constant pattern. They shall be known by the f
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Breaking news, the Shiloh group facebook page is down with no notice given or reason either. It also appears that most of the other sites are down also. Censorship of the truth seems to be the cause. Interesting to me that in the Land of the Free where freedom of speech is treasured, that fear of people hearing other than the company line causes censorship and tactics like this to keep the remain
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
Just a note to get a message to the person who posted on Shiloh Group Facebook page that it was removed prior to people being able to read it. If that person will repost it here perhaps we can get the word out to people
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Road to Damascus
My understanding of the generations is as follows: Those born before 1940 are 1st generation; those born between 1940 and December of 1954 were 2nd; starting January 1955 through 1980 is the 3rd; from there the 4th and millennials. Does this sound right
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
The land owned by MFC can be sold at the direction of the shareholders and proceeds will go to them. That is what I understand. Another issue is the MOU. It is drawn up by the APCO that is the transitioning group, most likely by their attorney. A lot of remaining members are accepting the "draft" as is without having any attorney for them look at it. Any advice for them on how to protec
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Interesting bit of news. a piece MFC land is listed for sale. The congregants have not been told. I wonder where the money from it will go? Any guesses
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
I have been wanting to share my story but have not wanted for personal reasons of having other than my nom de plume on it. I feel more comfortable here. so as I get my thoughts together I will beg your collective indulgence. I will begin later
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Onion, who knows perhaps you are born and went through all you have experienced for such a time as this to be as paddington said a Destiny of helping set the captives free along with Shalom and others.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Does anyone know if Rick is going to be charged with a crime? Also it appears that people remaining in the churches are being kept in the dark and have little or no voice as to what is happening. So much for a new day
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Has anyone heard if the fellowship is officially dissolving?
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
It is interesting the response from Mary Dunn and Emily Haworth and Melissa Schiek. Praying about it, oh Lordy. That is nothing but saying o, I feel your pain let me kiss it and make things better. It is time for getting rid of the leadership that hid this and condoned it all these years. It is time for major reform or see a mass exodus.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
I would be interested in knowing which of the current shepherds was the dorm room leader. Shalom, I applaud your courage and hope that we as a group get through to the current members. Unless they are the ones writing no one else is told about we are discussing here. Is there a way to bypass the leadership and communicate with the sheep
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Onion, do not let the betrayal lie enter in to your thinking. They betrayed you and us. The truth sets things free, and a little bit of upheaval is healthy for CTLW. You had a front row seat that most of us did not. I treasure your memories and it strengthens me and the path changes I am pursuing. Please keep these coming. Do you know what happened to the Shofis and Shimerhorn. There are so many
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
It is amazing how many secrets of which we were unaware.This really helps me understand things that seemed weird. Anything you can tell us Onion will help peal away layers of the lies and hurts. Yes the truth does set us free.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
I distrust any new day or promises to make it all better. I say that until Gary, Rick, and all those in power come forward and tell it all and not be restrictive communications it is all worthless words. That is hiding behind smoke. Why should I open up and write to them what they did. Years ago I did that and I was told we do not want to hear from you. And Never again will I trust what they say.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
I have been told that communication boxes are being set up at various churches where members can put their hurts down and it can be unsigned or signed. They especially want the ones that came into the fellowship prior to 1983 to express themselves and since so many have trust issues they are picking young ministries to oversee them. Members can only find out about what is going on by listening to
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
It is one thing to announce it at CLW in Los Angeles and another thing to bring it before the whole fellowship and to not beat around the bush and bare everything, the whole truth. A lot of members are afraid to come forward due to the dismissive arrogant attitude of shepherd to the sheep. It is ok if the sheep get hurt as long as it does not get out that we are less than perfect. How many people
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Onion, as far as I am concerned your tale if you decide to share it is important to hear, and I will stand by you what ever you decide come what may. I just wonder how To Tell The truth so quickly knew about the disbarment. Anything you want to say about it I will listen to and embrace you for you. No casting stones here. Love your courage to speak out freely. So To Tell the Truth how do you k
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Is there any way victims will come forward so RH will be unveiled for what he Is? I heard of someone coming across him with MHH in a closet at TLW while he was married to Shannon. This woman was threatened if she said anything, but she told me. Soon after she left the fellowship afraid. I do not know how to get ahold of her. I hear that most of the fellowship has no clue that RH is on administrat
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Welcome that little red flag, I love your post. Like you I bought all the lies as truth and ignored all the things that told me this was wrong. I watched people I loved stop coming and wondered why. It was an accumulation of many things including the treatment of a friend that set off a storm that ended up being a bright light flashing in my eyes until I could not ignore it any longer. In retrosp
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Thank you Onion for sharing the links. A real eye opener. Can not stop crying over this. Read all of both. Explains a lot .
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Onion and Life OTOS you are both so right. Becoming free of the feeling that someone is watching and judging you constantly is a wonderful experience, even though it is scary in that how do you know who can you relate to safely. As for me I had been basically told I was never good enough and that my relationship was a Plan B. I watched as I and others were shunned and treated like we were trash.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
I do hope that members get told the unvarnished truth and they rise up to say that Rick and Lorena do not get paid and that charges are brought and that all involved in enabling this to go on and all involved in this type of behavior are exposed and are held accountable. Sorry for the run on sentence.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 years ago
Road to Damascus
Just a note to say that whenever blind obedience is required that should send up red flags. I think so many of us want to be accepted that we buy into the lie that says one can not question or voice concerns. Thank you reveal.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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