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7 years ago
I have known my now ex partner since we were 12 years old. We had an enduring friendship which last 25 years and many mutual friends whom we both remain in touch with. Our relationship changed to that of a romantic nature 18 months ago and it moved very quickly due to our shared histories. We did not have one argument and any disagreements were talked through. In April my now ex commenced a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
7 years ago
Hello, I know this post is an old one, however I have just had the exact same experience with my partner and I am struggling to comprehend how a once playful, respectful, thoughtful man has now become cold and callous, truly believing I am something that I am not. We had been friends since we were 12 before forming an intimate relationship 18 months ago. We have a 30 year history as we are now
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
7 years ago
The exact same thing has just happened to me. My bf of 18 months broke up with me on the phone, never wanting to see me again. We had been friends since we were 12, 30 years ago. I am heartbroken as he seems lost forever. He is still communicating with other people from our past so this hurts even more.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
7 years ago
Oh my gosh!! My now ex partner did this to me inky last week when we were breaking up. I had been in an intimate relationship with him for the last 18 months but have been close friends for essentially 18 months. He has just come off two days of the SELP course, the fifth weekend of training, and was being non sensicle. He was accusing me of being someone I'm not and that I say mean things.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
7 years ago
Hello MO, I am aware this post is hild, however this exact scenario has literally just happened to me. A man I have known since we were 14 years old - 27 years ago and whom I have loved and been in an intimate relationship for the last 18 months has left me abruptly after completing the SELP facilitated through his work. Our communication changed drastically after his second day. I could see
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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