Re: The Cult of Coronavirus?
Date: June 17, 2020 01:18AM
kdag Wrote:
> Well, there's science, and then there's what
> people will tolerate. There are also cultural
> differences. The Japanese have been wearing masks
> for years, so that's no big deal to them, but they
> don't like having their businesses shut down. In
> the U.S., not only do we have people refusing to
> wear masks, but some of them move through the
> grocery store without regard for social
> distancing.
True, very true, all of these are factors to consider.
Another question to ponder, if the virus (new strain of flu, which will likely follow other flu strains in life span and remain with humanity) is as dangerous to all as posed (I mean as dangerous enough to shut the entire economy down, aside from supermarkets) why has widespread antibody testing not been put into place as well as testing symptom presenting individuals?
It will be interesting to see what happens in the upcoming months, especially with concerns to public gatherings which as you say, have been the usual.
Personally, I believe that antibody testing would reveal that this strain has been around for many years previously, yet not quite as widespread so it remained largely undiscovered / unrecognised.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2020 01:27AM by facet.