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4 years ago
I am an American living in a Spanish-speaking country south of the border. I am surprised not only by the restrictions but how quickly people have given into the fear and control. We have to wear a facemask when we leave the house. Only one person can drive in a car unless taking someone to the hospital. There are police checkpoints everywhere and many streets are closed. There is a weird dystopi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
4 years ago
Feldenkrais might not be a cult as defined by Rick Ross and others. But it looks like there are many allegations of sexual harassment and abuse as outlined by this website: I have done a fair amount of Feldenkrais myself. And I enjoy it. It's kind of like a very gentle and effective Yoga. And I always feel relaxed and centered after doing it. Even so, the allegations of harassment tow
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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