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12 years ago
QuoteGloriaGHello all, I've just been sent a link about the latest Landmark con. They're now calling it Direct Access & its only 2 days but for the same money!! Just the usual puff with no sense of what any of this is about. For anyone thinking of getting involved. Please don't waste your money or time or emotional hope particularly if you are in a vulnerable sta
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
13 years ago
QuoteThe Anticultone can search Google for: "Celeste Erhard" Of course, the target for critical analysis is Werner Erhard, and his associates who have made, and continue to make millions and millions of dollars from est to Landmark, and all the offshoots. This brings a question to mind; when an enthusiastic landmarker decides to begin their own 'self- help' business ba
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
I'm so glad you started a thread about Andrew Cohen, thank you Corboy! I know a few people who need to see this, badly.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
14 years ago
nettie, to take on Landmark education at any level is to engage in the very war you don't want. A single word, a single phrase that comes from a Lekkie to those who are in fact a declaration of war. My one time friend who became a hard core lekkie sent me a message just yesterday stating something like "xxxx I want to share something with you that touched me in a very per
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Quotepsychological damageMy ex-bf told me about leader who killed his wife the day i did my landmark forum, not even that would stop me. is it stopping you now?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
Quoteitsashame"elena Remember, these cults/groups are adept at worming their way in to whatever is most important to you and whatever frightens you the most. Once they know this, and participants offer this information up quite easily, they can twist and twist you psychologically until you are all tied up in knots. Which is exactly what they want. At that point you are theirs to manipulate.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
14 years ago
QuoteMeadowI just found out that within the BK circles the word is going around that some crazy lady from Europe is spreading lies about Katie. the only crazy lady spreading lies about anything is Katie herself.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
talk about the fox guarding the hen house! What's next??
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
QuoteelenaWhere are the super-slick Landmark "masters?" the "masters" are bottom feeding as trained to do, the "masters in-training" are standing in front of mirrors chanting "mirror mirror on the wall..." basically, they're all off somewhere practicing up to be like their perceived master Werner, the most spineless one of all. "send a grown
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteAmheberaNo. And it's funny how lynch mobish this forum can be. I've decided the best bet is to simply not take this seriously. if you think this is 'lynch mobish', try stating openly to Landmark that you think their practices are abusive in any way at all, or just call the Landmark Forum a big scamming money grab publicly, and you will see how a real lynch mob opera
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
I'm having trouble believing Amhebera is a newbie Landmark grad. Amhebera is a bit too smooth and polished in their comments to be a zealous newbie. I'm thinking Amhebera has been to a few more than just one forum. I'd go so far as to guess that he/she has probably sat in the back of the room, as a volunteer, taking notes monitoring the real newbies, with the trademark lekkie plast
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
After spending much of my adult life trying to recover from a very harsh upbringing with great emotional, spiritual, and physical traumas, I've concluded that one does not need to have been ripped apart in the claws of a cult to know and understand the desperation of that seeming insatiable need for peace, and direction in all levels. My first encounter with a sense of feeling g
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
15 years ago
Quoteelena... Amazing that this uneducated and inarticulate third-rate intellect continues to inspire the slavering devotion of his pathetic little group of fans. (But not so amazing when you think of the other clowns, like Rush Limbo, who have accomplished the same thing.) Ellen speaking of Rush L., looks like he's found a solid opportunity to prove himself in the ring with a
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteJohn FoxFound it. Part two of Werner Erhard Exposed on YouTube. John wow. Erhard is sicker and more cruel than I ever imagined. I truly hope that some of his following and 'friends' will find a way to view the videos with some objectivity and just hear the story out. Of course if they view it as a 'story' they will deny its truthfulness, and how clever of this crimi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuotecaligariHarvard's The Center for Public Leadership, in association with The Ken Blanchard Companies, hosted the latest Conversation on Leadership to address the pending election through "Leadership and the Next Presidency." video at 3:20: photos: IMHO, President Barack Obama and 'Werner Erhard' can't realistically be seen in the same sentence, r
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteHopeON2 LF, There have been many great informational posts over the years on these threads, but the one you just posted is probably the most profound I've read regarding Religion v. Landmark. Hope Ideally, SeanK, or at least one person who thinks as he does, will come to recognize and appreciate how fundamentally different Landmark and Religion are, on more than one level.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
Quoteno friend of landmarkThe Church, Temple and Mosques give to the poor, feed the homeless, run soup kitchens, fund hospitals, etc. Landmark does what with the money they get????? great question for someone who reasons as seanK does, but I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer. My lekkie friend used to recite the exact words of SeanK to me about how landmark and churches are the
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
I agree grub, these characters need to get a new defense or something...they're not even thoughtful in how they continue to lean on their long over quoted "94%" approval rate. In the article from the Bangkok Post, McNamara states, "Unfortunately, Mr Lock neglected to mention that, while he had never participated in the programme, numerous health professionals and educators
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteelenaQuotejohnc925Greetings, I'm a new graduate to the second level (Realize) program. Do you personally call yourself "graduate" or are you accepting the corporation's label and manipulative form of implied status elevation? Do you think people outside the group would or might call you "graduate" in the sense of "college graduate" or "hig
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
all I mean is..when I think of this film being filmed in the almost too perfectly staged scenario of Landmark 'glory' or satire--- I can just 'hear' the eery voice of the female vocalist in the theme to 'Black Hawk Down' (with Hans Zimmer), wailing inaudibly in the back ground....but that's just my perception on any work 'well done' in the name of, or
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteThe AnticultBut the first impression seems to be a Landmarkian with an attitude of "I am too clever to fall into the culty stuff". The "I am too clever to fall into a cult" attitude is just the first delusion Landmarkians have fallen into..after that, the possibilities are endless. I checked out some of her videos on YT and found one almost funny, but I quit smiling wh
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
seems to me that BK, ET, and Werner are all getting up there in years...hope they're listening in! In case they are: never say never, and recall that you are still a mere mortal like the rest of us, and you're aging fast...
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
QuotecorboySo anyone who can take these common and frightening images and link them to a story has tapped right in to a current of silent terror that affects many of us. Excellent point. I can see how a person is just a sitting duck for the likes of BK or ET if that person is not consciously aware of what their deepest fears are. That's scary. Its as though the protective mechanism tha
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
QuoteMakeupI am sorry that I did not write sooner. I have been so tired from fighting with him about going to the Landmark & like I said in my earlier post... I isolate when things get bad. I am so naive to think that he would just go & it would be the end of it after this weekend to keep his job & he promised him a raise too. The damn almighty dollar! I just read that one of the thi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuotecorboyAnd that, friends, is truly....The Secret. agreed, 100%! Your summary of 'the secret' is much more accurate than the version that has sold for close to half a billion dollars in the past couple of years. Unfortunately however, the gurus, the hucksters, and the opportunistic vipers will continue to flourish and mutate in our midst...wherever we are. They will read, analyz
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
QuoteVegiegardenerHi all I am curious to know about LEBD/Vanto, and wondering which companies they have got their tentacles into. Has anyone else noticed any patterns in this regard? Looking at the list on the Vanto website, it looks like they've got their tentacles well into the energy industry. Has anyone else thought this? If I'm correct, this could explain why a good percenta
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
corboy, I truly admire, and sometimes envy your ability to speak/write how you think..nothing gets lost in the translation :) where you say, "If someone is very, very charming--dare to ask 'Why is so and so not content just to be human. Why is he or she putting out this kind of effort?", I believe that it is just a natural human thing to say, do, or put effort into something, a
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
15 years ago
QuoteamelyQuoteON2 LF I've learned to recognize that the conmen/women all have a basic generic approach, and even emit the same 'vibe' if you will, when they are running their game. Of course, most have a different line, different angle, or a different expectation, but it seems that as long as they are working you, they all have the same appearance and sound. Any tips on recogni
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
15 years ago
QuoteamelyI read in Cults in our Midst that it's common for people recovering from cults to distrust groups and people, depending on their experiences. It also happens that some people who leave cults end up in another one. I've gotten to the point where I don't like engaging in conversations with people, because I don't trust what I'll end up saying and what my conve
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
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